What’s the stupidest thing you’ve read today?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Where to begin and where to end!? The well of stupidity reaches great depths …
I guess this is from yesterday, but I read it today. Bill O’Reilly:
“[Y]ou can see that taxes are through the roof on affluent Americans and business profits. But for the rest of Americans, things are not so bad.”
People will suffer and die needlessly because our political process, in response to the prevailing American culture, is utterly dismissive of people who have low incomes and low assets. That’s Super Stupid.
This is one area where the two Parties aren’t different enough. If more poor people voted, it would most definitely be different. But there’s real, structural roadblocks to them doing so, not just voter ID laws, and they’re increasing by the day.
The Democrats are significantly different from the Republicans on voting rights, at least. But on a day like today, that doesn’t seem enough.
If they don’t want to suffer and die, they should be more deserving of high incomes.
Any and ALL RW comments on any article. DOes not take long to see the RW paid for comments.
Fox airing the dead grandfather’s obit that asked friends and family not to vote for Hillary.
Nah, I gotta go with a smart piece that needs to be read. From Balkinization the piece of the same sex marriage argument that’s been missing…it’s about gender, stupid!
Michelle Bachmann has apparently not died from staring upwards during a rain storm.
Instead, she has offered sincere thanks to Obama for hastening the apocalypse. My source is NOT the Onion:
The GOP wants women who are raped to stay raped the rest of their lives.
It’s so nice that they advocate open carry as well.
Welcome to Gilead.
From Dana Milbank at the Washington Post:
“To wit: Legalizing same-sex marriage devalues marriage and causes fewer heterosexual couples to marry, which leads to a larger number of unmarried women, who have abortions at higher rates than married women. As a result, Schaerr wrote, ‘nearly 900,000 more children of the next generation would be aborted as a result of their mothers never marrying. This is equal to the entire population of the cities of Sacramento and Atlanta combined.'”
I’m in Indiana. Need you ask?
I’ll let you know as soon as I write it.
Well, this is one of the funniest things I’ve read today…