I know that there are people in the world for whom Ben Carson has been an important, even life-altering, inspiration. I respect that. I really do. And I’ve wondered about how those people are dealing with Carson’s transformation into a buffoon. Someone finally got around to writing an article about this, and I guess too much time has passed by because I no longer care.

After all, I remember the late 1980’s when Donald Trump inspired countless people to go into business. Those days are so far in my rearview mirror that we might as well talk about horses and buggies.

Fools are fools and grifters are grifters. If this is a story about disappointment, well, we all get disappointed from time to time by people whom we once respected and idolized. There are people in the world who are rich today because they read Donald Trump’s book and it motivated them. There are people who listened to Ben Carson talk about his path to becoming a great neurosurgeon who are now great neurosurgeons themselves because his example gave them strength and courage.

Yet, when we look at these two aspiring Republican presidential contenders today, all we see is something more depressing than a bad joke.