Islamophobia hides behind the PR slogan of “free speech.” The group it represents are focused to incite hatred and does not represent any of our 4 freedoms. The “art event” that sparked the attack by two gunmen yesterday in Garland, Texas.
“Islam debate returns to Garland ISD’s Culwell Center with Muhammad art event”
Hundreds protested the “Stand With the Prophet in Honor and Respect” [cached] event held at the Culwell Center in January. For the second time this year, free speech and religious liberties are colliding at Garland ISD’s Curtis Culwell Center.
Opponents say the American Freedom Defense Initiative‘s Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest on Sunday will be an attack on Islam. But its organizers, who booked the event after a controversial pro-Islamic event used the center in January, say they are simply exercising their right of expression.
The contest, which is offering a top prize of $10,000, has received about 350 entries depicting Muhammad. But caricatures of the Islamic prophet are considered offensive by many Muslims.
In January, a French newspaper that published such cartoons was attacked by terrorists and 12 people died. As part of its contract with the district, the American Freedom Defense Initiative has paid $10,000 for extra security — nearly $50 for each of about 200 tickets that have been purchased so far. That cost doesn’t include private security the group is employing.
“It does speak to the world at large that we have to have this intense security around this art exhibit,” organizer Pamela Geller said in February. “That’s all it is … an art exhibit and a cartoon contest.” Geller’s New York-based group booked the Curtis Culwell Center after it was the location for Sound Vision Foundation’s Stand With the Prophet in Honor and Respect event.
That pro-Islamic program drew hundreds of protesters in January. Some critics complained that the school district should not have permitted the event, but officials said they were required to follow a nondiscriminatory leasing policy.
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Pictures - Americans counter-rally Islamic event in Garland, Tx (Courtesy 2MBTDC)[Text on one of the signs: “Protect our kids from Islam and GISD“]
A new baseline After Garland police offered assurances that adequate security could be provided, the district accepted the American Freedom Defense Initiative’s deposit for Sunday’s event.
In the past, large events such as graduations and athletic events at the Culwell Center have been staffed by off-duty Garland police. But the protest in January set a new baseline, police spokesman Joe Harn said. “We went to work with GISD and set up a plan, outlined what we felt like needed to be done, along with things they had available and things they used in January,” he said. “The guys that will be out there will be off-duty officers, just like regularly.
But we made suggestions to what we thought the security setup should be.” Controlling entrances and exits, using barricades and establishing a media area were effective in January, he said. The police do not see a need to issue a warning about the event at the center, which is near stores, hotels and Bush Turnpike, Harn said.
“If we felt there was any kind of security risk on the outside of that event, we would certainly let folks know and take what measures we needed to,” he said.
But some Garland residents raised concerns last week with the City Council about potential risks. Other worries are likely to be brought up at the school board’s meeting Tuesday. “Do we want to be involved with this type of rhetoric?” Lena Griffin asked the council. “It is not an issue of free speech but clearly one of public safety.”
My previous diaries about Islamophobia and the organization Fear Inc. …
○ The Attack Everyone Expected to Happen In the USA
○ Geert Wilders a Likudnik sponsored by Daniel Pipes
○ Heartland America for conservative women – 2MBTDC
“We at 2 Million Bikers to D.C. believe in God, Country, our Constitution and ALL our Bill of Rights as written by our Founding Fathers. It’s our vision to shine the light of truth and give hope by participating in events that feature God, Veterans, The Constitution and pride in our American core Values and Beliefs.”
Americans counter-rally Islamic event against ‘Islamaphobes’ in Garland, Texas (Courtesy of 2MBTDC)
Pam Geller is Our Very Own Pastor Terry Jones | Tikun Olam |
Continued below the fold …
Pam Geller is Our Very Own Pastor Terry Jones | Tikun Olam |
Pam Geller is basking in her hour of glory. She’s finally done something so odious, so revolting, and so offensive, that someone equally lunatic has been moved to respond in the manner she devoutly wished. In the midst of a weekend Islamophobe convention in Garland, TX, at which she planned to give $10,000 to the “artist” who created the most disgusting image of the Prophet possible, two gunmen drove up to the hall and opened fire. The forty police officers for whom the city of Garland forced Geller to pay $10,000, to protect her from such nutcases, opened fire and the gunmen were raised to their own heavenly reward.
The image of a heavily armed Texas SWAT team protecting Pam Geller from a Muslim hit squad is like manna from heaven for her. It’s what she wants to turn the U.S. into as far as Islam is concerned. Arrest Muslims, put them in concentration camps, like her friend David Yerushalmi advocates. Turn this country into a militarized state which hunts down Muslims or turns them into “good” Americans.
Geller is no doubt declaiming to the world media that her PhobeFest was a shrine of devotion to free speech. That what she was doing was in the finest tradition of our sacred First Amendment. It’s all a sack of (&$*. Geller has been poking the bear for years hoping for this sort of response. Now she has it. She was the Jewish version of Pastor Terry Jones. He burned Qurans, she insulted the Prophet.
Now, she’s created a Muslim version of Anders Breivik. She’s become Theo Van Gogh without having to die in the process.
Years ago I wrote this Paean to Pam. It’s worth rereading.
As with the Westboro Baptist hatemongers, we have no choice but to tolerate the anti-Muslim hatemongers as long as they restrict themselves to speech. Hate burns too hot for the vast majority of people to join such groups. That’s a major reason why they never grow much beyond being a fringe group and soon enough begin to get smaller and smaller.
You clearly underestimate the spread and increase of Islamophobia across Europe. As I predicted in the early phase of the Iraq War, blowback will come to the western world. Not just George W. Bush with his invasion of Iraq causing destabilization in the Middle East, but even more so the NATO invoked regime change in Libya and Syria under the Obama administration has caused great upheaval. The millions of refugees have spread not only to neighboring states but also a million Syrians will seek asylum in the European Union. This just adds fuel to the fire of Islamophobia and hatred of immigrants. His one man and one issue party PVV is on the verge to become the leading party by the next election in The Netherlands. The Dutch makeover becoming one of the most intolerant nations is just about complete.
See also the opinion of Richard Silverstein on the strength of Islamophobia.
○ Dutch opinion polls showing the PVV in a tight race for the top spot and in 2010.
Was only speaking on the issue of free speech and only in the US.
Not surprising that Islamophobia would be growing in Europe. Not enough Jews left for them to focus their fear and hate on this time they feel insecure. They were fine with all those Muslim immigrants as long as they did the dirtiest and worse paying jobs and kept quiet about their religion.
[Links added are mine – Oui]
○ Dutch Intolerance Returns to New Amsterdam on 9/11
○ Artist Uses Muslim Superhero To Battle Anti-Islam Bus Ads
See my diary – Jewish State of Israel Run by Islamophobes.