What’s the stupidest thing you’ve read today?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Official web site of the Masonic Fraternal Police Department.
What’s the problem?
I guess just that the Knights Templar weren’t really founded in 1,100 BC?
New Surface 3 tablet now out, with the hated Windows 8.1, at a mere $499.00. Keyboard is extra. Not a recipe for success.
Hands down, it was the “11.78%” on our Board of Elections website.
That was the turnout in local elections here yesterday. School levies, library levies and fire/rescue levies. Barely 1 in 10 showed up at the polls. And they were largely seniors and Tea Partiers showing up to shit on as many of our local institutions as possible. What a fucking wonderful community we have here.
Why do seniors want to shit on your local institutions?
Why should I pay for schools, my kids are grown up?”
To be fair, I should not generalize so broadly when it comes to older folks. There are a lot who support schools. But there is a significant segment who don’t feel that one dime more should be spent on school funding. And they show up to vote with tremendous regularity.
Because they got theirs, Jack, fuck off.
There’s a school district in AZ with a ginormous Del Webb retirement community (Old radio jingle included the words ‘That Green Valley Grin!” to which we invariably added “…is rigor mortis setting in!”) that hasn’t passed a school bond issue in decades because ‘We don’t want our taxes going up!!!”
Selfish shitheels spend all their working years contributing to the infrastructure where they lived, then retire to AZ and become teabaggers whining about the horrible horrible high taxes and voting in lunatics like Sylvia Allen and Judy Burges who represents another infestation of entitled old fucks in Sun City, yet Another Del Webb abomination…
Pat yourselves on the back. You’re better than the Staten Islanders and a couple of Brookynites who turned out at a rate of 10.6% to elect their new congressman (R) Dan Donovan, the district attorney who refused to prosecute the murderer of Eric Garner.
Gotta be all this crap coming from elected members of Congress, Governor Abbott and others in the conservative movement about Wal-Mart’s conspiracy with the U.S. military and The Muslim Usurper in Our WHITE House to stage a military takeover of Texas.
The Republican Party is now, fully and truly, the Birch Party. Way to conduct that voter outreach, Republikkkans!
Plus we’re still coming around to confiscate all their firearms. We’ve just been very busy.
That Obama has not sent the black helicopters crew to take away their guns is PROOF that he isn’t planning on leaving the White House in 2017. The lawless Obummer is going to wait to install martial law after the Republicans win the 2016 POTUS election so he can keep his power.
Wingnut thinking is hard on my brain…
From the recently broadcast Dick Cavett’s Vietnam on PBS, in the first two minutes preview where author Mark Lane is having a spirited exchange with some RWNJ backer of the war (ca 1970) and free fire zones. Lane: That means women and children? RWNJ (enthusiastically): Yes. Kill anything that wriggles.
Equally stupid: From same show, Cavett asks Sen Barry Goldwater whether he likes our bombing program. BG: No because we aren’t doing enough of it.
Highly recommended viewing. Far better to spend an hour of your time with the Cavett doc than the disappointing Rory Kennedy one.
Only got through the first fifteen minutes of the Rory Kennedy documentary because with each minute my anger level was rising. The US management of the end was as atrocious as the beginning and middle, but not even the atrociousness on the part of the US was evident from the documentary.
Not to excuse her, but I suppose if RK had made a doc a little more radical and contra the US political establishment it wouldn’t have been broadcast on today’s PBS. Or would have been shown only in a few outlets late at night. I do not know if her initial funding came through regular PBS channels, but it has the looks of it.
And I suppose if she’d made the sort of doc on VN the way I would have wanted — digging into how we suddenly escalated over there in 64-5 — she would have been accused of bias because of her uncle the president.
But thank goodness for Cavett and all those great guests and topics he had. What a treasure. Just wish they’d shown a longer excerpt or two, particularly the Mark Lane appearance.
The Cavett documentary isn’t available except by purchase only. Newsday ‘Dick Cavett’s Vietnam’ review: Glaring omissions
I was able to watch the Cavett doc online yesterday for free on my first attempt at the website cited above. Maybe there’s a longer Cavett Cut version that’s only available by purchase? That one I would buy as it no doubt would have longer excerpts and maybe some interesting backstories.
Pretty harsh judgment by the Newsday reviewer, but I had a similar complaint about too-brief excerpts. The doc makers had a tight time format to fit into a network schedule, and Cavett had too many guests sounding off on the issue. So be it.
What I’d like though is to have all the 4+ seasons of his ABC show available online either for free or for reasonable $, but to my knowledge this isn’t the case. He had some major intellectual/political/cultural figures of the time, on a weekly basis, but as yet I’ve only seen a few of the episodes made available.
What a great show. Sadly, it came on late at night for me, was 90 minutes, and I was in school at the time and we didn’t have tv’s in the dorms back then. So I probably saw only 10% at best of the shows when originally aired.
Yes, guess the truth is too radical for PBS these days. Fascinating to recall that Cavett could speak the truth more easily on ABC decades ago than is permitted on PBS today. Not that it was easy back then as Don North reminds us in The War Over The Vietnam War
What North didn’t state is that a large number of reporters back then did try to ferret out and tell the truth. Today, not so much.
Probably true generally, esp print reporters. Network reporters, CBS most notably, did some good early reporting (1965), but word came back from their superiors that negative coverage would not make it on air, so most played it safe to keep their jobs.
Public debates in the media over the war in the 1966-68 period as I recall mostly occurred on late night chat shows (Les Crane on ABC), radio talk shows, and on the Bill Buckley Firing Line on PBS. So there were some outlets for dissent outside of academia, just not enough and not in the time slots to sway the public earlier in the war.
I think the Johnson WH was very effective, Lyndon and Moyers, using their sway with network execs, to tamp down dissent sufficiently, until Uncle Walter sounded off in 68.