Hasn’t Ben Carson already destroyed his reputation? It seems assured to me that he’ll be remembered as “the GOP’s latest black mascot, a court jester, a minstrel show.”
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Where I live, there was a group of local businesses who got together to form some sort of Republican co-op. If you used their services, they contributed to the Republican Party and they advertised as such. Maybe it was nationwide, but I know it was here in town.
The program flopped and the businesses quickly dispersed. Personally, I vowed to never hire anyone who would be part of a group that advertised their work based on their politics. I wouldn’t hire that plumber now if he was the only one in town.
So maybe Carson will lose potential clients based on his clumsy, pathetic attempt to move forward in his party. He’s just crapped his own bed.
So maybe Carson will lose potential clients based on his clumsy, pathetic attempt to move forward in his party.
Carson has retired from medical practice.
I would guess that once he started showing evidence of RWNJ crazy, his colleagues at Hopkins were just as happy.
I think Rubio could be a similar fig-leaf to the racists and xenophobes. Cruz is just fucking nutty, so doesn’t count.
Just like me, Charley knows how to call a Spade a Spade.
Just the facts, MAMM
OH, also, according to Conservative Reublican, Charlie and I are RACISTS, pointing out Racism where there really isn’t. Have I got a bridge to nowhere in Alaska..
Oct 10, 2011,, Politics With Charles P. Pierce,,The GOP Is Not Giving Up 50 Years of Bigotry for This Guy
Herman, Ben, BOTH successful men in their field, and total IDIOTS when it comes to reality!
I always laugh when I read this Charlie!
early onset Alzheimer’s.
Perhaps some brain doctor should look into it.
Perhaps a brain doctor has looked into it and prescribed running for POTUS.
More doctors are known to self-diagnose and treat themselves than lawyers hiring themselves when indicted or sued.
You have a point.
Particularly when having a lobotomy is a requirement for seeking the GOP nomination, Dr. Ben is uniquely qualified to “vet” the other candidates.
I wonder how much he is being paid by the GOP to run?He does not appear to be the civic minded type to do what he is doing. He appears to be the type that is going to ask first what is in it for me.
Out of character for Seventh Day Adventists. Unlike Mormons (in my experience with people of both religions), they don’t proselytize their religion. They promote healthy lifestyle, including healthy diet (similar to what Michael Pollen recommends but they’ve been doing so for more than a century), and are active participants in science based medicine. On a monthly or bi-monthly basis, the SDA church near me holds a free Sunday breakfast.
Laurie Penny on the UK election I think has a bit of relevance here.
It’s a good article.
Dr. Stepin Fetchit is crying all the way to the bank. He is in it only for the money.