Sometimes the headline and dek are so good that there’s simply no way for the article to live up to expectations.
Oh, the article is funny enough, but it really doesn’t get deep into the weeds of this world-historic sermon, perhaps because Mother Jones only discovered a partial recording.
Of course, the fact that a Southern Baptist minister didn’t like the idea of Dallas/Ft. Worth theaters showing a blasphemous movie isn’t surprising, and the pro-Monty Python vote was never going to support a Republican anyway (it’s art, people). On the other hand, if you add up all the people who drink alcohol and watch porn, you’ve pretty much covered the biggest male swing-vote demographic in the country.
If the electorate starts watching Huckabee’s sermons on the evils of drunk men watching people have sex, you’ll be able to count his votes with your free hand.
Uhhh, the largest national consumers of porn are largely quite red.
True, the least alcoholic states in the country are deep red bible-belt states. They’re also generally poverty-stricken hellholes.
Coincidence? I think not! 🙂
I think the Huckster might do quite well in his deep base with railing against porn&alcohol, but the rest of the country will look at him like he’s a raving lunatic.
I was shaking off my fundy phase about this time. I had gone to the big city to see Life of Brian, and some acquaintances knew that now that it was time for the movie to be shown in my little backwater college town. My church friends had been meeting and discussing whether or not to picket the movie, and somebody thought they should ask me.
The call caught me a little off guard, but I told them they should just forget the picket, they’d only embarrass themselves. The movie, I said, depicted Jesus a couple of times, and both of them in the best cinematic traditions we all had come to expect by 1979.
I don’t know if my opinion was dispositive, but they wound up not picketing and the Republic was once again saved.