Month: May 2015

Catholic Republicans and the Catholic Vote

I can see how some might see Pope Francis as something of a radical leftist, at least in areas that don’t touch too directly on the central tenets of the Catholic faith. I hope it’s the case that he’s less of a...

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Maureen Dowd the Humble Irish Maid

Maureen Dowd recently discovered that if you make Uber drivers wait an inordinately long time after they’ve arrived to pick you up they will give you a low rating which makes future Uber drivers less inclined to pick you...

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Today, Remember the Warmongers

The way that some people talk, it’s easy to forget that today is not Veteran’s Day. It is Memorial Day, which is a day in which we would go put flowers on the graves of our loved ones who died in war if we had any...

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Sen. Sanders: ‘TPP Must Be Defeated’

SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS: THE TRANS-PACIFIC TRADE (TPP) AGREEMENT MUST BE DEFEATED  [pdf] The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a disastrous trade agreement designed to protect the interests of the largest multi-national...

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