Month: May 2015

Saturday Painting Palooza Vol.510

Hello again painting fans. This week I will be continuing with the painting of the brick Victorian house.  The photo I am using is seen directly below.  I will be using my usual acrylics on an 10 by 10 inch...

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What is McConnell Trying to Do?

It’s easy to get confused by the swirling politics surrounding the Patriot Act, the NSA, and the USA Freedom Act. Earlier in May, the White House gave its stamp of approval to the USA Freedom Act, saying that it...

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Ireland votes for marriage equality

It looks like Ireland has voted with a very high turn-out to include a specific provision to legalize same sex marriage in its constitution in the first vote of its kind in the world. Early tallies indicate that the YES side is...

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Cops Attack Student Art Exhibit

Many, many police officers and their supporters are going ape shit very upset at a group of student artists at Westfield High School in New Jersey for daring to exhibit their artwork. Why? Because the art in question is based on...

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The TPP is in Trouble

You may have heard that the U.S. Senate passed a bill last night that gives the president fast-track (or trade promotion) authority on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement. I wouldn’t assume, however, that this...

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