My understanding of Senate procedure used to come in handy. But it’s not a very interesting asset anymore because there isn’t anything happening in Congress worth paying attention to. At least, there aren’t any bills that you or I particularly care about to discuss and there aren’t any appointments moving through.

There are still things to understand about what’s happening in Congress. But these things are mainly about how many different ways there are to describe getting your ship caught up on the shoals or driving your car over a cliff.

What happens if Congress fails to do x, y, or z in a timely manner?

I remember when we were all trying to figure out how to add transparency to the subcommittee hearing process. But those days are long gone. They perished with the 2010 midterms and the loss of Democratic control of both chambers of Congress.

This current state of affairs is not only dispiriting…it makes me feel a little useless.