There is something quite satisfying but still vaguely disconcerting about how the Republican National Committee has devolved into a largely impotent organization. Things have been out of whack for a while but I think they’re coming to a head.
Consider a simple fact. On paper, at least, Michael Steele was the most successful RNC chairman in living memory. He presided over the stunning 2010 midterm elections and was promptly fired for what everyone seemed to agree was gross incompetence. The strange part is that he was grossly incompetent and he totally deserved to get fired. All you need to know is that he landed at MSNBC within a few months of losing his job.
The whole incident was an early indication that some of the old rules were breaking down. That became much clearer during the 2012 primaries when Mitt Romney couldn’t shake off lightweights like Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich because they had billionaire sugar daddies funding their shell-campaigns.
The RNC struggled to control the process from start to finish. When it was over, they were traumatized enough to make a determination that things would be different this time. They’d get the states to follow a better primary schedule. They’d figure out how to actually count the votes in Iowa, Maine, and other contests. They’d have fewer clown candidates competing in fewer clown debates.
I’m not sure that it’s working out the way that they hoped it would.
To be fair, there really isn’t any fair and sensible way to accommodate a couple dozen contenders for the Republican nomination. But there are reasons that there are a couple dozen contenders for the Republican nomination. We could make a very long list of reasons.
The most obvious is that the Bush/Cheney years were such an unmitigated fiasco that they left a black hole in their wake from which no leadership could emerge. Anyone with any experience was discredited. The more of an expert you wanted to be on the economy or foreign policy, the more of a dunce you looked like to all sentient human beings.
In any case, there was no heir apparent and McCain and Romney fell flat on their faces. What we got instead of leadership was a collective primal cry of pain and blame shifting that manifested itself in the modern Know-Nothing Tea Party Movement and Mitch McConnell’s strategy of maximal nihilistic opposition.
But this only explains the reason that no one could emerge with any credibility. That the Republican Establishment is back with another Bush tells you just how empty the legitimate well of talent had become.
That Jeb Bush is running around the country raising money while pretending not to be a candidate for the office just shows how out of touch he is. You don’t need to raise money that way anymore. First of all, half the point of raising the money is to scare off most of the competition. That obviously no longer works.
Secondly, why raise money the old-fashioned way from dozens of Pioneers or Rangers or Super Rangers or Mavericks or whatever you want to call those middling rich people? Why not just have some casino magnate fund all your plane travel and motel expenses? Let some third-party PAC’s handle your ad campaign.
You can tell that Jeb Bush hasn’t won an election since 2002. And he’s quickly finding out that having more money than anyone else doesn’t really mean dick anymore, which means that being moderately rich can’t buy you a nominee anymore.
Not that political surveys mean much at this point, but Jeb really ought to be doing better than 11.3% in the aggregate of polls. When nearly 90% of Republican poll responders prefer someone else, you’re not dominating the field.
And, so, how can you tell the RNC what to do? And how can the RNC rationalize smoothing your path over Ben Carson (9.0%) or Ted Cruz (7.7%)?
You’re going to have to debate these assholes, and possibly more than a dozen other jokers who have no pedigree whatsoever and haven’t seen Kennebunkport even with rented binoculars.
The RNC can’t do a thing about any of this, which is why Fox News wanted to step into the breach and winnow the field. Yet, their first efforts failed miserably and they’ve beaten an immediate retreat.
Theoretically, the Democrats could find themselves bedeviled by the same shifting winds, but for all their faults they appear to be setting themselves up for an orderly campaign that won’t meaningfully differ all that much from prior campaigns. There’s a strong frontrunner and a few token challengers to keep her honest. No one is arguing about the primary schedule and the complaints about debates are the same complaints we always here from folks who are behind in the polls: “give us more of them!”
I think Charles Pierce’s advice isn’t bad:
So, I have a modest proposal before everything gets completely out of hand and we find Carly Fiorina and Ben Carson pitching blenders against each other on QVC. Why is it necessary at this point to have a formal Republican party structure at all? The RNC can’t control the size of the field, because any breathing primate who knows a friendly gozillionnaire can stay alive through the entire process. The RNC can’t control the debates, because the interests of [Fox News] and/or the Union-Leader are treated within the conservative movement especially as being equal or superior to the party’s interest in an orderly process. Times have changed…
…Change the formal Republican party to a purely advisory institution, a benign logistical clearing house, helpful but not vital. If candidates and media institutions are going to go their own ways anyway, let them do it. Make sure the RNC is there when they need it — to offer advice and book the halls and, at least at the start, organize the convention — but make sure everybody understands that it has no real authority.
The thing is, it’s not just the RNC that has no authority. For years now, we’ve seen that even Speaker of the House John Boehner has no juice. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell can’t do a thing with that august body. No one cares what Reince Priebus has to say. Jeb can’t scare away Mike Huckabee, let alone Lindsey Graham.
It’s just a vortex of stupid that is devouring everything in its path. The architects of this vortex are as varied as Karl Rove, Alberto Gonzales and Regent University jurisprudence, neoconservative foreign policy, the mighty right-wing media wurlitzer, the campaign finance laws, the lack of any accountability for anything ever, the things defending torture does to the human spirit and the brain, the folks who will pay any price to keep science from interfering with their bottom line, what happens when you have to lower your standards to make Ed Meese and Sarah Palin acceptable…
There are so many architects. Grover Norquist and Ralph Reed and Bill Kristol and Lee Atwater and fucking Donald Segretti if you want to get down to it.
This is what happens when virtually every malevolent force in the country is allowed to pursue their path in an uncoordinated way, chipping, chipping, chipping away at the institutions of the country and the decency of everyday folks.
It doesn’t end in the glorious victory of the Conservative Revolution. It ends in chaos and confusion.
One of our two allowed political parties is defunct and yet somehow controls Congress and most of the states.
Almost unbelievably and despite their remarkable electoral successes, they need to be fired just like Michael Steele…before they really win something.
It sounds as if they’re taking that laissez-faire free market thing a little too seriously.
They control the country because they are unified around one thing, hatred of us.
That said I wish the Democratic institutions were weaker.
Be careful what you wish for, as they say.
Institutionally, they are weak. Except for the brief period from 2005-2008, they’ve been controlled by team Clinton. And Democrats seem to be oblivious of the results — both as to controlling political power and almost complete capitulation to a conservative agenda.
The dynamics in the GOP over the past thirty odd years has been different from the DEM since 1992. They welcomed all the crazies that could win in down ticket races with total confidence that they would always bow to those at the top. What they lost in the bargain is feeder stock for the top.
The DEM strategy has been to purge traditional Democrats. And in down ticket races, DLC Democrats don’t fare well except in very “blue” districts. And sometimes not even well in those either. Why do IL and MD have GOP governors? The DEM bench for promotion to GOV, Senate, POTUS is now limited to the likes of Cuomo and Emmanuel. A restoration of the Clinton WH will only continue the trend.
They are strong enough to smash down challenges from less corporatist factions, which is what I was thinking of. Obama purged them right away in 2008.
Well, yes. If the perspective is limited to intra-party strength. However, inter-party strength is the real test. Political parties high in intra-strength — or all must walk in lockstep with a particular political orientation that isn’t open to questions, modifications, rethinking, etc. not authorized at the top and those that try are expelled leads to sclerotic and shrinking political parties. Money, lots of big money from gazillionaires that feel entitled to own government as a subsidiary of their other holdings, changes the dynamic and the political party becomes a vampire. Can’t die and constantly in need of more blood from the masses.
You’re right, no doubt. Iowa straw poll just cancelled for example. Unfortunately vampire parties supported by individuals seems to be enough for success and the party is just useful as a tribal identifier.
All that’s necessary when the partisan masses have allowed themselves to be reduced to engaging in 24/7 pie fights that they mistake for political discourse.
wrt the Iowa Straw Poll, it was like those child beauty contests that were once held where the winner was the one that sold or purchased the most tickets.
Who cares about the GOP. How did this happen to America? I have my list of offenders, but even that doesn’t matter. America has lost its way because the very idea of America is unsustainable. It imagines a coherent “melting pot” where none exists. The explosion of mass media followed by the disaster of social media has exposed the truth. America was never capable of working for the common good because there was never a real sense of common goals beyond the white community. There never was a melting pot except the one that melted white europeans together. It committed genocide against native americans, enslaved blacks, and more recently, imported millions of so-called illegal immigrants from central america.
What’s left is a corporate-owned militaristic super-power version of Yugoslavia held together, for a time, by a founding myth that is no longer compelling to anyone. We have come full circle… whereas in the 1780’s power was exercised by white landowners, today power is exercised by billionaire white corporate owners.
Who cares about the Republican National Committee? They are the least of our problems.
The solution… well, for my money it is a break up. At a time when even a liberal president has ramping up yet another campaign in a 30+ year long middle east war and supporting an indefensible bombing campaign in Yemen, there is little reason to think the US government anything worth saving.
Huh. You don’t say. Maybe that means they’re both defunct…
Yeah, when the Democratic Party can’t even compete against a party as screwed up as the current Republican Party, what does that say about Democrats?
Sure, low voter turnout, blah blah blah. But if people can’t easily see a huge contrast between Dems and and the human trainwrecks that run as Repubs these days, then maybe Dems aren’t being as much of a contrast as they think they are.
(Gee, I wonder (“‘strong’ frontrunner”, “token challengers”) why.)
Sure, the dysfunctional media, voter theft scams, and utterly shameless gerrymandering make it harder, but come on.
It’s almost like tribalism and hatred of “others” is a very strong attribute of humans that is hard to root out, especially when it is celebrated here in the heart of Empire.
The modern conservative project of the 1960s was predicated on defeating domestic socialism (and Eisenhower was labeled by the right-wing fringe of that movement as a communist, a fringe within which the Koch brothers’ daddy was a leader) by emulating the subversive tactics of the Soviet Communist Party. Ben Carson’s proposal for (essentially Republican Party) “secret shoppers” within every executive agency is the most recent idea to burp up from that tradition. Massive surveillance of citizens, militarized police, prison pipelines, propaganda news media–all these come out of that tradition. What that means is a continuous fight for control of the central committee (the RNC). And shoving it into more and more extreme positions.
Modern conservatism has never had popular support sufficient to mandate a conservative runaway government. Those most behind the modern conservative movement countered that unpopularity with money directly to highly ideological candidates because the central committed would tend to support only the current establishment. And money bought deceptive media, which metastasized after the Willie Horton ad’s success. So you have hard-right politicians being elected with deceptive campaigns and not beholding to the central committee at all. Unlike challenger Dems, who need the ooomph of a DCCC or DSCC or DNC infusion of cash as strategic points, Republican challengers have to find local, national, or international rich guys to fund their insurgencies.
Money directly to candidates has caused the withering of central committee control of candidates, unity campaigns, and party unity in both parties. It just has proceeded further in the RNC in the face of some stunning wins (for which the RNC did very little itself).
The devolution in both parties has been accelerated by the Citizens United decision. Unfortunately, because of the nature of that decision, it favors corporate-pandering and wealthy-pandering policies.
And so we see another outgrowth of Citizens United. For the Party that craved the money so that they could buy elections, the simple lesson is that billionaires themselves have agendas and favorites and each one can buy chaos. Their money has substituted for the development of policies that translate into good governing. They wished for money but what they got was a roomful of monied single-cause privateers, full stop.
In my living memory I once blamed everything GOP on Nixon, but now I’ve got a new boogeyman that Tricky D gave me. Here’s what the wiki says:
If you can bear a truly horrifying tale about our time in the USA, Russ Baker’s “Family Of Secrets – The Bush Dynasty, America’s Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years” is an eye-opener.
I’d say that in the past few decades, it has become increasingly clear to those who might run for public office that the really vital decisions made in the running of this country are not in the hands of elected officials. People who might actually want to make a difference have gone on to other endeavors, leaving only yammering weirdos like Louie Gohmert as candidates.
When there’s no one in the show but clowns, it’s gonna be a clown show.
Yes. This is what a sham political system fronting for an oligarchy looks like.
It is interesting that with more “information” available than ever and more diversity of voices than ever, we are more uninformed than ever. Maybe the tools of social media should be used to organize the clutter rather than just sell us on the latest scandal/stumble. Perhaps focus on the social impact of policy and who is benefitting to make the data points form a consumable picture of who is doing what for whom.
I come here for the political insights but this piece, though stating nothing particularly new, is nevertheless one of the most brilliant things I’ve seen in some time. I love the way it pulls together so many strands and does its best to make sense of the incomprehensible, all the while calling out the incomprehensibility of the great clown car that has taken over the Republican party. In a larger sense, it’s an indictment of humanity itself. It’s the brilliance of Douglas Adams and “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” rewritten as political commentary.
Blaming the GOP might be tasty meat for the believers, but it changes nothing. The two party system is a lush garden of grift, skillfully harvested by Republicans and Democrats alike.
Simple question: If the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress, would it make no difference?
You seriously think a one party state is a wise improvement? What could possibly go wrong???
Do you seriously think that’s what I meant?
Its not up to me to clarify what you meant. But maybe you’re on to something. So you’re cool with a two party state, but only as long as Democrats control when it matters and Republicans control when it doesn’t? Eureka!
I have to agree that sure is different than what we have now. It also sounds a lot like a one party state.
I think we’ve read enough to conclude you’re a troll [ a both-sides-do-it troll].
thanks Stephen for eliciting this info