Initiated by Booman’s fp story related to article by CNN point man Fareed Zakaria – Why Saudi Arabia can’t get a nuclear weapon.

Saudi Arabia owns the Islamic nuclear bomb of Pakistan. Just as Saudi Arabia has funded most of Pakistan’s adventures in Afghanistan and the region. Accused of assisting doctor Shakeel Afridi in a CIA program to locate Osama Bin Laden, NGO Save the Children has come under scrutiny of Islamabad … banned from Pakistan. Naturally, leaders from the domestic terrorist groups have operated with impunity for lack of prosecutors and judges to bring charges or sentence them to prison terms. See recent farce with the schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai – Eight of 10 Malala attackers were allowed to walk free.

Pakistan’s bomb and Saudi Arabia | The Guardian |

According to western intelligence sources (the meeting was under Chatham House rules so I am not allowed to be more specific) the Saudi monarchy paid for up to 60% of the Pakistani nuclear programme, and in return has the option to buy a small nuclear arsenal (‘five to six warheads) off the shelf if things got tough in the neighbourhood.

There has been much reporting about this alleged deal over recent years, notably by The Guardian back in 2003, when Ewen MacAskill and Ian Traynor wrote about a Saudi strategic review to weigh the kingdom’s nuclear options.

A report by Mark Fitzpatrick at the IISS in 2008 on Nuclear Programmes in the Middle East, found the Guardian article was “an accurate representation of what had emerged from the Saudi side during discussions” at a symposium in Britain attended by several members of the Saudi royal family.

Many moons ago, my diary – Nuclear Spy AQ Khan – CIA/America Refused Arrest in 1975 & 1985   as new creve coeur .

At the Washington Reporters Dinner, what did president Obama say about CNN … for once I fully agreed with him. Fareed Zakaria is farsical, a spokesperson for the establishment … just a horrible person. A worthless analysis and greatly uninformative about Saudi Arabia. And for Zakaria, even this statement is crap: “Saudi Arabia can dig holes in the ground and pump out oil but little else.” See Aramco – the Arabian American Oil Company.  See also its publication Aramco World, a proud subscriber.

Saudi Arabia – Setting the Stage for 65 Years of Development and Progress

The year was 1924 and the imposing rider who answered the unbroken string of questions was Abdul Aziz Ibn Abdul Rahman Al-Saud, a charismatic leader still engaged in what at the time seemed an impossible task – the unification of the tribes living in an area almost the size of Western Europe into what eight years later would become the modern Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Among his entourage on this particular trek across the Arabian Peninsula were several visitors from abroad, as well as religious, tribal and bedouin leaders. Responding to a question about European and U.S. policies in the wake of World War I, King Abdul Aziz spoke of his special feeling for the United States and former President Woodrow Wilson. “Wilson is a great man and his is the credit for awakening the small oppressed nations of the world,” he stated. “Wilson showed them the way to freedom and independence.”

Taken aback by the extent of the knowledge of global affairs demonstrated by a leader who to many outsiders appeared isolated in the midst of the great Arabian desert, one of the visitors asked why King Abdul Aziz considered Wilson’s example relevant to events in the heart of the Arabian Peninsula. He replied: “A man of good sense needs but a suggestion. Just point the way to him and that is sufficient. And the man of good sense is he who strives for himself and profits by the striving.”

The King-Crane Report of 1919 and “the people immediately concerned”