It speaks to Donald Trump’s talent for self-promotion that ignoring him is much easier said than done. It seems like everyone wants to chime in with their opinion of what his impact will be on the Republican primaries and the presidential election. I’m feeling the same impulse.
I don’t think that Donald Trump will be good for the Republicans, but it’s true that he should make the rest of them look sane, tolerant, and polite by comparison. I have to agree that he will satisfy an itch a certain percentage of voters have to just enjoy an unapologetic nihilistic laugh at the whole process. And, yes, there’s a sense in which The Donald is really just a physical manifestation of the modern conservative id.
At the same time, Trump isn’t really a Republican or a conservative in any concrete way. His opinions are all over the map. If there is a solitary refreshing thing about him, it’s that he’s blissfully unaware of where he’s supposed to be as a loyal team member. He doesn’t courageously stake out unorthodox positions on issues. He just says whatever comes into his head in the moment, and that’s as likely to be consistent with the Chamber of Commerce’s position as it is to be channeling something heard on the Alex Jones radio show.
It’s primarily this lack of any filter that makes him unpredictable, but it’s also what makes him a certifiable clown. As an entertainer, it’s almost impossible for him to fail. He can’t be caught up in a lie or an inconsistency because the truth is so meaningless to him. He’ll just move on to the next bombastic insult or outrageous libel.
He’s just a more extreme example of the media strategy the Republicans have been employing ever since they did away with the Fairness Doctrine.
I have no idea what impact he will have. I do know that he’ll get attention that other candidates desperately need. I know that he’ll embarrass the party by making the debates seem like something between a reality show and a total fraud on the American public.
And I know that when the other candidates and the conservative elite press condemn him, they will be, to a large extent, condemning themselves.
But because he will get more attention than the average fringy candidate, his presence will do more damage to the presidential selection process. It just appears to be that much more of a farce.
What everyone needs to remember is that Trump is all about Trump: money, image, power. Everything he does will be to his own benefit in the long run; at least that will be his intention. He doesn’t aplogize and he doesn’t look back. His worldview is to bully anyone and everyone.
He is more like the Republicans and libertarians than the Democrats. But he really does just say whatever comes into his head. Wrong or not, he’ll never admit it.
While it seems like a big publicity stunt geared for more self-promotion, his run for the presidency should be taken seriously. If he’s going to jump in with a ton of money, he’s free to go where he wants to, talk when he wants to, and his brash bravado will pull some dopes in. My hope is that he splits some votes and then is forced out by more viable candidates.
Personally, I think he’s a despicable, contemptible version of a human being. I hope he fails miserably.
“His opinions are all over the map.”
HEY! That makes him a moderate! Right?! RIGHT??!!!
Ezra Klein explains:
thanks for that link. i think it’s the best thing I’ve ever read on vox but i didn’t bookmark it.
The impact of his entry is impossible to predict. For that reason alone, it’s anathema to an already overwhelmed and outmatched RNC. In fact, his presence further highlights the RNC’s ridiculousness. They’ve totally lost control of this process and there’s a pretty good chance that, in one way or another, Trump’s shenanigans will embarrass them, perhaps repeatedly.
In the long run, though, it’s possible this will help Bush and the RNC because he may deny oxygen to other who have a real chance to make noise. I could see it helping or hurting Christy because they both have that New York / New Jersey gruffness and blowhard qualities. Perhaps Trump normalizes Christy or maybe he makes it that much more impossible to abide such qualities.
(those qualities) — oy!
Men like Trump have a team; they aren’t on a team because they’re in charge.
Contrary to what is going around, Karl Rove did NOT call Donald Trump “a complete moron.” He called him “a complete idiot.”
He has the potential to speak from within the Party to the Party & their base, on their stage. As much as Fox or Preibus may want to change the rules, he will likely stand on their stage, attack his co candidates, the Party itself and its policies. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving crew.