You probably know this, but I completely lost my patience with conservatives during the first term of Obama’s presidency, and I no longer have even a little tolerance for articles like this. What bothers me about it is the simple denial about what conservatism has done to the Republican Party.
The article is pretty straightforward in terms of what it is trying to do, and it would have been an appropriate piece of journalism as recently as 2008. But, today, it’s an anachronism. It reads like a newspaper article that was written in the middle of the last decade and frozen in amber.
So, what is it about?
It’s about how the Republican Party’s eventual presidential nominee can appeal to working women. It discusses a few ideas that have come up in conservative think tanks, mainly about parental tax credits and getting an advance on your tax refund if you’re about to take maternity leave. But the piece almost completely ignores that the official conservative position is that the federal government should do absolutely nothing for women, or anybody else. To her credit, the author does get some people to hint at this, but the overall gist is that there are all these conservative women who are just frustrated as all hell that the GOP has nothing to offer working women.
So, here’s the bottom line. Conservatives don’t want to tell voters that they will get nothing and like it. They don’t want to say that the voter’s concern is a state or local issue and that the president isn’t supposed to do fuck-all about it. So, what you get is stuff like this:
It’s not that Republicans don’t want to help women. They would rather help women the conservative way, some GOP strategists said.
Politicians should not focus on one group, the strategists argued, but the country as a whole. After all, if the economy flourishes, everyone prospers. Other Republicans say considerations for working women should be balanced against the needs of small businesses, as well as other economic concerns.
Conservative economists tend to fear the unintended consequences of “one-size-fits-all” policies, said Katie Packer Gage, who co-founded Burning Glass, a political consulting firm that aims to help politicians connect with female voters.
“The more Republican position is: There is only so much employers can bear before they stop hiring people and before the economy starts to suffer,” said Gage, a former Romney strategist. “Democrats are always going to hand out more tax dollars. But what is the breaking point?”
For conservatives, there isn’t anything that the federal government should be doing, with the tax code or anything else, to help mothers pay for day care or to get paid family leave. They shouldn’t get help with college. They shouldn’t even be in the workplace.
And conservatives have completely taken over the Republican Party.
So, what we’re really talking about is a few wankers in conservative think tanks who are still are trying to think of what the federal government might do beside light itself on fire if the GOP ever retakes the White House. They haven’t noticed that the Tea Party is erecting scaffolds for their execution, too.
We aren’t talking about serious policy alternatives to the Democrats here. We’re talking about what line of bullshit a Republican candidate can plausibly spew about his intention to help anyone with anything without having the horde kneecap them and hand the nomination to a better nihilist.
You want the truth? Here’s the truth:
A mother of three young children, [Ainsley] Stapleton said she spends about $2,000 each month on day care, a cost that nearly matches her mortgage payment.
“Republicans, on a federal level, don’t look too much at working women, period,” she said. “If someone like Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio came up with a feasible plan to make child care cheaper, they’d win my vote.”
Here’s a bit of advice for Ms. Stapleton. Whoever the Republican nominee is, he will have some answer for how he’s going to make child care cheaper. That answer may sound feasible to you or it may not, but the conservative position is that you’re a goddamned cry-baby and wannabe moocher and you should just go vote for the black party if you want a hand out.
And that’s what the conservatives in Congress think is the right kind of policy for working women. If they’d stay at home where they belong, they wouldn’t have these astronomical day care bills. So, that’s the solution.
Until the American voters stop voting for the GOP and kick all of them out of office nothing will change. The GOP does not take hints. Thus, it will take a major shakeup via voters rallying together and massively getting red of all the GOP they can. Then the GOP will have no other option but take notice that their ideas are not wanted. This though will only happen if people VOTE!
I think it’s important to point out that the Democrats are the reason people keep voting for Republicans.
Not the Republicans.
And certainly not the voters themselves.
There are still Democrats? Who knew?
I don’t know what to tell you, DXM. For most liberals, it’s less painful for them to believe that a shadowy Mr. Potter or Putnam or Gekko-style folk devil was responsible for tricking their friends and neighbors into beating that gay man/kicking out those immigrants/laughing at those assaulted women. Rather than the more truthful reality that Potter/Putnam/Gekko were interchangeable figureheads of an id that would’ve existed with or without the influence of Great Evil Men.
Awww, get those guys some binders full of women.
Binders full of white women.
Binders full of naked white women.
Women frustrated as hell is why the GOP bigwigs invented mandatory trans-vaginal ultrasound probe legislation. Just listen to the legislators talk about it. See, the GOP has given the ladies something.
GOP politicians are just not good at talking to people outside of their party-mandated talking points. And when they try to ad lib, the poor misunderstood pols are amazed that people think they are over the edge.
It’s not just working women that the GOP has nothing to offer, but the “at least you’re white (or rich)”, still seems to bring the guys in.
Women are smarter than men and more practical.
I recall some statistics that men living alone had a much lower life expectancy than married men, but women living alone had virtually the same life expectancy as married women. Obviously, women can take care of themselves but men can’t. Hate to say it, but men need a keeper.
More women are required to learn practical, everyday skills because they are the primary household managers. Women on average aren’t smarter then men, but they do make fewer, large ticket item, impulse purchases for themselves because the needs of others in their lives come first. Car salespersons know to focus on the husband and not the wife.
wrt the reports that married men live longer than single men, those studies aren’t all that robust because far too many variables that impact longevity aren’t captured or controlled for.
Another way of abstracting from that would be that “singles who survive their younger years” live long enough to marry.
Since the original study on this question in the early 1970s, the difference between married and single men has gotten smaller. While at the same time, In 1960, 72% of all adults ages 18 and older were married; today just 51% are. OTOH, widows seem not to be faring as well as they seemed to do a few decades ago.
Re: GOP to White Women: We’re Doing the Best We Can to Preserve the Privileges and Population of White Folks. It’s those dastardly Demorats that prevent us from exclusively distributing dollars for child care, health care, etc. to white women. Get rid of the Demorats and we’ll do for white women everything they want.
I know Republican women and yes they are white. I don’t know any Republican black people of either gender. I suspect that the 2% that voted for McCain or Romney just made a mistake in the voting booth.
The white women that I know fall into these categories:
My sister says they have a tendency to be married, too. She doesn’t know any unmarried women (i.e. career women) that aren’t Democrats. Well, there is Carly Fiorina, but she falls into categories 3 and 4 and possibly 1 and 2 also, but 3 and 4 for sure.
Fiorina is her husband’s last name.
Your sister is correct that they tend to be smug married women. My sister is an exception among her social groups, but that’s mostly because of my influence.
I guess some women still vote Republican for the same reason there are still Log Cabin Republicans, whatever that reason is.
Nationally, the GOP still has a majority of the white women’s vote. Mostly women that pine for the imagined swell days of the 1950s.
Your point? Even in polling (which is sort of different from actual votes), Hillary lags Romney with white women.
“Conservatives don’t want to tell voters that they will get nothing and like it. “
That’s perfectly true, but the conservative base loves to hear that other people — you know, “them” — should get nothing and like it.
$2000 a month for daycare? And a mortgage of the same size? An after-tax income of $4,000 plus car expenses plus food and clothing and utilities and school expenses means she is earning some serious money. If not part of the 1% at least the 10%.
she doesn’t grasp that the GOP doesn’t even want her working. See…I just can’t with this level of stupidity.