Sorry. I’ve been busy. I’ll get a free moment in an hour or two. In the meantime, I think this is appropriate:
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
That man deserves a vacation!
He’s been working his ass off to get the deal made. He should have been a dentist; he’s been pulling teeth for weeks!
yeah yeah yeah!!
this is wonderful news.
I read something a few months ago that the RW was so crazy about this because, of course, they wanted war. And, they knew, only Barack Obama could go to war with Iran. Even though he told them in everyway possible that he didn’t want it, they kept pushing.
This agreement with Iran is huge.
Literally a reset in the Middle East.
Go, Mr. President.
And thank you. Thank you so much.
A wonderful diplomatic accomplishment, and he’s still got a new global climate deal to hammer out. Does any of this make Secretary Clinton squirm a bit, given her somewhat paltry record at State? But thanks for the memories of the vicious right wing mockery of windsurfing (of all things) circa 2004.
Perhaps others can explain to me how on earth the imposition of US sanctions on Iran can be lifted without Congressional action? And how the WH thinks that the corrupt and braindead Repub Congress has the slightest intention of “approving” this deal? If Repubs can torpedo it they will, as they have immediately made clear—and even without the help of our fabulous “ally” and its domestic lobbying arm AIPAC. It’s a no-brainer to vote against Obama and for Israel on the same vote, haha.
So the US fails to lift sanctions, but the governments of the Civilized World approve the deal. Is that enough for Iran to abide by the deal? One would think US participation is key to the arrangement.
It is very clear that the American Fascist Party has not the slightest interest in having a diplomatic resolution or agreement with Iran. They want one thing and one thing only: War. It is not too much of a secret that an American attack on Iran is Israel’s goal as well. It will be interesting to see how quickly it takes the Noise Machine and the useless corporate media to poison the empty minds of the US citizenry on the actual deal.
Unfortunately a deal with Iran is something the American public claims to desire, but any actual deal likely will be found unacceptable to public opinion, thanks to the egregious corruption and partisanship of the US media.
Actually, it MIGHT be enough if the rest of the civilized world goes along with.
The Iranians have a LOOOOOOOOOOOONG history of real politic (4000yrs +) and taking the long view should realize that the RW control days are nearing the end.
Or not, as the case may be.
The focus of nuclear weapons in the Middle East now turns to Israel. Is it clear why Netanyahu’s ear are spouting steam and the hasbara brigade has be out in force.
Our biggest worry now is that war hawk Democrats will give cover for Republicans to scuttle the deal.
Or that the US acts too happy and give hardliners in the Majlis the cover to scuttle the deal.
Just keep repeating “imperfect but workable deal”. “Baby step”. “First step”. “Provides means for verifying progress.”
It dashes the hopes of the regime changes for whom Iran was the last piece between Morocco and Afghanistan.
There now is a potential conversation about the region that involves Iran, Turkey, Kurdistan (and I think there will now be one), Iraq, and Syria (who has alliance with both Iran and Russia).
Regarding the Republicans scuttling the deal. This will be very difficult. Ultimately they can pass a resolution negating the deal, Obama will veto it and they would need 290 votes in the House and 67 in the Senate to override. I don’t see enough Dems defecting to be able to manage that.
As far as sanctions,, we have two types. Some were put in place by Congress and only they can remove those. Those would mostly involve trade. Some were put in place by the administration and they can remove those at any time. As far as Iran is concerned, those are the more important ones, as it involves freezing of assets, etc.
Iran would not be totally upset if Congress refused to lift the trade sanctions, because other countries will lift theirs and Iran will get all the benefit they need. Big business will push for Congress to lift the others to get their own piece of the pie.
Plus, gas prices will go down.
thanks kindly. I had thought all sanctions were statutory.
Whip up the frenzy and turn up the Noize Machine, Repubs!! Party over country, always!
My understanding is that the 150 signatories to this letter are the most likely to sustain the President’s veto:
Any idea what he testified?
Has all the signs of the designated crib strangler.
Or of designated AIPAC stooge.
This baby won’t strangle easy.
Good thing he lost, how many former presidents become secretaries of state?
I was just thinking how lucky we were to have him still using his talents for the country. Boo-yah!
Most important for the Islamic Republic of Iran is to get relief from sanctions imposed by the U.N. Security Council due to veto power of the five permanent members. Hillary Clinton undermined the negotiations by taking a pro-Israel view.
○ Security Council Imposes Additional Sanctions on Iran – June 9, 2010
○ Netanyahu Opposes Iran N-deal @IsraeliPM_Farsi
My recent diaries …
○ Netanyahu Has Failed Miserably …
○ Obama’s FP Legacy: On Verge of Reaching Iran Nuclear Deal
○ US Adding Pressure On Iran As Deadline Passes .. Again