On January 21, 2012, Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois had a rather large stroke, and for that I am deeply sympathetic. Ever since, I’ve refrained from being overly critical of the man out of respect for his illness and resulting disability. But there has to be a limit on what he can get away with, and he’s clearly exceeded it in his comments about the deal with Iran.
For starters, he’s using the president’s middle name for no other reason than to suggest that the president is secretly more loyal to Iran than he is to the country he leads.
Kirk, who has consistently spoken out against the deal with Iran, told WRKO’s Financial Exchange radio program on Tuesday that he believes “tens of thousands of people in the Middle East are gonna lose their lives because of this decision by Barack Hussein Obama.”
… “He will ask the Democrats all to stand with Iran and make sure that we can’t get two-thirds majorities in the House and Senate.”
Then he’s accusing the president of having Democratic Senator Bob Menendez arrested for no other reason than that he opposes making a deal with Iran.
Asked if any Democrats disagreed with the president, Kirk pointed to New York Sen. Chuck Schumer and New Jersey Democrat Bob Menendez, who he believed “has just been indicted maybe on the crime of being against the Iran deal.”
And he didn’t stop there. He went so far as to boldly assert that the president’s goal here is to make sure that Iran has nuclear weapons.
Kirk said he believed the only reason the president supported legislation from Republican Sen. Bob Corker, the chair of the Foreign Relations Committee, that allowed Congress to review the deal was because he “wants…to get nukes to Iran.”
“Under the Bob Corker legislation that recently passed, Congress can do a resolution of disapproval and the president can veto it. The only reason that the president supported Corker legislation is because it allows him to get what he wants on Iran which is to get nukes to Iran.”
So, I am now going to lift my self-imposed ban on questioning the mental capabilities and moral character of Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois. He’s some combination of insane and morally reprehensible, and only he knows how much of this is sincere and how much of it is just him doing his part for evil.
No surprise by the comments for the GOP are bought and paid for supporters of Israel. Israel has already come out against the deal thus look for the rest of the GOP to not support it.They will naturally Lie about the deal to throw some red meat at their base for neither have these GOP members read the deal nor have their base. They were against any deal two years ago and have never changed.
Just another example of how the GOP are true Domestic Terrorist that hate the USA.
Fortunately I think it’s safe to say that the next election is going to end his career in the Senate.
The only reason Kirk is even a Senator is that his opponent in 2010 was an incompetent.
More than once he has told foreign governments that the word of the US is worthless. He has a couple votes that he will use to show he is bipartisan and a moderate, but it is obvious he was given permission to vote the way he did to retain some image in Illinois.
Duckworth will not let him get away with this. He is going down hard nxt year.
Kirk is lame, but the how good are the odds for a protégé of Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel ousting a sitting GOP Senator?
Oh, she’ll win. And she has definitely moved away from Rahm.
So, not going to go with the Clinton approved campaign script as Grimes did?
I opposed her in 2006 (was a campaign worker for Cegelis) and yes, Rahm pulled some real shitty stuff. But she has voted very Progressively since then, including against TPP and for Net Neutrality.
She’s OK. I’m giving her active support against slime bucket Kirk. I think she’s redeemed herself and you know I have the Sicilian attitude about enemies. I may even walk the subdivision and throw a few bucks her way.
I don’t think Alexi Giannoulias was incompetent, but his family owned a bank. 2010 was not a good time to be a banker.
The primary runner up was Chicago Inspector General, you know, the guy who covers up the fox in the hen house.
WRKO radio and interview with Senator Mark Kirk.
○ About WRKO media and the Jeffrey Kuhner report
Jeffrey T. Kuhner, “Liberalism’s Worst Nightmare,” is the host of The Kuhner Report. He is a conservative nationalist, who champions God, country and family. His show deals with cutting-edge, hot-button political, social and foreign policy issues.
No mercy for fascists.
Joe Walsh is talking about running against him in the primary.
Like Scott Brown, Walsh can’t believe that it was a fluke that he won in 2010. (And Santorum doesn’t get it that both of his Senate wins were flukes. Once a majority of voters had figured who he was, they threw him out.)
A note of caution:
Why? Because he’s an egotistical ass. My sister is worried that he’ll get it, but I think he’ll be easier to beat than an incumbent Senator.
BTW, for years there have been rumors about Kirk being gay. I say this not to further the rumors but to indicate the distrust the hard Right has for him.
Republicans are fine with teh Gay as long he’s a Republican and pretends to be straight. Or are you saying that IL voters are more homophobic than those in SC?
Yeah, I think they are. All these rumors come from Republicans. Democrats don’t care.
Sounds like intra-GOP jockeying for a plum job like Senator. Apparently no similar competition for the SC GOP Senator jobs.
BTW, I worked on CREDO’s “Take Down Joe Walsh” campaign until we went on seven day overtime at work. It was nice to be on a winning campaign for a change. I was on a winning campaign before, Clinton ’92, but Take Down Joe Walsh had no down side.
Isn’t Menendez a crooked politician? Duh! “New Jersey” didn’t register at first.
I appreciate where you were coming from BooMan, but it’s long past time to take the gloves off. He’s my senator (gag!) and I don’t know if this stuff is stroke related or if he’s just plain crazy, but he went way over the line a few months ago.
The man should not be a senator.
I have to agree that’s some Gohmert-caliber crazy.
He’ll be out soon, Congresswoman Duckworth will clean his clock
It’s “kid gloves,” as in they are made from kid leather.
Although I suppose you’re free to us a child’s gloves if you like– doubt they’ll fit.
Yeah, the original piece had it right. I screwed up the headline when cross-posting it here.
Kirk’s accusations are beyond any reasonable bounds of Congressional ethics. He should resign now before his lack of restraint gets the better of him.
I’m not saying that his stroke caused his lack of restraint. It’s more likely his GOP card. But accusing the president of deliberately wanting Iran to get nuclear weapons is beyond despicable for a setting member of the Senate.
It’s the worst form of logorrhea.
His stroke had nothing to do with this. Kirk has been saying this kind of ugly crap ever since he was elected. No idea how he thinks this will benefit him in a race during a presidential year. Maybe hoping for some wingnut welfare when he’s sent packing? He had to know that he was going to be a one-term senator once he won the 2010 election.