I see that David Brooks has already read Ta-Nehisi Coates’ new book: “Between the World and Me.” That’s good. It might even be of lasting benefit to him. I can’t for the life of me think of anything better suited to overcoming Upton Sinclair’s warning that “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
The immediate problem with Brooks’ response to Coates is that it’s so unobjectionable. It’s the rhetorical equivalent of hitting Mike Tyson with a wet noodle and thinking that you’ve left a mark. Brooks actually asks permission to have his little half-ass opinion as if he’s afraid that to say anything will leave him like a scalded cat.
Coates wrote a book; he didn’t give us Holy Scripture. You’re allowed to critique it. You’re allowed to stand up for the American Dream. Brooks could start, however, by examining the meaning of his own whiteness. Because, until six minutes ago, he wasn’t considered white in this country. And he ought to understand it, but it’s probably the most frightening and threatening concept in the world to him.
For starters, there is the headline to his piece: Listening to Ta-Nehisi Coates While White. Then there’s the first sentence of the essay:
The last year has been an education for white people.
So, we’re immediately invited to think of David Brooks as white, and presumably white as Coates defines that term. He’s on the other side, standing accused, put on the defensive.
He goes on:
…the disturbing challenge of your book is your rejection of the American dream. My ancestors chose to come here. For them, America was the antidote to the crushing restrictiveness of European life, to the pogroms. For them, the American dream was an uplifting spiritual creed that offered dignity, the chance to rise.
Your ancestors came in chains. In your book the dream of the comfortable suburban life is a “fairy tale.” For you, slavery is the original American sin, from which there is no redemption. America is Egypt without the possibility of the Exodus. African-American men are caught in a crushing logic, determined by the past, from which there is no escape.
Now, there are two issues here. The first is that Brooks wants to take issue with the determinism and pessimism in Coates’ book. And that’s completely valid. But he’s also drawing a distinction between how and why his Jewish ancestors came to America and how and why Coates’ ancestors came to America. It’s an important distinction, but he’s doing something impermissible with it. He’s denying the second class citizenship Jewish-Americans experienced when they got here and making himself out to be the complete flip-side to black American descendants of slaves. He’s not.
I see Italian-Americans and Irish-Americans and Polish-Americans do this, too. They’re so determined to embrace their relatively new status as “white” that they deny their past and deliberately fail to see the commonality their ancestors have with contemporary blacks and, yes, Latinos.
Do you think the Irish didn’t experience housing discrimination? Do you think Italians could join the local Country Club? How easy was it for a young Harvard-educated Jew to join a top New York law firm in the first three-quarters of the 20th Century?
All these groups first had to force their way into American society by looking out for each other, creating their own social organizations, taking over the local police departments and political machines, and founding their own legal and medical practices. Only then, and after handfuls of decades had elapsed, did they begin to gain enough acceptance that they didn’t often experience job or housing discrimination. And those are the prerequisites for being “white” in this country.
To be honest, in my experience, I don’t think Jews are treated as white in a lot of this country even up to this day. I certainly didn’t feel that they were when I lived in western Michigan. Sometimes, living there, I thought that the people were more familiar with Hottentots than with real-life Jews.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m happy for David Brooks that he feels so integrated that he doesn’t even feel the slightest bit self-conscious or presumptuous about self-applying the white label. That’s what I want for all Jews in this country, at least until we get to the point that whiteness isn’t something to aspire to.
But isn’t that kind of the point?
As long as there’s a compelling reason to be white, people will aspire to it. And if people are aspiring to it, then there’s something pretty dramatically flawed about the American Dream for people who can never “pass.”
So, Brooks wants to know if he even has permission to talk about what it’s like to be cut out of the dream.
…I have to ask, Am I displaying my privilege if I disagree? Is my job just to respect your experience and accept your conclusions? Does a white person have standing to respond?
If I do have standing, I find the causation between the legacy of lynching and some guy’s decision to commit a crime inadequate to the complexity of most individual choices.
See, I think he’s not so much “displaying” his privilege as asserting it.
“I’m white, and you’re not, and I have an opinion.”
He should try viewing himself as colored or not-white or as someone whose parents and grandparents had to fight and claw to make him white.
Because, when his ancestors were dodging pogroms in Europe they sure as shit weren’t considered white. And they weren’t white when they got off the boat, either.
Now, I anticipate that some people might be a little defensive about or offended by what I’m saying here, but let’s just look at what the president of the United States had to say about Jews, Italians, and the Irish, not all that long ago:
“The Jews have certain traits,” [President Richard Nixon] said. “The Irish have certain — for example, the Irish can’t drink. What you always have to remember with the Irish is they get mean. Virtually every Irish I’ve known gets mean when he drinks. Particularly the real Irish.”
Nixon continued: “The Italians, of course, those people course don’t have their heads screwed on tight. They are wonderful people, but,” and his voice trailed off.
A moment later, Nixon returned to Jews: “The Jews are just a very aggressive and abrasive and obnoxious personality.”
That’s from a conversation Nixon had on Feb. 13, 1973, with Charles W. Colson. David Brooks was a 12 year old boy that day, just moving from the gritty Stuyvesant Town housing development in lower Manhattan to the leafy Main Line of Philadelphia. About two years later, a wonderful Irish-American family moved from Stuyvesant Town into a beautiful house next to mine in Princeton, New Jersey. That was part of a process where they moved from discriminated-against striving minority to part of the accepted establishment. It’s how they finally became white. It’s where they could join any country club that they wanted to, and where they could raise their kids without having other parents give them the hairy eyeball.
Because “whiteness” isn’t a scientific thing. It’s a state of being. And it’s only available to a subset of all genuine, real Americans.
David Brooks is now white. Ta-Nehisi Coates and his son will never be white.
That’s what Brooks should be thinking about.
Because it matters.
“…some guy’s decision to commit a crime inadequate to the complexity of most individual choices.”
“White” means individuals are treated as individuals, with their own individual choices.
“not-White” means lumped with a group, responsible for all the actions of all the other members, “tarred” with the same brush.
Were it otherwise, Brooks would have to take state, over and over, that he’s not McVeigh, not the Columbine, Aurora, Sandy Hook, Columbia shooters. He’d be profiled, and subject to abuse from that profiling.
But no, he’s judged by the content of his character, not the color of his skin.
Actually, I wish David Brooks was judged by the content of his character.
He is. That’s why he’s on the NYT op-ed page.
Very nice.
Thank you.
I do wonder if you really understand why I said that.
Well…maybe I misunderstood. I thought you meant that comment as a criticism of both his character and the NYT editorial page. If so, I agree wholeheartedly.
If not?
OK too, and so it goes.
Oh, there’s definitely some objectionable things about it.
For one, Brooksie — in what was probably an attempt to be clever — writes the piece as if it’s a letter to Mr. Coates. I think it’s fair to assume he did this to echo the style of Coates’ book, which is written as a letter to his son. A boy.
I will give Brooks the benefit of the doubt and say he probably didn’t consciously address a black man as a boy. But the fact that he was — I hope — oblivious to how fucking clueless that was pretty much set the tone for the rest of the garbage. And I realize that condescension is Brooks’ entire style, but in this context it’s beyond obnoxious.
I agree with this. I just finished writing somewhere else that Brooks’ mimicry of the letter format was a gigantic mistake because it changes the tone of the column into something overly familiar.
“White” is the detritus of a legal definition that established the dynamics of the American frontier through legislation in Virginia in the 1680s. That legislation established the first definitions for “Indian”, “Negro”, and “white”. For much of the history of the United States, “white” meant “white Anglo-Saxon Protestant”. And others gradually established their whiteness through business partnerships and intermarriage.
Brooks is such a prissy throwback. What Coates is saying is that the American Dreem is still a default privilege of being white and that blacks who attain the “American Dream” status are seen as the enemy and treated that way by law enforcement. Just ask Henry Louis Gates, Jr., who was forced to share a beer at the White House with the idiot cop who arrested him in a gesture that changed nothing at all.
I see that David Brooks has already read Ta-Nehisi Coates’ new book: …
Actually, a few people on the Twitter machine have wondered if Bobo has in fact read TNC’s book. They disagree with your assertion.
Oh well…
“Brooks,” is it?
Someone on his family decided to pass as non-Jewish, more than likely. Short of really distinctive physical markings, most European immigrants to the U.S. could pass as “other-than-whatever” once they learned the language w/out anything other than a regional accent and changed their names.
More “white privilege.”
So it goes.
For them.
People of color mostly did not have that choice.
As I have posted here before…some old U.S. African-American street wisdom.
Bet on it.
Hardly worth acknowledging, on the “Call me anything but spell my name right” principle if for no other reason. Even worse…he and his family apparently gave up “spelling their name right” somewhere along the way.
He has.
First of all, the enslavement of the Jews in Egypt and their liberation might be historically true and might not be (a lot of historians tend towards the latter). Whatever, it would have happened a long time ago and has no bearing on US history. Second, the abduction and enslavement of black people is an undisputed fact that is not far out of living memory in the Atlantic world, very much so in the US. Brooks is never one for either clarity or honesty. And who gives a shit about his Jewish ancestors. The black people have their own history. Not every history and event in the world has a precedent in the Jewish experience.
And i’d like to once put on record my opinion about the the American Dream: it has always been and will always remain nothing more than that—literally a dream. Who invented the phrase anyway? it should put in mothballs with ‘God bless America’.
The problem is NOBODY seems to care about us. If you’re black, if you’re brown, if you are any color but white, the Democratic Party cares about you. Very loudly. If you are a woman or gay, the Democratic Party cares about you. If you are a white straight male without a gazillion dollars to donate, the Democratic party doesn’t care if you live or die, except for the more radical elements that HOPE you die.
The Republican party doesn’t care either. But they say they do.
And, no, Arthur, the Paul’s don’t give a big rat’s ass either.
Don’t confuse rhetorical expression of caring for actual caring. Bill Clinton — noted mulligan abuser — is now out there apologizing for all the black, mostly young and male, folks that he helped end up in jail/prison with a lifetime record. He’ll apologize for every damn thing he did while in office if that what it takes to get himself a third and fourth term by proxy. And it will have as much real meaning as all the times that he apologized to his wife for screwing around on her.
Both political parties only care about those of wealth and privilege. Democrats set the bar for wealth a bit lower than the GOP and are less exclusive as to skin color and gender.
It’s a club and we’re not in it. Unlike Hillary, I had to work my way through college. Unlike Hillary, I didn’t have a boyfriend that got me a college teaching job. Unlike Hillary, I didn’t have a husband that opened the door to a cushy professional job and access to people that wanted to help me make some easy big bucks. And the jobs kept getting handed to her because of who she was married to and performance was irrelevant. Screw up — oh, give her a mulligan.
I settled for the first black POTUS not being an actual Black American. Now I’m supposed to settle for the first woman POTUS not having made her own up the political ladder?
I worked my way through college too, although after the first semester, I did get help from a scholarship. Also had no connections.
I think Howard Dean cared. I think Bernie cares. I think Paul Simon cared. Maybe I’m a sucker.
My comment was slightly hyperbolic. There are some authentic people in public office and some of them do care for all people and the systems and institutions that greatly disadvantage the vast majority as well as corrupting the systems and institutions required for a decent and somewhat equitable society. But there outnumbered and some, like Jesse Jackson, Jr, are easily swallowed up and spit out.
(Forgot — I did get a Chem lab work/study gig for one term.)
Not complaining about having had to make my own way, but it would have been a hell of a lot easier if the standard were the same for everyone.
Funny thing, the Clinton apology to a Clinton. We don’t know whether that ever happened. We don’t know whether she was offended or not. Anyways not enough to walk away and become independent of her man. Then she might have had to stay home and bake cookies. It seemed to me that she knew what was going on and tolerated it. When it blew up in his face they turned the situation into an opportunity. The larger public is so invested in money and glamor that it will swallow anything that glitters on TV. And she glittered so, that media tells us ‘the Democratic Party loves her’.She’s as big a shyster as he is—a Bonnie and Clyde I call them, partners in crime, well that may be a bit over the top but not by so much. There is nothing honest about his apology about the mass-incarceration of black men. If W was a narcissist or sociopath, what is the Clinton duo, joined at the hip. She will be a horrible president. She’s doing it only to get her head on a postage stamp. See Kerry as SOS with the Iranians. Can you see her doing anything comparable? Libya was destroyed and if she had her way the US would be in Syria. But the media narrative is that she was a good SOS. What is that based on? How did she suddenly get to be a senator from NY? The questions are endless because she refuses to give any clear answers. This is a major diaster in the making. Now I’ve finally said my peace. A Republican will win in 2016. Then ‘the Clinton-loving Democrats’ might realize that Elizabeth Warren is also a woman!
You’re correct — they could have an open marriage, but if so, it was to be a super-secret open marriage and Bill was supposed not to leave anything behind with the other women that could expose it. So, at a minimum he would have apologized for Flowers and later Lewinsky.
This — You know, I’m not sitting here like some little woman standing by my man, like Tammy Wynette. — was a classic Freudian slip.
She won’t necessarily lose in a 2016 general election. Trump and a few others do play into her strength of edging out a bully. Several others may be more challenging for her.
Your entire take on race is bullshit.
Ironic that my comment should directly follow the somewhat opaque remark of Mr. Vaihinger. Because in my view, Booman, you absolutely get it.
not so much opaque as lazy.