It is disingenuous to blame Republicans for the xenophobic and racist white male as a force in American presidential politics. Democrats also must share the blame, and a societal malaise larger than politics is the cauldron for this toxic brew. But the Republican Party alone is responsible for calculatedly harnessing bigotry and hate as political weapons, and consequentially for the emergence of Donald Trump as someone to be reckoned with despite his celebrity clownhood, a man whose very unfitness for the presidency is a significant factor in his popularity, as well as made the GOP’s quest to retake the White House into a mockery.
Mockery is actually a pretty good word to describe the state of the Grand Old Party, which has ignored the best advice of its best minds to plot a course in the last 10 or so years that in the service of short-term gains — and to hell with the future — built on Richard Nixon’s Southern Strategy, an unabashed appeal to racism that fed off of the alienation of whites in the South and elsewhere following LBJ’s landmark civil rights initiatives. And then there was the party’s great conservative god, Ronald Reagan, who embraced the Southern Strategy under the moniker of “state’s rights,” at least when he was campaigning in the South.
And so we have headlines like this one in the New York Times:
Trump’s Appeal? G.O.P. Is Puzzled, But His Fans Aren’t
Puzzled? Not really, it’s just those short-term gain chickens coming home to roost. Of course not all of the 15 (and counting) other Republican presidential candidates think like Trump, or even agree with him, but the pushback against the celebrity gadzillionaire has been painfully slow in coming and tepid, at best, because of fears that those xenophobic and racist white males who pretty much are the party’s base will have their feelings hurt. (That began to change on Saturday when Trump dissed Senator John McCain’s war record, but more about that in a moment.)
Make no mistake about it: As Democrats showed racists the door, the GOP welcomed them and their fellow travelers with open arms, which is why it also is the party of creationists, gun nuts, anti-abortion wackos, immigrant haters, homophobes and has become known for what opposes, not what it proposes.
Trump is not the first Republican candidate of stature in recent years to dog whistle their appeal to that base; he’s merely the loudest and most obnoxious. There was Sarah Palin, who was described by her zealous supporters in the same glowing terms as Trump before she burned out, and Senator Ted Cruz, a presidential wannabe who skirts the edges of racial demagoguery when it suits his purposes and has praised Trump for his “truthfulness.” (I could only come up with a single Democrat of even vaguely similar inclination, the long-retired Zell Miller, in looking for Democratic comparables in the last quarter century, and then even further back to Lester Maddox and George Wallace some 40 and 50 years ago.)
But Trump takes the cake as he barnstorms the country to shouts of “USA! USA!”.
It is one thing to declare that the American Dream is dead, its leaders are stupid, and that “his country” is being stolen from him, which is exactly how Charleston church terrorist and white supremacist Dylann Roof feels. Or that George Bush should have invaded Mexico and not Iraq. Trump’s appeal to xenophobic and racist whites is visceral as he surrounds himself at his rallies with “true Americans” whose relatives were killed by illegal immigrants and invites people like the man whose son was crushed under the car of an undocumented immigrant to share their stories with his audiences.
“The illegals come in, and the illegals killed their children,” he said recently. “They never tell you what nationality they are. . . . Most of them are Mexican.”
Never mind that Trump is ahead in some national polls. As a fringe candidate, and he still is despite his vocal following and standing in the polls, what goes up must come down in the cruel physics of politics.
Trump’s beyond-the-pale attack on McCain in declaring “he’s not a war hero” for being captured during the Vietnam War, never mind that he was held prisoner for five and a half years in Hanoi and refused early release despite being repeatedly beaten, quickly became the excuse the other candidates were praying for (the execrable Cruz excepted) to lock, load and lash back, and the news media needed to stop acting like it was intimidated by Trump and begin piling on. Or at least do some serious vetting.
Predictably, one of the first post-McCain slander reports concerned Trump being evasive and seemingly embarrassed about why he never served in the military at the height of the war McCain volunteered for despite having a medical deferment he has described as being only “short term.” Next up were stories that he is a closet liberal who has donated more of his fortune to Democrats than Republicans, including Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. He also has supported universal health care and was pro-choice until recently. And then came stories about his seat-of-the-pants operation: That he’s a less than serious candidate who brags he only spends about half his time campaigning, hasn’t bothered to assemble much of a staff, one of whom is a former The Apprentice contestant, and doesn’t take advice from anyone who isn’t The Donald.
Meanwhile, the Huffington Post is making a big deal about moving its Trump coverage to its Entertainment section. As value judgments go, that seems pretty stupid, no? And Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol, whose record of getting things wrong is unrivaled in the conservative media and was Sarah Palin’s most ardent supporter, told ABC‘s This Week that Trump would make a better president than Hillary Clinton but criticized him for swiftboating McCain. Charles Krauthammer, of all people, actually was making sense: “This is the strongest field of Republican candidates in 35 years,” he told Fox News. “You could pick a dozen of them at random and have the strongest Cabinet America’s had in our lifetime, and instead all of our time is spent discussing this rodeo clown.”
According to a corollary law of political physics, Trump’s poll numbers should begin dropping now that it’s open season on him. We shall see.
Lost in the firestorm over Trump’s attack on McCain (for which he has not really apologized) is that fellow Republican candidates have been comfortable, for the most part, with Trump’s politics of fear. His declarations that Mexicans are rapists and drug dealers is okay, but impugning a white guy’s war record is out of bounds if the vet is a Republican and not John Kerry or Max Cleland. And while Trump may begin to founder sooner than later and eventually will fall, it will take a very long time to wash away the stain of the Republican Party’s shame.
You write:
Yes indeed.
But the question remains…when?
He can pump his own balloon with his own money, and every attack on him by mainstream media just makes him more popular with his base. The mainstream media have shucked and jived so shamelessly for so long that they are now a negative factor. Upside down and backwards. Inverse and retrograde. Trump understands this and he is using it with great skill. Unless some investigative reporter comes up with a truly damning piece of information about him…serious personal information…his balloon is just going to keep going.
Up, up and away.
Actually, it’s not “beyond the pale” politically. He picked the perfect victim. All the hoo hah that followed just made him stronger. Again, media (and politician) inverse retrograde results. A huge segment of the population is now anti-politician and anti-media. Too much mediocrity topped by too much failure and too much greed. People have had enough.
It’s not like Trump’s popularity is coming from any kind of intelligent majority. People with any brains at all have been anti-politician and anti-media for decades. It’s just that people are fed up with the tissue of lies we laughingly call a culture and he convinces them that he is telling…yelling, really…the truth.
His is not an issue-driven popularity, shaun. The only thing In that paragraph that is going to register for potential Trump voters is the last idea…that he doesn’t rely on the usual coterie of DeeCeeLand hangers-on, that he makes up his own mind.
Yes we shall. If instead of dropping they begin to skyrocket? We are in big trouble. Bet on that as well. I predict that the major polling organizations…PermaGov satraps, all…will start trying to skew the numbers down if at all possible, but they can only ride that trick pony so far and it’s the only trick they know. What if he just ignores them and continues to make news. Big rallies, sensationalistic pronouncements, etc. The only real weapon that could be used against him would be if the media ignored him, and since he’s a cash cow for those media that’s not likely to happen. Money before honor, after all. It’s the Omertican way.
Gonna be an interesting summer and fall, that’s for sure.
We may be witnessing the newest phase of Omertican politics.
The Reality Show Party.
Reality Show 101.
They asked for it, the media did, and they got it.
They love him!!!
I am feeling a very deep fear here. I can see a serious accident coming and I have no way to control the car.
The reaction to the last 25 years is upon us and its name is Trump.
You like Trump and his policies, Arthur. Drop the act. The elaborate nature of your act fails to hide your admiration for him.
All this hot desire you have for him, many months away from the first primary!
It would be helpful for you to remember this phase you are going through now in the middle of 2016, when Trump will have dropped away as a candidate who has any chance to win the Presidency.