Maybe it’s been so long since Congress actually moved meaningful legislation that I’m just out of practice, but I’m having a devil of a time trying to figure out how they’re going to fund our highways before going home for the August recess. The Senate Republicans are openly warring with each other and they’re not at all on the same page as the House leadership, which is now adamantly refusing to take up the Senate’s funding bill.
Money runs out on Friday folks. Any idea how this pans out?
Heh…. guess it’s time for Dictator Obama to fire up his smelter of tyranny and crank out one of those fancy billion dollar coins!
Well let us see, hhmmm it could turn out with the best possible future for America. That would be all of the people in the USA that are not GOP members stand up and revolt. They through out ALL Gop politicians in ALL forms of government throughout the land. They then inform all of the GOP they have a choice to make.
But enough of my dreaming sorry.. there will be plenty more GOP grandstanding and dysfunction until they are voted out of office or the daydream takes effect and becomes reality.
The media will report that “Democrats and Republicans could not agree on …” Or “Partisan stalemate in the Senate”. Or worst of all (Fox News) “The badly needed highway funding bill failed because Democrats insisted on funding Planned Parenthood and would not compromise.”
I’m rooting for a McConnell-Cruz sundown duel with flintlocks.
As an Italian traditionalist, I’d prefer McConnell with a net and trident and Cruz with a buckler and sword.
Since it is 2015:
Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads!
Nothing will bet done. They may try for a Continuing Resolution…but…why would Obama help the GOP days before their first debate. Fun times. TOOT TOOT
The Invisible Hand, and the magic of the Market.
More like the Invisible Finger.
Or the Flying Fickle Finger of Fate.
does the Invisible Hand do paving also? driveways?
What republicans can’t face and wouldn’t admit if they did, is that trump was birthed in the gops own image. He’s that apple that doesn’t fall far from the tree.
The above comment belonged under the Podhoretz story.
Road contractors start giving money to Trump?
The interstates lay around all torn up with no visible progress? Oh, wait. That’s been going on for five years.
Heavy engineering construction contractors are almost exclusively Republican. But they tend to funnel their donations through PACs to avoid any obvious conflict of interest questions.
It’s simple in their world — Democrats push for the funds that give contractors the opportunity for work, but Republicans let them keep the money.
I want this to play out in flying cars and jet packs.
Best odds are on a House Republican capitulation by Thursday. There’s no upside on holding out. Such morons!
Money runs out. Republican caucus shrugs shoulders. Republican Presidential candidates start calling federal highway funds “socialist”; pull toll roads.
who cares?
Isn’t it about time for some Congressman from South Carolina to beat a Senator with a cane again?
“Money runs out on Friday folks.”
PROBLEM SOLVED! Government IS the problem, dontchaknow? We all saw how they shut down the Federal government the last time, in which they then had a hissy fit over how the (closed for business, because, Congress!) Federal parks were keeping the veterans out.
Attach an amendment to repeal Obamacare! That ought to take care of it.