The theme of Islamophobes pushes by Israel since the 9/11 attacks is now seen in the anti-Iran nuclear deal lobbying of US Congress. Just look at the big names at the Times Square rally in New York with slogan: Stop Iran Now.

‘If we don’t take out Iran,’ it will reenact the Holocaust in US and Israel | Mondoweiss | by Philip Weiss

Last night [last week] there was a big rally in Times Square in NY calling on Senator Chuck Schumer (among others) to kill the Iran deal. Among the speakers: former Manhattan DA Robert Morgenthau, presidential hopeful George Pataki, Rep. Trent Franks (R-Arizona), Israeli journalist Caroline Glick and Alan Dershowitz. And one of the featured speakers was Steven Emerson, the expert on terrorism who has worked for many Israel lobby groups and appeared on Fox News and is controversial even in the mainstream media.

What follows is the ending of Emerson’s speech.

    “So now we have the situation that unless Congress acts, I believe ultimately, it’s going to be left up to a military strike to take out the Iranian capabilities to take out the world. If we don’t take out Iran, they will take out us. And if the United States government, which is comprised of you- not Obama, not his secretary of state, not his administration, not the Congress- it’s the American people that decide.

    And it’s up to you to force your representatives your Congressmen, your Senators to say, No no no. Because if you don’t your children will never forgive you- never forgive you for not protecting this country from a holocaust. For not protecting the state of Israel from a holocaust that will occur assuredly just as it did 70 years ago. Rarely in our lives do we have an opportunity to change history. Now is the time to do it, and it’s your responsibility all of ours, to go do it.”

Others at the rally were cooler than Emerson, assuredly. But his call for a war with Iran was widely shared there.

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Stop Iran Now rally paid for by StandWithUs lobby group  

Below is my picture of a poster at the rally saying that Obama, Hillary Clinton, and “the same old Europe” are supporting Iran’s state plan of genocide against Jews and its use of “portable gas chambers.”  

Stop Iran Now lobby group

Our mission is to educate our countrymen on the dangerous accord being negotiated today in Geneva that will soon be put up for a vote in Congress.

    Our aims:

    1. An end to the farce being perpetrated against the American people with a pending deal which will endanger America and our allies.
    2. A restoration of the ORIGINAL demands – NO nuclear military capability, NO centrifuges and authority for any and all unannounced inspections of all known and any future facilities discovered.
    3. Providing an understanding that a failure to STOP IRAN NOW will necessitate a military response later.

Rally organizers were Jewish Rapid Response Coalition and StandWithUs