I will let others give Leon Wieseltier the full treatment. I just want to focus on a couple of areas. Let me begin with his explanation for why our country has been locked in a struggle with Iran ever since the Shah fled Tehran and students overran our embassy and took our people hostage for 444 days.
On the American side, the choice was based upon an opposition to the tyranny and the terror that the Islamic Republic represented and proliferated. It is true that in the years prior to the Khomeini revolution the United States tolerated vicious abuses of human rights in Iran; but then our enmity toward the ayatollahs’ autocracy may be regarded as a moral correction. (A correction is an admirable kind of hypocrisy.)
This is both glib and profound at the same time, which is what makes it interesting. It’s glib because it completely whitewashes our complicity in the Shah’s human rights abuses. It doesn’t even mention the enormous military investment we made in Iran during the Ford administration (under the leadership of Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney). But, it’s profound because he’s right that correcting bad policy is an admirable kind of hypocrisy. And the correction for backing the Shah wasn’t to sign on for the Islamic Revolution.
It’s a good insight, but it doesn’t go very far because it leaves open what kind of correction we could have made in the early stages of the revolution, or really at any point since that time. Still, I do get bored when I hear the name Mohammad Mosaddegh thrown around on the left like its some kind of protective blanket that gives the Clerics a license to do or say anything they want against our country and our interests.
The second thing I want to note here is that Wieseltier sets up a bad dichotomy by casting the Iran Deal as the polar opposite of things staying the same. Watch:
Indeed, a continuity of policy may in some cases—the Korean peninsula, for example: a rut if ever there was one—represent a significant achievement. But for the president, it appears, the tradition of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living. Certainly it did in the case of Cuba, where the feeling that it was time to move on (that great euphemism for American impatience and inconstancy) eclipsed any scruple about political liberty as a condition for movement; and it did with Iran, where, as [deputy national security adviser for strategic communication, Ben] Rhodes admits, the president was tired of things staying the same, and was enduring history as a rut. And in the 21st century, when all human affairs are to begin again!
Now, a continuity of policy is one thing, but when you’re talking about Iran’s nuclear capability it’s pretty clear that things were not staying the same. Just taking a look at the Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control’s website, I can see that Iran had zero centrifuges in early 2007 that were being fed with uranium hexafluoride. By May of this year, they had over 9,000 such centrifuges. Those numbers are pretty important. Whether the policy changed or not, it’s clear that things were not “staying the same.”
The last thing I want to say about this article today has to do with making the case that Iran’s government is a foul, reprehensible actor. I’m okay with that. But can we always check to see if the speck we find in Iran’s eye isn’t just as big or bigger when we look in the Saudi monarchy’s eyes? I say this in particular because Wieseltier will go on to recommend that we encourage the Arab Sunnis to make common cause with Israel against the Iranians. I need to understand why the Shiites deserve this treatment.
Look at what I do with this excerpt here:
The adversarial relationship between America and the regime in
RiyadhTehran has been based on the fact that we are proper adversaries. We should be adversaries. What democrat, what pluralist, what liberal, what conservative, what believer, what non-believer, would want thisSaudi ArabiaIran for a friend?
I’m going to do it again:
The text of the agreement states that the signatories will submit a resolution to the UN Security Council “expressing its desire to build a new relationship with
Saudi ArabiaIran.” Not a relationship with a newSaudi ArabiaIran, but a new relationship with thisSaudi ArabiaIran, as it is presently—that is to say, theocratically, oppressively, xenophobically, aggressively, anti-Semitically, misogynistically, homophobically—constituted.
It looks like the two governments are completely interchangeable here. See, I can’t see anything that the Iranian government is doing or has done since they released the hostages 34 and a half years ago as being as bad as what Saudi Arabia did in building up an ideology of Sunni extremism and nihilistic terrorism.
Let me put it to you this way. Where would you rather live, Iran or Saudi Arabia?
It’s an easy choice, even for Jews.
And let’s not even consider life in Syria or Iraq under the rule of the Sunni-led ISIS. Yet, we still get this advise from Wieseltier:
We need to despise the regime loudly and regularly, and damage its international position as fiercely and imaginatively as we can, for its desire to exterminate Israel. We need to arm the enemies of Iran in Syria and Iraq, and for many reasons. (In Syria, we have so far prepared 60 fighters: America is back!) We need to explore, with diplomatic daring, an American-sponsored alliance between Israel and the Sunni states, which are now experiencing an unprecedented convergence of interests.
Other than Iran’s alleged desire for a nuclear weapon, is there any reason why we don’t prefer the Ayatollahs to the so-called “Sunni states”?
Because, remember, Wieseltier is trying to sell this as a promotion of religious freedom and human and political rights. But he’s picking the side with the worse record.
I probably don’t need to tell you why.
His mind is in a one-track rut.
I must be missing something on this:
We need to arm the enemies of Iran in Syria and Iraq
The enemy of Iran in Iraq is ISIS, no? He’s not really suggesting that we need to arm ISIS, is he? Who the hell is he talking about?
Kurds is my guess.
I guess he’s talking about the Saudi/Jordan/Qatar-funded extremists.
aka Sunni “moderates” who are by now subsidiaries of al-Nusrah. Not Kurdish forces, who are getting serious support from the administration already, because they deserve it, having shown a commitment to pluralism and knowing how to use the stuff.
I agree with you and Booman. Turkey strongly supports these “””””””moderates””””””” too, which is probably the real reason for Turkey’s recent entry into the war against ISIS, which in all probability will not be so much against ISIS as against the PKK, and to help the Sunni “””””””moderates”””””””.
that Iran is fighting against ISIS is sort of a matter-antimatter collision in the brains of the anti-agreement gang causing brain explosion and irrationality
Theocracies are worse than monarchies or dictatorships full stop. But Saudi Arabia isn’t much different than a theocracy and as Ive said before, in terms of how much power a country’s people have, Iran is higher than anyone else in the region but Turkey and Israel.
The Saudis are the trifecta (monarchy/dictatorship/theocracy).
Perfect devil’s pact between monarch and theocrats. (Though Wahabis are not respected at all in Islam as scholars or intellectuals.)
I take exception to your comment about Mosaddegh. How does one live something like that down? Yeah, we overthrew your democratically elected government; get over it! Obama’s done as much as possible to show there’s another side to the United States but that neon billboard to American/western/imperial arrogance will be remembered forever.
All I ask it that you not engage in overly simplistic thinking.
The shah was in power for about 25 years. The clerics have been in power for 35 years. If they were going to restore political rights to the people, they should have gotten around to that by now.
Yes, I know that Iran has more representation than other countries in the region. It’s mostly a farce, and when the clerics are truly challenged, it’s completely a farce.
So, let’s keep things in perspective.
I agree with all of that. These clerics are not sincere, even in their religious principles. They’re essentially demagogues dressed up as religious leaders. My point is only that they would never have gained power but for our stupidity in bumping off a democratically elected PM. Doing so revealed the utter hypocrisy of our foreign policy after vocally proclaiming ourselves the world’s beacon of freedom. Iranian society is so much more sophisticated and educated than others in the region. As you’ve said, they are our natural ally. We pushed them to extremism. Our policies cut the ground out from under the feet of those who were on our side. No wonder we were then exploitable as the great Satan.
In truth, the world is not black and white. The idea of a creature seeking to advance darkness in the world is central to Islam. It’s not a simple concept and it’s not a children’s story about a cartoon character. It would be more accurate to say Satan is an archetype. Islamic scholars engage in complex discussions that would interest the kind of people who visit this site. Each of us has weaknesses, places where we’re susceptible to demands of the ego. Each of us sometimes listen to those demands and do things we’re not proud of. We each have the ability to turn away from those thoughts or to surrender to them. (This battle within is the true meaning of jihad.) We’re given choice. There are many powerful lessons in these teachings about how to live a meaningful and fulfilling life and how easy it is to be seduced and taken off track.
There are people in the world willing to forgive us for being less than perfect. But when we hold ourselves out one way while taking direct actions in complete opposition to that image, it becomes hard for even our most sophisticate friends to maintain a nuanced view and it becomes correspondingly easy for our enemies to exploit us. In places where the people are uneducated, it’s much easier for their leaders to paint black and white pictures. Iran is not such a place. We were (and remain) respected for many things. Some would even say our society embodies many of the most important virtues of Islam (and far better in fact that countries that hold themselves out as Islamic). The popular view of our nation as essentially principled could not have been undone without our cooperation.
The train left the station on the Iran agreement with the UN Security Council vote. The US in that vote is de facto guaranteeing Iran safety against a nuclear attack in order to encourage them from becoming too much in the Japanese position on nuclear weapons. President Obama and John Kerry successfully moved the dynamics back from a forced breakout. Or Iran made credible its capability to break out if pushed by Western pressure. More than the character of any government, having a verifiable agreement on non-proliferation is the major point. It is a point that we have not yet pursued sufficiently with Israel, Iran, and Pakistan. Nor have we pursued closing off the chemical weapons and biological weeapons treaty implementations so that we can close off our own programs. It does come down to that in the end; the US must also end its own nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons programs at the very least in the end state of these non-proliferation agreements. Other countries seriously doubt US intentions even long term on this score.
The Congress, short of a declaration of war and compliance by the US military, is limited in how it can block the results of this treaty. But it turns out to be the neo-conservatives’ worst nightmare for some reason that has not been adequately analyzed in the US.
There are analyses that point to the neo-conservative hissy fit being more about China’s and Russia’s influence that any issues with Iran. If peace breaks out, the US might be one among equals instead of the sole superpower and their dreams of total world conquest of neo-conservative neo-liberal political economy and American culture will be gone.
I agree with Wieseltier that this agreement will strengthen a comptemptible regime. We see that in the Republican and US alliance with an emboldened Israel (now without the threat of an Iranian nuclear program) that accelerates its theft of Palestinian territory and invades the al Aqsa mosque to the approval of its public. It is quite a dangerous situation in the Levant when your hopes of avoiding a disastrous and possibly escalating war with Iran rest on the good judgement and the ability to say not to Netanyahu of the Israeli Defense Force.
The most that Congress can do is a vote that will politically embarrass the President. Any Democrats who decide to join in that vote need to be clear exactly what they are doing to the national security of the country. They will be saying that Republican political posturing matters more than authentic national security of the United States. There isn’t a good political term for that sort of chest-beating weakening of our position, but there should be.
The most disastrous view of his article is to treat diplomatic recognition of foreign governments as some seal of approval that can be effectively withdrawn. When the US had credibility for its commitment to democracy and human rights, that might have been possible to an extent. But that ended with Vietnam and possibly earlier.
What diplomatic recognition gives us is the ability to negotiate on a regular, instead of an extraordinary, basis. Our interference in the internal affairs of the politics of Iran sacrificed that badly; some of those hostages who were held for 444 days were not the good guys American have in their knee-jerk reaction to the news of the seizure of an embassy. Others very much were. The behavior of the CIA station in Teheran over 34 years put all of the embassy staff at unreasonable risk. That accountability has never been held.
But that brings up the point that normal diplomatic relations come with a CIA station. At its best, that operation clarifies what is going on in the country so the diplomats do not make false steps in dealing with its government. The dominance of the CIA by its operations directorate has turned that into an operation that passes lies in both directions. That is not helpful to diplomacy or to national security.
And flying blind is what gets us into crisis after crisis in countries with which we have no diplomatic relations–and often because people like Leon Wieseltier spread disinformation about what is going on in those countries. And more often because of US domestic political agendas.
The Republican response to the Iran agreement is so toxic and so dangerous, that I am glad that the parties to the agreement structured a way to make the US government irrelevant to the success of the implementation of the agreement and the restoration of a reasonable economy for the Iranian people.
Still, I do get bored when I hear the name Mohammad Mosaddegh thrown around on the left like its some kind of protective blanket that gives the Clerics a license to do or say anything they want against our country and our interests.
That’s not what the left does, and it’s a ridiculous simplification. It’s invoked not as protection for the clerics carte blanche, but in response to the neoliberalcons’ lies and deceit about what they say they want and what they actually want (neoliberalcons are being hereinafter referenced as “you”): “Iran WAS what you said you want it to be until you overthrew the country’s government. You guys are responsible for the shit that’s fucked up and bullshit, and you only want to overthrow the clerics so you can install a nice, good, colonial leader who does your bidding like the good ol’ days.”
I think of it less a defense of the clerics and more of an attack against the people who never have to say they’re sorry for mucking up the world. The people who, I know you agree, shouldn’t be anywhere near power, yet are invited to go on MTP every Sunday. The people who should be held in the ICC’s detention centre.
So are the clerics nice people and is their theocratic government a good thing? No, but neither was the Shah and his monarchy. The same applies to Cuba. Castro is vastly preferable (for the people of Cuba) to Cardona. I could give a fuck about the US government’s interests (read, imperial interests, not “interests of the people of the United States”). How are the people of both countries affected? That’s what matters. Sanctions relief helps the people of Iran. Bringing Iran into the world community (read “western”) allows for mutual respect and understanding, and even may lead to what the neoliberalcons say they want (as opposed to using it as a ruse). Nuclear non-proliferation helps the world. Countering Wahhabism helps the world, and especially helps the region.
Lol @ Leon here, though:
Unprecedented? Since when?
I never get tired of speaking of Operation Ajax, the 1953 coup by the US and UK that deposed a democratically elected Prime Minister, so that the US and UK could have a brutal, repressive dictator installed in Iran. It allowed the US and UK to continue siphoning oil out of Iran for cheap, while also establishing Iran as a military dictatorship state that would be a dependable market for the US to sell weapons. Weapons that were often used against the people of Iran by the dictator we installed there.
How convenient for the scumbags who all collaborated in that illegal war, no?
Leaving out that information whenever discussing historical or current Iranian relations with the US is gross political negligence.
Even if it’s just a sentence or three, it needs to be brought up that Iran didn’t just get all uppity for no reason in ’78 and ’79 because they hate Freedom and ‘Murrica.
Bypassing observable reality when discussing past and current relations with Iran gives a pass to the pieces of shit who broke Iran 60 years ago, that we’re still trying to repair today. Fuck that noise. It also allows the warmongering scumbags of today to talk about bombing Iran and murdering Iranians as if Iran is somehow a country that has done wrong to us, rather than it being the US that has done vast wrongs over the past 60 years to Iran.
Jingoism isn’t patriotism, and the sooner we can stop acting like it is, the sooner we can stop murdering poor browns around the world simply because FreedomTM.
One issue though: America’s best ally in Operation Ajax was the very clerics who would act against the Shah 20 years later. Clerics have always held the final say over 20th century Iranian politics.
Mossadegh was as toxic (or more so) to the ulema as he was to us. The British and the ayatollahs were as much responsible for overthrowing Mossadegh as we were. We just provided the money.
The thing is, if your point is to counterbalance a distorted historical record, you have to be careful that you don’t adopt the idea that they way to set the record straight is to pull with equal force in the opposite direction.
I’m the kind of geek who spends slow weekends reading the dispatches the CIA sent from Tehran while the coup was unfolding in 1953.
The biggest problem they had with the Shah was that he was completely terrified and basically couldn’t stop wetting his pants.
The furthest thing from their mind was that he’d wind up ruling with an iron fist for 35 years.
They just wanted to get him to crawl out from under the bed and act like a man.
And he didn’t really start to act like a complete bastard for about, I don’t know, 10 or 15 years, I guess. Sometime around 1963.
And he did a lot for Iran, but he probably pushed too hard and invited a backlash. I know he and Khomeini began to have a problem in the mid-1960’s.
I think it’s too simple to just look at the coup like it was putting a strongman in charge and stealing their oil. By the time of the coup, we were probably investing more in Iran than any other similarly situated country in the world, and there were a lot of societal benefits to that.
But, yes, we also gave the man SAVAK, and when things got difficult, he unleashed them with real fury on his people.
I guess what I’m saying is that the real record is pretty complicated and just crying COUP COUP COUP every time the subject comes up doesn’t really correct the record the way people seem to hope it will.
One correction to this comment: by the time of the revolution we were investing more in Iran…
The biggest problem they had with the Shah was that he was completely terrified and basically couldn’t stop wetting his pants.
The furthest thing from their mind was that he’d wind up ruling with an iron fist for 35 years.
They just wanted to get him to crawl out from under the bed and act like a man.
So we put an incompetent boob in charge? I’m shocked, shocked!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Iran is a “bad actor” in roughly the same way Putin’s Russia is. They want a sort of regional influence/hegemony over similar peoples (Slavs for Russia, Shiites for Iran) but there isn’t a lot of evidence for this “world domination” bullshit we read about Iran. They want to protect the Shia from the Sunni.
As for the ayatollahs, they want stability. They want not to get invaded and have their economy function. (After years of telling Iranians that their economic problems were tied to sanctions, it will be interesting to see what happens when Iran’s nepotistic, corrupt economy doesn’t quite revive so much.)
The House of Saud is immensely more toxic to American “interests” than Iran is. The Persian people actually like Americans better than most Middle Eastern countries.
And with any luck Khamenei will die soon and perhaps Iran can move in a slightly different direction.
Could you name me a ‘good actor’?
Fixed it.
In 1962 the Russians put missiles in Cuba. Kennedy implemented a blockade, and Khrushchev caved in the Western telling.
The point isn’t whether the US was right or wrong, but rather this was done without considering the internal politics of the USSR. No one seriously considered asking what the effect of the policy would be on the internal divisions within the politburo.
One result of the crisis was Khrushchev was replaced. But of course we now know Khrushchev had sought to steer the USSR away from Stalin. One can argue the extent to which he was a reformer, but he was certainly preferable to what came after.
What I find revealing in Leon Wieseltier’s piece is that he gives absolutely no thought to the relative balance of forces within Iran. Surely one can argue that Obama’s policy might strengthen reformist elements within Iran. But because Leon sees all Iranians the same way, he is incapable of evaluating the different policy options in a very important way.
In fact, the best argument for Obama’s policy is that it might lead to an evolution within Iran.
But Leon looks at the Middle East and sees only unchanging enemies.
Is perhaps an evolution within Iran on how much we are to blame for all their misfortunes and isolation.
In the meantime, we should probably continue to back away slowly from entanglement with all Middle Eastern ideological movements and religious extremist states; excepting Turkey, a special and difficult case which must be resolved politically to secure Europe’s flank. Erdogan’s contested demise is probably worth watching closely.
The blockade option should not have been implemented? Because we should have known it would inevitably lead to the downfall of Khru? Do I read you correctly?
That’s quite a bit of foresight you require. And not necessarily correct foresight. As I understand it, Khru was removed because he had been the one who acted rashly and recklessly to install the missiles, his sole decision, and second his negotiating partner in D.C. had been removed by assassination, and his successor LBJ had no interest in continuing a detente process w the Soviets, thus leaving Khru isolated.
The analogy here is that you should always negotiate with your enemies — ultimately it can lead to your side having some sway or influence over them in addition to reducing geopolitical tensions. This began to happen in the post-Cuban Crisis period as with, e.g., the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and the arrangement to begin a joint US-USSR mission to the moon. Had Kennedy lived, the negotiating for a further test ban and other measures would have continued, probably leading to the end of the Cold War in 1965. But Lyndon wasn’t interested in this process apparently. Too focused on going into VN probably.
Credit to the Obama admin and Kerry for the Iran agreement, in the spirit of JFK-Khrushchev. And I understand Putin had a central role in bringing about this agreement. They prefer a stable non-nuclear Iran near their border. Credit the Russian leader too.
to say that the struggle had implications beyond just the US vs. Soviet Union.
It is true that US knowledge of internal politics in the Soviet Union was not profound, and I doubt US knowledge of the factions of the Politburo was good enough to make it a factor in US thinking.
My point was an international dispute had significant domestic consequences for our enemy.
I think the Blockade was probably the least bad option. I don’t agree with you that the cold war would have ended in ’65, though, had JFK lived.
Not profound perhaps, but at least Kennedy realized the importance of trying to deduce what the major factions over there were acting. In the waning day of the crisis, he realized Khru was probably similarly situated to himself — i.e., both leaders looking to find a peaceful solution while most of their advisers argued for war.
JFK said later that one of the major lessons of the crisis is to try to put yourself in the opponent’s shoes. By most accounts, he did this rather well.
Bobby, with his direct backchannel to a Khru rep in D.C. trusted to report directly to NK, helped the Soviet leader understand the dire situation facing Kennedy with his hawkish advisers, who RFK said seemed on the verge of mutiny, possibly to stage a military coup.
In any case, consequences for sure in the USSR, just not quite in the causative way you put it.
famously had all his senior advisors read “The Guns of August”. That book, which I only read last summer, is a chronicle of mistakes and errors and failures to understand the other side’s likely objectives.
You can argue we should have never gotten to the point we got, and you can blame Kennedy for that. You can also argue once he got there we were damn lucky he made the decisions he did.
Well he tried to get his advisers to understand the other side. Not totally successful however.
After it was over, his ambassador to India JK Galbraith visited the Oval, and Kennedy told him, You wouldn’t believe all the lousy advice I got during the Crisis. A bunch of ExComm cold warriors stuck on stupid, with very few exceptions.
As for ultimate fault, both sides share blame. Kennedy with the earlier BoP, Khru by dramatically escalating the situation by deciding to send in nuke weapons, rather than just conventional.
○ CIA documents on the Cuban missile crisis – 1962
Khrushchev caved and removed the Cuban missiles; Kennedy caved and removed the ballistic missiles in Turkey. A near catastrophy when a Navy admiral almost went rogue in the Atlantic, scaring the hell out of the Pentagon and White House.
Not just the blockade, the US nuclear power was on high alert and SAC bombers were spread across many states on military and civilian airfields, ready to retaliate by a nuclear strike. I saw them lined up at St. Louis Lambert field in that infamous October 1962.
There were numerous confrontations between the Soviets and US reconnaisance fights … there was also an Operation Checkmate II in 1961 to irritate the Soviets in the Black Sea region. Came across a nice article about a USAF serviceman’s experience during the Cold War while stationed in Turkey …
○ 1959-1963 USAF Experiences in Turkey
Under Obama and the forced Ukraine crisis, the relations are back to square one. Cold War rhetoric and threats are back, mostly for further economic war between the West and Russia/China as adversarries. See the present TPP and TTIP trade deal negotiations, a defensive pact against the rising economies of the BRICS states.
○ US sees momentum to conclude Asia-Pacific trade pact at TPP ministerial meeting set for July 28-31 in Hawaii
Kennedy didn’t really “cave” on the Jupiter missiles — they were obsolete and he’d actually told the Pentagon to have them removed months before. He was surprised during the Crisis to learn that order hadn’t been acted on. He just didn’t want the exchange publicized as a quid pro quo as it would have had serious political ramifications over here.
Hypocrisy is a long standing tradition in our country. We need to take a look inside ourselves because we create our on hell more often then not.
BTW: John Kerry was the man yesterday in front of congress defending the historic Iran nuclear agreement.
For anyone seeking some clarity about the unnecessarily convoluted, often mis/uninformed discussions floating around about the Iran agreement see Peter Van Buren at http://www.tomdispatch.com/blog/176028/
This Wieseltier guy’s perverse preference for Saudi Arabia over Iran is very troubling. ‘I probably don’t need to tell you why.’ Is he an Israel-bot?
It seems that Obama has thrown the Kurds under the bus to get access to Turkish air bases for attacks on the Islamic State (and Assad?) Nice going Mr. O, this is something you might want regret very much.
Not the Kurds. Only the PKK. Not that Turkey needed an incentive to attack the PKK.
Not so! Look where the Turks are bombing, also at strategic positions the Peshmerga and Syrian Kurds conquered on the IS forces recently. Erdogan wants military force to undo the last elections where the AKP lost its majority and sultan Erdogan his dream of absolute power. NATO gave Turkey minimum political leeway to fight “terrorists” but did not mention Kurds.
And a Kurdish united party got back into parliament, which requires at least 13 percent of the votes, an exorbitantly high threshold. Erdogan can’t form a government: tough guy war. As in the US.
Oh Marie 3 you must be kidding. You must know that the Turks do not distinguish between the PKK and the Kurds as a whole. Turkey wil not tolerate a Kurdish state along its southern border and will do everything it can to thwart it. Then comes the invasion of the Turkish army into Syria. Maybe the last act of Samantha Power’s neocon cha-cha is playing out: Syria will disappear as a sovereign state.
Always good to have a cover story. Then “oops” or “collateral damage” takes care of reports of strikes on non-official enemies.
nice ..
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