Back in 2006, John Kasich released a book called Stand for Something. The title seems pretty self-explanatory but I haven’t read this book so I can’t really say for sure. It just seems like he probably wanted people to know that he has some strong feelings about a few things and that’s willing to fight for them. One thing, however, that he obviously doesn’t give a shit about is littering. I know this because he brags about littering. He thinks telling people all about the time he threw a plastic CD-case out of the window of his car will convince them that he is a man of the utmost moral character.
While working at Lehman Brothers, Kasich took a risk and bought a hip-hop CD, in this case by The Roots. He found the lyrics so vulgar he said he pulled over to the side of the road and tossed the CD out of the car. No need for what he considered “offensive drivel,” he wrote.
We’ve all been disappointed in a musical album that we thought we’d enjoy, but only complete assholes deal with this disappointment by chucking the CD out of the window of their car. Why should we all suffer just because you don’t like hip-hop?
But Kasich also brags in this book about being so offended by the wood-chipper scene in Fargo that he attempted to get his local Blockbuster to take it off its shelves.
So, this seem to be a habit with the Ohio governor. He consumes some piece of art, doesn’t like it, and decides to punish everyone else to help himself feel better about it.
This is not in the same league as strapping your dog onto the roof of your car and going for a road trip, but it reveals a similar character flaw.
In this case, the flaw is an inability to see that your stupid story doesn’t make you look virtuous or good in a crisis. Your stupid story makes you look like some kind of freak.
Certain professions and activities seem to lend themselves to those with character flaws. When I used to be an amateur actor, I noticed how most actors had some degree of narcissism and exhibitionism. Don’t even get me started on my attorney colleagues. Politicians, particularly those who are successful, seem to think quite highly of themselves and have limited insight into the reasons why others may not agree. Even President Obama, who I respect very much and consider a really good person, seems to suffer this affliction at times, referring to himself as the bear, not seeming to realize this could come across as being a bit full of oneself.
To be fair to Obama, he managed to defeat the Clinton machine and become the first black President. And get re-elected. Not to say it’s ok for him to be full of himself or that it’s justified, but it does take a pretty healthy ego to even think you’re capable of such a feat.
I agree. My grandmother used to say some people are entitled to large egos. Still doesn’t make it attractive or any less tone deaf.
Compared to most politicians, Obama has a pretty good sense of how he comes across. The arrogance only slips in occasionally and, then, only momentarily. And despite the arrogance, one gets the feeling he genuinely likes people. Very much like Clinton (and a lot of politicians). A large measure of extroversion is a huge asset for any successful politician.
agrees. also he had the good sense to marry someone who helps keep everything in perspective
yes, remember the crying baby?
You might be missing the point of these stories for his audience. Like the good, Christian man that he is, he admits to having strayed and then immediately self-corrects his behavioral aberration and reports back to his fellow churchies to stay away from evil movies and music.
They have that “I can’t tell a lie” quality, but more importantly, the extent of his “bad boy behavior” is like a kid stealing a penny candy. He never once got down with raunchy music or porn flicks. Or so he would have the world believe.
That wholesome image he’s projecting makes me suspicious of him. We just saw what happened to that one comedian. I don’t believe it’s wise to do the wholesome thing right now.
So, I take it he won’t be on Jimmy Kimmel’s show.
No, no. Clearly he wanted to share that CD with others. Hence his paying it forward with the window toss.
Can people please mention that Kasich used to be the vacation fill-in for Loofah Man on Faux Noise? Right up until he decided to run for Governor.
MY OFFICIAL PREDICTION (that nobody gives a shit about):
Kasich WILL BE the nominee of the GOP. And he is dangerous, only because he is the kind of guy that will get a pass from much of the media, much like GWB in 2000, and unlike Gore in 2000 or Clinton 2016.
Just like President Huntsman. How does the guy who stood up for Obamacare get past his party’s rage-infested base?
Huntsmans, Pawlenty, and Brownback didn’t have the chops for GOP Presidential debates. They were all so “cool” that they faded into the woodwork. Kasich, unfortunately, just might prove is speaking mettle. And if he does and Jeb continues to flop around like a dead fish, some of that big money will switch to Kasich.
Apparently, he likes the Grateful Dead and is a jerk about it:
Uh oh, that wasn’t supposed to get out. Or are conservatives now cool with The Dead? I get so confused. With Christie slamming states rights on pot and sanctuary cities and all of rejecting SCOTUS and the PPACA and embracing voter disenfranchisement, I have no idea who’s on first.
Again, I’m saying that Kasich is a Conservative Monster to the third power. Don’t let him run for President because on paper he looks nifty, but he’s a disaster.
Read this. It shows how he really is.
The only thing that makes him worse than the other bozos is that he would have the best chance to win next November.