Month: July 2015

Chaka Fattah Gets Indicted

Has it really been eight years since Chris Bowers and I sat down with Chaka Fattah? Now we both have children. And Rep. Fattah looks like he’s going to jail. I can’t speak for Bowers, but I walked away from my...

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Coming Apart at the Seams

All is not right in Whoville: North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows had heard from leading conservatives that trying to oust Speaker John Boehner right now was a bad idea. Reps. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.) and Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), fierce...

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Oh, Leon, My Leon

I will let others give Leon Wieseltier the full treatment. I just want to focus on a couple of areas. Let me begin with his explanation for why our country has been locked in a struggle with Iran ever since the Shah fled Tehran...

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