I actually turned Sean Hannity’s radio show on in the car yesterday. It was the first time I’d listened to his radio show in, I’m guessing, about 15 years. There was a period before the 2000 election when I’d listen to WABC out of New York on the way home from work, and that’s when Hannity was airing back then. I wanted any information on the election, and WABC was the only place that was talking about it 24/7.

The show hasn’t changed, but other things have. Hannity’s guest yesterday was Al “Sore’s” old running mate “Loserman.” He came on right after Hannity spent about five minutes explaining that we’re all going to die and that Israel will be turned to glass if we go ahead and make this deal with Iran. Lieberman promptly said something like, “Sadly, Sean, I have to agree with almost everything you just said.”

He never bothered to explain which parts he didn’t agree with.

I was an early adopter of the idea that Joe Lieberman is a sociopath, so it took me until about three days before the 2000 election before I could convince myself to vote for the Gore/Lieberman ticket. In retrospect, I am even more pissed than I could ever imagine I’d be that I was given a choice between that ticket, Bush/Cheney, and Pat Buchanan, or Ralph Nader.

In the end, I voted for Gore, not Lieberman, and not because I had any affection for Gore whatsoever. It was because he was the only person on the ballot who wasn’t some kind of evil joke. And picking Lieberman to run with him put him right on the edge of that category, too.