After I read Joshua Green’s reporting in Bloomberg, I had to check to see if there is an echo in here.
But Trump’s broad popularity and enduring strength among Republicans lend credence to a different interpretation: that his candidacy has become the preferred vehicle for Republican voters to express maximal outrage at their own party’s leaders for failing to carry out the agenda they keep promising. It’s one that many conservatives ardently desire: to deport undocumented immigrants, kill Obamacare, overturn Roe v. Wade, and return the GOP to a position of primacy in American politics.
“If you look at the whole Republican Party, from libertarians to evangelicals to the Tea Party,” says Steele, “you have a group of people who’ve been lied to for 35 years. Republican [presidential candidates] have said, ‘Elect us and we’ll do these things.’ Well, they haven’t. And that frustration is manifesting itself in Trump.”
Now, Michael Steele took over as chairman of the Republican National Committee ten days after Barack Obama took the oath of office on January 20th, 2009, and Steele stayed in his position until the January after the stunning 2010 midterms. In other words, he ran the Republican Party during the height of the Tea Party backlash. And his job was primarily to hobnob with very wealthy Republican donors and get them to give his organization cash. He’s seen this clash of cultures in an up-close-and-personal way that few others can match.
And notice something important: he said that three kinds of Republicans have been persistently led on and lied to over the course of 35 years, which happens to coincide precisely with the rise of Ronald Reagan and the seeming triumph of the Conservative Movement.
But the group he didn’t mention were the businessmen. He didn’t mention the Chamber of Commerce types. He didn’t say that the big donors he courted were misled and left without anything to show for their support.
No, it was only the evangelicals who kept thinking that the rich businessmen who really run the GOP want their wives and daughters to live in a country with the same rights enjoyed by women in Francisco Franco’s Spain. And the libertarians who thought anyone was serious about shuttering the Department of Education. And the Tea Party folks who took that deficit spending nonsense literally.
These folks have been served several lines of bullshit for a very long time, and it’s coming to a head now. The business folks want transportation spending and free trade and more defense spending and to pay our bills, and they don’t give a shit about Benghazi or Obamacare or Planned Parenthood or gay marriage. They’re sick and tired of the base of the party asking for government shutdowns constantly and preventing their Republican Congress from doing business as usual.
You can call this Frankenstein’s monster or whatever you want to call it, but I think Michael Steele hit the nail right on the head.
And he would know.
How ironic, then, that a businessman like Trump would be the one to capture the resulting anger and bring the ruse clearly into the light?
Eizabeth Warren: “Did you fall down, hit your head, and think you woke up in the 1950s or 1890s?”
No, Elizabeth, they never left the 1950s or 1890s. Somehow they’ve long succeeded in sticking with their delusional stuck in the past worldview. Yet, every once in a while reality cuts the legs out of the edifice that props them up. Never quite thoroughly enough and for never quite long enough. And boy do they get angry when their beehive gets thwacked.
Warren Buffet summed up the anger amongst his class of Americans well: “WE’RE RICH AS HELL AND WE’RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE!”
Enduring? As in about 1 month?
That is nearly as silly as foxnews saying Clinton and Sanders are statistically tied in NH.
you nailed it..
the only ones satisfied are the Chamber of Commerce types.
If the others fell for their bullshyt, oh well.
The Chamber of Commerce makes the rules. And the rest of them better get in line. I find it amusing that they’re realizing they were snookered.
After all, who does John Roberts listen to? The Chamber of Commerce!!
Is Trump any different? No. He’s in it for himself and his money and has no intention of making substantial changes in the direction the Republican ‘base’ might want. He just opportunistically sees that by rubbing salt in their failures he can the grab the chance to screw all over again to his advantage. Not so different from HRC going populist. Is it? She does it in the loving, caring Democratic way. Trump’s trump is throw is vulgarity and brashness around as red meat. But the result is hardly very different. HRC deals more in white meat.
There’s truth in your comment but the way they would govern is light-years apart. Hillary would probably be a placeholder, protecting the advances of the last eight years and maybe appointing one or two or three liberal justices. Trump would be a fucking carnival clown and complete loose cannon.
Yes. As usual we can will be advised to take solace from the fact that HRC is surely the best of a very bad lot. An even bigger difference between Trump and HRC is that he has zero chance of becoming president while her’s is highly probable at this point. So we should not overlook her very developed neocon/liberal sensibilities because the Republicans might be seen as providing us with comic relief for the whole sorry spectacle which, by the way, is an attitude we take at our own peril: clowns they are not, far from it, unfortunately. Where is Bernie Sanders on freight policy?: secretly in the same place as HRC I suppose.
For ‘freight policy” read ‘foreign policy’. My computer prefers ‘freight’, as if Bernie is a Teamster!
Guess the GOP base won’t bother to get it that what they want is stupid. So stupid that the outcomes are contraindicated for what they want.
If you put the GOP constituencies around a poker table, if they don’t know who the sucker is, THEY are the sucker.
It’s the GOP “education” agenda in action.
Ronald Reagan didn’t give them what they wanted either. If he couldn’t do (or didn’t have any intention of doing it), then no one can.
not sure if that’s true, Reagan worked with Democratic Congress
Bush 2 is the one they should be mad at, he actually had a Republican Congress
Yes, and he gave them a bit of what they wanted and it was a disaster.
A Very Heavy Agenda: Neocons Fred & Don Kagan wanted a US military invasion of Palestine in response to 9/11
Back to the article:
The analogies only explain (if they do that) why Black Lives Matter think they need to heckle Bernie Sanders. They don’t show that they are right.
Bernie Sanders has nothing to do with any of that bullshit, sorry.
Sory this is the wrong thread for the above comment. I’ll put it on the right thread.