I watched it.
All of it.
The results?
In no particular order:
Winners: Kasich, Rubio, Huckabee. Given that they are Republicans, of course…they were relatively smart, nimble and engaging. Rubio in particular has a good head on his shoulders. Dunno about his heart, but the head was working just fine.
Neither winners nor losers: Bush, Carson. Carson doesn’t really count, but at least he was funny once he loosened up. Bush? Again…given that he is a Republican, he seemed almost moderate, plus he made me think that perhaps he might be a better man than are his father and brother. Faint praise, I know, but there it is. Gotta get a better fitted pair of glasses, though.
Losers (and why) : Cruz-nasty face. Walker-looks like a egg-sucking dog.
BIG losers (and why): Trump-The hot air was all there was. (Thank the God to whom all the candidates were referring!!!) Paul-Whiny. Too small. Awkward. Bad haircut. Christie-Still a fat, mean local bully.
Whaddayou, kiddin’ me or what? This is national American politics!!! A nationwide popularity contest. Kinda like being voted King or Queen of the high school prom. You don’t have to have the best grades or the most talent, you just have to piss off the fewest people.
Only 15 more months of this bullshit to go!!!
I didn’t watch. Did Walker do anything to damage his 2nd front-runner status?
Yes. He looked like an egg sucking dog. I’m serious. He <looks> like a liar. Insincerity and back-stabbing sleaze ooze out of him in nasty little gobs. Weak. Image is all in this game.
He’s a snake, no question. His “blame the unions and their enormous pensions” program is popular, however. Watch IL to see what will happen there. If that catches on in IL (R Gov, D everything else), Walker may be the next POTUS.
From today’s Trib:
Further evidence that this whole election has already deteriorated into nothing more a mass reality show production.
Hillary Clinton…the presumptive Democratic nominee…spent the time in the company of people like Kardashians, people who are famous only for being famous. And having big butts. She didn’t even watch the debate.
Empty like a motherfucker!!!
Politics as show business.
Millions of lives hang in the balance.
And here she is: