Before you say that no one could have predicted that Donald Trump would be a serious presidential candidate, let’s go into the time machine.

Mar 18, 2011

Tickets to Charlie Sheen’s live shows are selling like crazy. He broke the speed record for acquiring Twitter followers. He’s become a folk hero with fans. So why not Charlie Sheen for president!?

Indeed, why not?

According to a new poll, independent voters say they favor Sheen over Sarah Palin by a 41/36 margin.

And it’s not just independents who are supporting the tiger-blooded warlock. Democrats would support him by a 44-24 margin for president over Palin and Republicans would support him 37-28 over Obama.

The conclusion from Public Policy People may not have any respect for Sheen but they still think he’d be a better alternative than their opposing party’s leading figure.

The only question I have is why Charlie Sheen let Donald Trump steal his lunch?