Before you say that no one could have predicted that Donald Trump would be a serious presidential candidate, let’s go into the time machine.
Mar 18, 2011
Tickets to Charlie Sheen’s live shows are selling like crazy. He broke the speed record for acquiring Twitter followers. He’s become a folk hero with fans. So why not Charlie Sheen for president!?
Indeed, why not?
According to a new poll, independent voters say they favor Sheen over Sarah Palin by a 41/36 margin.
And it’s not just independents who are supporting the tiger-blooded warlock. Democrats would support him by a 44-24 margin for president over Palin and Republicans would support him 37-28 over Obama.
The conclusion from Public Policy People may not have any respect for Sheen but they still think he’d be a better alternative than their opposing party’s leading figure.
The only question I have is why Charlie Sheen let Donald Trump steal his lunch?
I’m fairly old, but I believe I remember a time when voters were intelligent.
Maybe not intelligent but a lower level of irrational stupidity in the electorate.
Yes, I should have said that at least they tried to pretend they were intelligent. Now there are many who just don’t seem to care.
Well, seemed that it used to take a much greater effort to locate and ingest the crazy pill. Now there is an infinite supply available to every human being 24-7. It is pretty much an intravenous flow now.
You should read Sinclair Lewis or H.L. Mencken.
He was busy winning.
But could he have sold out the tickets for a MI GOP – Lincoln Day?
Another way to “give money” to folks that will later have to return a favor?
A whole lot of people believe the way to fix our politics is to get all the politicians out of them.
They’re not all right-wing, either.
The same people, somehow, don’t ever suggest that the way to fix the Red Sox’ left field problem isn’t to replace Hanley Ramirez with another, actual left fielder, but to replace him with Matt Damon.
Great analogy. Except Matt Damon is actually pretty good at his day job, and is apparently a nice guy. A closer analogy to the Donald might be, say, Steven Segal.
… or, you know, Charlie Sheen.
Damon’t back up on a fly ball worth shit. The Green Monster’d eat him up.
Can’t argue with that. I would also enjoy watching Segal bounce off it though.
Being an a-hole is apparently the new route to electoral success.
A bi-partisan failing…
Am I the only one who remembers the 2011 Matt Damon for President boomlet?
Of impeccable progressive origin, too.
Or the Oprah Winfrey boomlet. Wesley Clark boomlet.
Although the novice Republicans for high office have been more common and has led to more successes.
How I wish Democrats would refrain from being copy-cats on this strategy. George Murphy and SI Hayakawa were pathetic Senators.
Oprah. Not saying this couldn’t still happen, you know.
Now you’re just trolling half the country, most of our politics and all of the media.
Incidentally, seems like Driftglass has the Trump versus Fox dynamic pretty well figured out. Metaphorically speaking, that is.
Trolling? Perish the thought.
Sheen would add something that Trump is sorely lacking: GRAVITAS.
stupidity may be part of it, but mostly it’s a combination of media disinformation and lack of civics education on how government functions (Davis X’s comment is so on target )
Speaking of stupidity, didn’t anyone here follow the Charles Murray Bell Curve debate and Stephen J Gould’s reply? summary paraphrase: usaians are no more stupid than any other nationality
Well, if Charlie Sheen were President, there would be no laws forbidding breast feeding in public.