○ Introduction Sarah Silverman for Bernie Sanders Rally in Los Angeles (Video)
○ Overflow crowd at Sanders rally – 10k watched on video screens outside
Photos: Over 27,000 Berners Rally For Bernie Sanders In Los Angeles | LAist |
The energy level at the L.A. Memorial Sports Arena was high. LAist’s photographer, Perhansa Skallerup said it was on par with a “popular Christian rock concert.” A campaign spokesperson told Variety that since the arena could only hold 17,500, the rest of the people who showed up to the rally were in an overflow area outside that had giant TV screens projected the rally. The crowd was a mix of young college-aged folks, older hippies, and a largely white turnout, though there were also Latinos, Asians and blacks in the crowd. People held signs like “Feel the Bern” and “Shine Bright Like A Bernie,” and there were others with “Black Lives Matters” shirts and signs.
Sanders’ rally even trotted out a celebrity. Comedian Sarah Silverman introduced him to the stage. “I give you, if we’re all very smart and a little bit lucky, the next president of the United States,” Silverman said as the crowd erupted in applause.
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Bernie Sanders surges ahead of Hillary Clinton in N.H., 44-37 (Boston Herald)
- ○ Why a huge Los Angeles crowd turned out for Bernie Sanders | LA Times |
○ Bernie Sanders assures Black Lives Matter protesters: I’m your guy | The Guardian |
Thousands attend LA Sanders rally opened by black activist | Al Jazeera |
Distruptions by Black Lives Matter activists of at least two Bernie Sanders events is getting some backlash from liberals who embrace the fight against racism but don’t believe Sanders deserves to be a target.
“It is stupid, don’t do it,” wrote Hamilton Nolan on Gawker Monday. “Bernie Sanders? Bernie Sanders, of all presidential candidates, is the one that you choose to target on the issue of America’s structural racism? Bernie Sanders is the most progressive serious presidential candidate, and the most liberal, and the most vocal and wise on the issue of America’s entrenched and widening economy equality.”
Most on the left have kept quiet because speaking out against the young black activists may be interpreted as opposing the Black Lives Matter movement that they actually support.
But now, even black voters such as Charles Malmsten, a 31-year-old African American lawyer who attended the Los Angeles event, are expressing their discontent.
“I’m pissed off about that,” said Malmsten, of the Seatte kerfuffle. “They’re hijacking the movement. … It simply looks bad.”
His friend, Alex Paris, a 31-year-old black marketing professional, said he came to the event to learn more about Sanders. He also said the Black Lives Matter tactics in Seattle were disconcerting, “especially since he (Sanders) has a history of working with black groups on civil rights issues.”
- ○ Senator Bernie Sanders refused to be chastised by OA206er Ms Johnson
○ Bernie Sanders Nabs Endorsement From National Nurses’ Union
Re: Disrupters or agitators in Seattle
More below the fold …
Re: BLM Disrupters or OA206 agitators in Seattle
Marissa Johnson was noted as an organizer for Outside Agitators 206 at Garfield High School in Seattle on January 22, 2015 for a panel discussion titled “From Black Power to #BlackLivesMatter: A Forum with 1968 Olympic Medalist John Carlos.”
Marissa Johnson, the founder of BLM Seattle saying, “I was going to tell Bernie how racist Seattle is…” Activist Mara Willaford, who also interrupted Sanders, declared that “white supremacist liberalism” prevails in Seattle.
Change.org Petition Demands Seattle BLM Agitators Apologize to Sanders.
Apparently #BlackLivesMatter is a loose organization of activists with little coordination.At dKos:
○ Seattle’s “Outside Agitators 206” & why they want to drive a wedge between BLM and Democrats by Left Coaster
○ The protesters were from Outside Agitators 206 (OA206) by kbman
○ Seattle BLM Protest Was Not BLM (Sorta) by millansinghIn these recent articles there are some additions and a few deletions worthwhile to be read …
○ Questions emerge in regards to Seattle activists’ connections to #BlackLivesMatter
○ #BlackLivesMatter embraces Seattle activists, deny they demanded an apology to Bernie Sanders
Marissa Johnson did indeed prove how racist Seattle is, by her own actions.