I’m no expert in how to get a tiger out of a stairwell, but I would have tried something different:
“I got a call from a friend who asked me to help them get this tiger out of a staircase,” said Andy Didorosi, 28, of Detroit. “He asked me if I had a leafblower, and I said I had a weedwhacker, so he told me to bring that. … I stopped what I was doing, grabbed my tools and hopped in my truck, because, you know, tiger. …
“I don’t know much about tiger logistics, but we were told to be this huge blue tarp monster with the weedwhacker and try to be scary and make loud noises. That just made him angry. You could say he got tiger rage, so we retreated.”
There are a lot of knuckleheads in the world.
As long as we’re considering knuckleheadded ideas, just get a couple M-80’s and chuck them from across the street, as long as you had quick and easy access to shelter from a really scared and pissed off tiger.
Not sure which act was dumber: the act of trying to get the tiger out, of the act that led to the tiger being there in the first place.
I guess you never take a weed wacker to a tiger fight.
There’s a backstory here. Probably one involving raising tiger cubs from baby (cute, cute, cute) to adult (not cute).
Bears are a menace.
That’s a wild story, and that guy is not a big guy.
Odd choice for a title. Just sayin.