If you were ever drunk or dumb enough to investigate opportunities for sex outside your marriage on the internet, you have my limited sympathy. The chances are not that bad that everyone you know, including your spouse, will soon know about it.
This could, I think, have some far-flung consequences, not all I which I can even imagine at the moment.
No, you couldn’t have been signed up as a prank, you need to pay, with a credit card. The dump includes the credit card info, and the amounts the person paid. (Apparently you had to buy contacts incrementally.) Another good part of this is that it was pretty much a fraud – there were hardly any women signed up, and the company created fake female accounts to fleece the guys. Also, too, the guys’ kinks are in the dump. It’s definitely good schadenfreude, though also likely to be a big mess. No doubt there are some public figures in there — we’ll soon find out.
What are you talking about? The initial sign up is free. You have to pay to do anything like message but you can still look and that’s why it works as a prank.
What percent of the %30 female in unknown but are you ignoring gay affairs? And frankly criticizing kinks is just close minded. As long as it’s consensual what standing do you have to say this person’s thing is in the “dump?”
Finally dealing with an affair or thinking about it is different for everyone. On rare occasions maybe it leads to a couple fixing their relationship. Plastering it online to be searched forever hurts people careers and children.
Listen, this is simple: The dump includes the credit card numbers. Nobody would sign you up as a prank and pay using your credit card. And what kind of prank would it be anyway? You wouldn’t even know you had an account, nobody can contact you outside of the system. And I’m not criticizing people’s kinks, I’m just pointing out that they are there and will embarrass some people.
You do not need to have used a credit card to be in the info dump because you can sign up to the site without entering credit card info! There are websites you search through by name or email address to see if someone signed up (and are probably data mining themselves…).
Apparently Josh Duggar signed up w/credit card and was billed monthly.
OMG!!! That is so amazing!! Is he even married?
Married with children (must continue the family business).
Old testament christian values. Certainly Abraham at least had 2 wives, probably more.
Oh, wait, them’s jewish values. Or mormon. Or Islamic.
You don’t have to imagine what can happen. Look at the most recent case with Subway’s Jason the Pedophile. Trolling for underage girls for sex, visiting child porn sites, and who knows what else. It’s sickening.
And why does everyone think he or she won’t get caught? That’s what boggles my mind. Every stinkin’ person who uses the Internet as a private system for communication has to know it’s not private, never.
So duh. I have no sympathy.
I think it’s just great that there is yet another way to destroy people’s lives. And not just the cheaters’ lives, but that of their spouses and children! Web stampedes of righteous indignation all around!
Of course, when it comes to public figures, the liberals are the only ones who will be destroyed– conservatives are always forgiven. Because morality.
The conservatives may not be able to forgive. In the dump there are 15,000 government/military e-mail accounts. The christian conservatives may freak.
the thieves (hackers) looking down on the cheaters.
what a world.
I’m not sure how I feel about all of this, but I almost laughed until I cried when I found out about Josh Duggar. My wife used to love that show, and I would grudgingly tolerate it until I got control of the remote again. All of the Josh Duggar stuff has been like one long, unending Christmas for me.
The internet and social media are a catastrophe for humanity. We have invited into our homes the most despicable people in the world. We have given our lives over to criminals and spies just so we can “share”. We have exposed our financial security to all manner of world wide criminals who will surely someday destroy the whole damn thing just for fun.
We will look back on this time and wonder just what the hell we were thinking.