When I say that Jeb Bush isn’t ready from primetime, I don’t mean that he might blow a chance at the nomination like Hillary Clinton did in 2008. No, Hillary made some early mistakes that proved catastrophic, but she proved to be a formidable candidate and she would have easily dispatched John McCain.

Jeb isn’t a strong campaigner with some glaring weaknesses. He’s a very bad campaigner. He’s reactive and doesn’t drive the agenda at all. He’s insincere. He doesn’t resonate. He has no instincts and can’t respond in real time. Trump calls him “low energy,” which seems fairly accurate, especially when compared to campaigners like Barack and Hillary.

If Bush doesn’t win the nomination, it won’t be because he didn’t understand the process. It will be because he’s terrible at convincing people to vote for him.

Say what you want about Hillary’s 2008 campaign, but she had no problem convincing tens of millions of people to vote for her.

And is Kasich really the back-up plan here?

I think he is.