I’m disappointed that Scott Walker isn’t sticking by his contention that building a Maginot Line to protect us from invading hordes of Canadians “is a legitimate issue for us to look at.”
I guess he figured out that he was being asked a rhetorical question and invited to explain his racism.
No doubt that our fellow BMTer Olivia is relieved.
Night gathers and now Scott Walker’s watch begins. It shall not end until his death. He shall take to college degrees, hold no national office, father no legislation. He shall wear no crowns and win no glory. He shall live and die by the Kochs. He is the sword in the darkness, the watcher on the walls, the fire that burns against the cold.
White Walker pledges his life and honor to the White Watch, for this night and all nights to come.
There are more “Walker vs. Walkers” match-ups than Scott Walker against the White Walkers. Given the interest in the zombie apocalypse, it should come as no surprise that the first image that comes to my mind are those of The Walking Dead. It turns out there are lots of “zombie Scott Walker” memes out there. There’s also a “Scott Walker vs. Scout Walker” meme for the Star Wars fans out there.
Hey Booman I think you are giving Walker to much credit. He just flip/flopped for it is in his nature.
Remember when Kerry was running for President and all we heard, day in and day out, was FLIP FLOPPER?
Heh. Republicans don’t.
Stopping creeping Harperism. If you think going after immigrants is bad, wait until they go after “Indians”, er, “First Nations”.
“That is a legitimate issue for us to look at,”
Come on. It is a legitimate issue to look at… For about 3 seconds until the non-reptilian part of your brain says it is absurd and limited resources should be spent keeping out those Hispanic non-terrorist brown rapists invading from the south. That’s what he meant. He just wanted to make sure he wasn’t being seen as racist by not considering all borders equally.
Except the non-reptilian parts of the brains of GOP rubes will stop at “what a stupid thing to say” and switch to one of the less stupid sounding candidates.
About these “non-reptilian parts of the brains of GOP rubes”; is CERN attempting to isolate this?
Brains — reptilian and higher order are organic. Outside CERN’s mission.
No surprises, then:
Eating, breathing and loving their kids and pets. No other apparent signs of life as we know it. Just sayin’.
And they believe that Cruz was born in the US.
Facts stump stupid people. Or perhaps having learned to reject facts has made them stupid.
Maybe this is what it looks like:
End times for something, methinks. Perhaps the Faustian bargain between the 1% and two generations of Wallace Democrats.
Won’t work. Jeb(?) doesn’t get it that his appeal is limited to those that go along with the GOP party choice (approximately 10% in Iowa) and the few others that have yet to loathe the Bushes. There is zero crossover appeal for Trump’s supporters to Bush. Same with Carson’s supporters.
Jeb! was doomed from the start? Or just from now? LOL
I agree that an attack strategy is badly timed for Jeb! on several grounds but $100M worth of donor influence is apparently forcing this error; points to Trump for freedom of action here.
Not from the start. He had to scoop up a healthy portion of the experience/expertise (aka resume) voters (10% available in IA), the party blessed one (10%), wealth admirers (10%), and a few of the ‘more war (5%) and Catholic fundies (5%).
Carson and Huck have mostly sewn up the Protestant fundies (15%) that were instrumental in his bro’s nomination. His resume doesn’t work when he opens his mouth. He’s not wealthy compared to Trump (daddy and bro were or were perceived to be compared to their competition). Those that could drop out and disproportionately benefit Bush are polling at 0-2% and there aren’t enough of them.
A wall with Canada is a stupid idea. That said, it wouldn’t hurt to station some Panzer…sorry, I meant Armored….divisions up North, just in case those Canucks start getting out of line. I’m glad Scott Walker is talking about the real threat.
The idea of a fortified border with Canada reminds me of a Pinky and the Brain episode, “Brain of the Future,” in which the U.S. confronted a Canada led by a dictator with a Napoleon complex, which I thought was pretty ludicrous at the time. Unfortunately, I can’t find an image of him. I guess I’ll have to make a screen capture myself.
Finally, Andy Borowitz has one of his usual funny takes on the idea, “Nation with Crumbling Bridges and Roads Excited to Build Giant Wall.”
I don’t know if Canada merits a wall yet, but, could we get a wall around Texas? Those folks come up to our beautiful mountains this time of year and some of ’em get the idea to move up here. And when Houston goes under water, I’m sure many will think of moving to the High Ground state, if you catch my drift. I’m concerned. There’s just not a lot of enthusiasm hereabouts for the yellow star boys. (I’m a Red Star guy, myself) And you folks in New Mexico, please join in the discouragement. I’ve heard many of you feel the same way. Let’s face it: “Texas Is Big Enough To Stay Home!” My new slogan for Texas!
Jeebus, if anything Canada should be looking at building a wall against US, Dimwit Walker. Canada is gonna be looking increasingly inviting as the man-made climate progresses….
The Guardian: Rob Ford and Canadians dismiss Scott Walker’s ‘off-the-wall’ border idea
Toronto’s laughing stock not as seriously cracked as Scott Walker.
Good laugh, that, thanks. I can’t describe how much I’m enjoying the 2016 campaign so far. As Woody Allen said, “Life doesn’t imitate art, it imitates bad television.”
Allen surely said that before television got really bad. What’s the competition for the GOP primary? High brow like Kanye-Kardashian-Jenner or low-brow freak shows like Duggars-duck guys-Honey Boo-Boo? (I’d rather chew on crushed glass than watch any of them.)
The duck guy with the bog-people beard could probably run to Donald’s right; that’s some scarce real estate in politics these days.
I ache from laughing:
This is what Bush gets when he goes after Trump. And ‘Bush’s brain’? A profligate ‘dope’. Let the donors beware! Spare me.
So, who benefits as Bush drops down in polling and/or drops out? GOP elites seemed to have signaled that they like Rubio quite a lot. If observers think that Trump has easily sliced and diced Bush, wait until they see the mincemeat he can make out of Rubio.
For the moment it seems Bush’s attack strategy benefits everyone but himself. Doesn’t look promising; what can arrest his descent? Though I can’t believe he’s going to give up.
Kasich is clearly plan B; he’s doubled his numbers from 3% to 6% and magically ticked all the boxes to eligibility in record time. Fiorina is on the rise too but must be running for VP; otherwise wrong party. Walker is praying for a reboot before he deflates completely; Rand is out, Perry is out; Christie non-starter; Huck, Santorum no-chancers. Rubio? Heaven forfend but whom else? Carson? “Not a war on women but what’s inside of women?” Sheesh.
Trump was running with the bulls like the rest of them but somehow ended up riding one; now apparently riding down terrified fellow contestants one-by-one. Who can stop this man? LOL, no-one clearly.
Can’t imagine why any of the candidates would choose Fiorina as his VP nominee. Palin was only viable on paper b/c she was Governor of AK. Romney didn’t want Bachmann and as a bone to fundie women, she was more viable than Fiorina. Is there any historical precedent for someone with no chance to get the nomination doing so to get the VP slot? LBJ, GHWB, and Edwards were willing to accept the consolation prize, but they were competitive for the top of the ticket (less so in the case of Edwards, but the window on that primary contest closed earlier than most).
Based on political resumes, all of the GOP candidates are lightweights. Adding a novice to the ticket only highlights that deficiency. There are any number of women that would be far better VP choices, and choosing Fiorina would only make the candidate look lamer. She’s in the race b/c she has a wealthy benefactor, and the GOP prefers to have one unelectable woman in the mix to avoid charges of the obvious and none of the women that could get the VP nod were willing to run for POTUS in her own right.
They also have a newish tradition of having a nutty, religious AA man in the mix. Keyes and Cain for the same reason that Fiorina is in the race. Carson is slicker and smarter than they bargained for. (Democrats should really stop blaming the color of Obama’s skin as the reason his election caused the rightwing to lose their cookies. The GOP rubes would be fine with an AA male, and possibly female, nominee.)
The window of opportunity for the Republican Party to end up with a nominee that is possibly electable and will dance will enough to its tune may be closing more quickly than they recognize. They do fine when the contest is quickly whittled down to their guy and the other guy (1960, 2000, 2012) or series of guys (1968, 1988, 1996, 2008) Or when they are split on their guy and the other guys are weak (1952 and 1980). (Ike/Taft may have been a stronger ticket than Ike/Nixon.) Not that they are always keen on “their guy,” but he has always done better in the GE than if they hang back and let an insurgent candidate have the nomination. (Would Santorum have gotten more than 40%? Would Reagan in 1976, when he was the insurgent, have done as well as Ford?)
I do think that they are flummoxed at how crappy Bush is on the stump. If Clinton wasn’t running, they would never have looked to another Bush, but she gave him cover from the dynasty charge in the GE. Paul is a pissant and Cruz is an uncontrollable whackjob. Christie is corrupt and fat; IOW not electable. Otherwise, they would like him. Perry is too obviously dumb. Santorum is the loser not-Romney. Jindal is a weaker version of Santorum; the difference being that the PA DEM party isn’t dead like the one in LA. Huck only appeals to Baptist hacks. That leaves them with Bush, Kasich, Rubio, and Walker.
Rubio and Walker are very good little soldiers. They also have the brain power of GWB, but without whatever that charm thing was that GWB had going for him. The lack of a college degree is a shortcoming, but perhaps not an insurmountable one. What makes him “no go” is that they aren’t willing to cede the GOP to the Kochs. Young and very smart and/or charismatic can win the GE. Young alone doesn’t cut it (guess they forgot the Quayle lesson).
That reduces their choice to Bush or Kasich. Clear the field* and double down on a floundering third Bush or move their chips to Kasich? *All of them other than Trump and possibly Carson are either for sale or easily taken down or out. However, in a Trump-Carson-Bush contest, Trump wins. As there’s no indication that Bush can dramatically up his game, Trump v. Bush would produce the same outcome. But would Kasich fare any better than Bush against Trump attacks? Who knows?
“The GOP rubes would be fine with an AA male, and possibly female …”
Doubt it. Sincerely doubt it.
If a black person is on the R ticket you can color WV and NC blue, forget about VA and FL, and you have just put GA into play.
Keep in mind that I’m speaking about today. Doubt that Democrats would have nominated an AA more than four years earlier than 2008. Something shifted in the electorate between 2004 and 2008 where a woman of POC could be elected President. Don’t know precisely when that occurred and even less why, only that it did.
If a black person is on the R ticket you can color WV and NC blue, …
That begs the questions of why they were cool with the GWB administration that was highly diverse. Why Keyes, Cain, and Carson weren’t summarily dismissed in the Presidential polls. If not back in ’96 or ’00, today they would vote for a man like Colin Powell.
I like your analysis but think you are underestimating Cruz; he’s a methodical snake and working a long con.
And I’m pretty sure you are underestimating the racism at the foundation of the new Republican party.
Cruz has a nasty persona that leaks out of his pores. Not unlike Goldwater in 1964.
GOP racism has morphed since 1964. It’s now more class, government help for the poors, than a raw matter of skin color. They use skin color as a short-hand for those seeking government hand-outs.
They would have voted for Colin Powell and probably Condi Rice. Their favorite SC Justice is Thomas. And in the early going Keyes, Cain, and Carson have done well in the GOP Presidential primary contests and none of them have a single qualification for the job.
Nasty but also sneaky. Remember how he was going to be run out of the party on a rail? Now, not so much. He’s the senator with dozens of congresspersons in his pocket and legitimate ground game.
Back in pre-911 days I had a mid-life crisis and ended up buying 160 acres in Northern Ontario (hey!, it was cheaper than a porsch … actually, at the time, it was cheaper than a VW Bug).
Its looking like a pretty good investment in alternative living right now.