My god. The Canadian conservative wingnut candidates pee in people’s coffee mugs, rip people off when making simple household repairs, and make prank calls that mock disabled people.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
“the footage from that day does not reflect who I am as a professional or a person”
Holy Arabica! How do these people live with themselves. Shoddy service and overcharging are bad enough but are part of the capitalist system.
Coffee Mugs are sacred objects to many.
Probably more common than we’d like to think – it’s just not widely reported.
this is something I did not need to read today
Another one of Rove’s accomplishments: cutting off Canada as a refuge for American progressives.
Wasn’t thst a plot line in The IT Crowd back in 2008? The IT Crowd Season 3 Episode 1
I’ll have a grande urine latte.
What an amazing coincidence it is that on the ONLY day in his ENTIRE LIFE that he pees into a cup in a customer’s sink that he is caught on film in a sting operation.
Yeah, right.
It seems that the “civilized behavior” gap between the US and EU/CA/UK is shrinking, while the overall level of idiocy is increasing. Is there anywhere in the world where sanity is on the rise?
They mocked us, Americans are so dumb, they said. But when the big right wing money came for you, you guys folded like a house of cheap cards. Harper. Abbot. Cameron. You’re no better than us you sack of poor sorry sods, we’ve just had to deal with it longer.
It’s more pronounced in the Anglosphere than the EU as a whole.
Agree, although we do have the crude behavior of LBJ as preznut to account for. As I recall, he liked to urinate in the WH sinks instead of the readily available usual plumbing fixtures.
He also once (at least) urinated on a SS agent standing nearby. Agent: I think you’re urinating on me. Lyndon: I know I am. It’s my prerogative.
(Rbt Dallek covered this area in his second volume on the crude Texan)
Can’t help it — when I’m forced to think of prominent public figures micturating in appropriate places, I can’t help but think of my go-to guy. Innocent younger readers here need to know the truth about their presidents too …
Dartmouth Dinesh has a Labor Day salute for all us peons.
He’s holding out for National Kiss Political Butt Day.
It’s a true statement, but hardly the “honor honest toil” thing you expect. I doubt Dinesh has ever done a single bit of labor using his hands, however.
Where D’Sousa sails away from facts is in stating his conclusion as fact. I certainly don’t expect an “honor honest toil” thing from someone who gorges at the Wingnut Welfare trough like him.
There is an alternative moral choice that could be made, particularly on Labor Day:
“Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration. Capital has its rights, which are as worthy of protection as any other rights. Nor is it denied that there is, and probably always will be, a relation between labor and capital producing mutual benefits. The error is in assuming that the whole labor of community exists within that relation.“
Instead, Dinesh makes his usual choice:
The entire context of that quote is striking. December 1961, eight months after the firing on Fort Sumter. Most of the war is still in the Ohio and Mississippi Valleys after First Manassas (Bull Run).
This is a State of the Union Address to Congress that likely will reach people outside the Confederacy in two days to several weeks.
It is quite a piece of oratory over all.
Happy Labor Day
Free Soil. Free Labor. Free Money 😉
Good Lord, it’s like Dinesh actively seeks to create opportunities to increase the number of people disgusted by him each and every day, all the while getting his God ready to administer the most righteous damnation of D’Souza’s time on Earth.
He’s really working Trump’s immigrant line, isn’t he.
How many immigrants have been aides to a sitting President before naturalization?
Honestly, this is not a huge deal. Peeing in a cup, and then dumping it in the sink? This is not huge.
Well, we can’t say this response is out of character from you…
Please proceed.
What is the specific problem beyond the yuck factor? It goes down the drain. From the headline, I thought there was consumption involved. I have done a lot of research involving kidneys, and am not phobic about urine like so many, who appear to equate urine with HIV. It’s just a bodily fluid, and he rinsed the cup after, I would suppose.
Tell us more.
Have I pissed in a customers sink? Why yes, I have. When they refuse to let you use the bathroom what are you supposed to do, piss your pants? Good enough to work on their house, but not good enough to use the bathroom. Clean up real good and it’s no big deal.
You do know the sink goes to the same place as the toilet, right?
Unless someone has a gray water recapture.
Honestly, I don’t want to know what the contractors were doing at our house when they had shut off the plumbing on all the upper floors. I’m guessing the laundry sink in the basement.
The last thing that worries me is where someone pisses. Hey, I occasionally piss in the backyard. It’s my own backyard.
If you are worried about who is pissing somewhere, if it is disposed of properly, it is not a problem. If you think that pissing in a cup contaminates the cup, that is the same as believing in homeopathy. I believe in dishwashers, not homeopathy.
While that’s a picture I sure wish I could get out of my head … IF that was the case, why didn’t he just say so????
Hell, I’d of made it campaign issue.
It’s one thing to say this kind of thing on the intertubes using a nom de post.
It’s another thing to have a video of the same. In politics, all kinds of ridiculous stuff gets folks riled up. But you knew that….
did he put the cup in the dishwasher? we don’t know
You got it Joelcr, right there in the laundry sink.
When you gotta go, you gotta go. And if your shoes are yucky, it’s better to go right there, than mess up the carpet.
BBC April 16, 2015: ‘Russian submarine’ suspected of damaging UK trawler in Irish Sea.
BBC September 7, 2015: Ardglass trawler: Ministry of Defence admits UK submarine damaged fishing boat:
That’s as close as the BBC gets to its April headline assigning blame to Russia. This was a minor incident and it only took four months to correct the false accusation. The big ones takes years and decades to sort of correct well after the propaganda served its real time purpose.
I don’t think the US gov’t has come clean either on their intel re the Malaysian airliner shot down over a year ago in Ukraine, the one our officials immediately accused Russian-backed rebels of doing.
I don’t know which side is responsible, but we were awfully quick in assigning suspected blame, and rather quiet about it since, except for some “international” tribunal we wanted which probably would have been rigged in our favor.
That said, both the Russian and Chinese militaries have been more aggressively patrolling areas recently in close proximity to western and allied nation borders. No question they are upping their military game, doing in essence what the US has been doing for decades.
Of course the USG isn’t honestly forthcoming about MH17 — regardless if it has any intel or nothing.
As the US FP is now clearly hegemony and regime change, can’t fault Russia and China for increasing their military border border patrols. The spectacle of refugees, alleged to be from Syria (while significant numbers are from Kosovo), is being used to give new impetus for western bombing of Syria to oust Assad. Unlike the horrors the USG visited on Indochina from which large numbers of refugees entered the US, European countries will get stuck with the refugees from USG military actions in middle eastern countries. Kosovo, Syria, Libya, etc.