Will the Republican Party ever get rid of the expectation they’ve created in their base that every single year we should have a government shutdown over the outrage du jour?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Will the mainstream media ever treat this now-annual occurrence as a Republican-created artificial crisis instead of a “both sides do it” event?
(Another episode of simple answers to simple questions.)
The problem will continue as long as the GOP is allowed to willfully do all it can to ignore the Constitution.When they are held accountable for choices and actions that they do like telling foreign Governments to not trust the President. The GOP has no reason to change and it will only get worse.
Just a sliver of the GOP, right?
September 13, 2015, 07:59 am
Poll: Trump tops GOP field in California
By Kyle Balluck
Billionaire Donald Trump leads the crowded 2016 Republican presidential field in California, according to a poll released Sunday morning.
The USC Dornsife/LA Times Poll found that 24 percent of Republicans said they would support Trump.
Retired pediatric neurosurgeon Ben Carson is in second place with 18 percent.
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas) each received 6 percent support.
Pollsters found that Carson would beat Trump in a head-to-head matchup, however, 43 percent to 32 percent.
Consistent with other polls — but at this stage it’s merely a straw poll based on national media in states like California. Guiliani was winning it in 2008. Also, the best CA pollster is the Field poll.
“Will the Republican Party ever…?” Umm…….no.
This part of the linked story made me laugh out loud for quite a while:
“Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said Friday that the House will vote next week on a standalone bill to defund Planned Parenthood for one year while investigations take place.“
So they haven’t even completed their investigations, but they want to close down one of the primary health care providers in the U.S. as quickly as possible, even though multiple investigations by GOP-controlled State Attorneys General have utterly failed to find anything close to criminal activity.
This, while Louisiana and other States are discovering that they cannot maintain their ability to receive needed Medicaid funds from the Feds while denying their lower-income citizens the ability to gain care at Planned Parenthood clinics. There simply aren’t enough alternative providers of quality health services for those citizens.
Facts are what their feelings decide should be called facts. That is the insane world the Christianists and other power-mad conservatives want to force us to live in.
I know that you know that the judge who is overseeing the Louisiana attempted shutdown, actually, gasp, went over the list of ‘qualified providers’ that the GOP put forth……when the judge started asking questions about the supposed ‘qualified providers’, it went from a list of a few thousand, down to under 50.
To be exact, it went from over 2,000 to 29. Unbelievably fraudulent action by Jindal and his Administration.
Amazing numbers from CBS this morning. Sanders up by 10 in Iowa, 22 in New Hampshire and trailing in SC 46-23.
Clinton’s collapse is unprecedented in Iowa and New Hampshire. No front runner has ever lost such a big lead this early in primary history.
As a Sanders supporter hoping that the tortoise would beat the hair by February, I’m stunned. (Can only imagine the panic at Clinton central.) What happened? Have Democrats ingested a heaping plate of fish and chips washed down with a pint?
Time to start recruiting “I’m with Bernie” Congressional candidates. When those challenger and incumbent faces start showing the same sort of support growth, the narrative starts changing.
Trump is the Dutch boy with his finger in the dike trying to prevent that change of narrative.
That change of narrative is that the policies advocated by the movement conservatives now have shown to be failed delusions. (1) Supply-side and neoliberal economics (2) austerity public finance (3) over-reliance on a military foreign policy (4) privatization of infrastructure (5) rolling back civil rights laws (6) unlimited spending in campaigns (7) ideological politicization of big tent political parties (8) deregulation of corrupt industries (9) concentrated single-message media (10) business subversion of research universities and other educational institutions.
Right on schedule with your and my most optimistic projections for authentic 2016 change. If I’m honest a couple of weeks early from my most optimistic projections, but consistent with team Sanders running two weeks ahead of any fuzzy markers I’ve laid down.
Something may be stirring out there. Corbyn in UK, Mulcair in Canada and Bernie here. Can I hope people are fed up with the Conservative storyline? (even Trump is unconventional)
Hope is often the only emotion that keeps us alive.
Only when they’re voted out of office because of it.
But for that, you need challengers, which gerrymander-victimization discourages.
After 2013’s shutdown America rewarded the GOP with control the Senate and the largest margin they’ve had in the House since Hoover.
What the hell do you think?
I don’t think people will reward them. It is insane. But you simply cannot negotiate with these asses or you give them credibility for whatever false narrative they have put out there and you get to do it again and again.
If the Democratic Party wants to live by the coalition of urbanites, racial minorities, youth, and single women in Presidential Years it needs to prepare to die by the coalition of Traditional America in Congressional years.
I’m not exactly happy with the way that Hillary Clinton is by-and-large going to continue with Obama’s formula of social liberalism and economic centrism. If the Democratic Party can’t find a way to win the white working class (and it won’t with that current formula) nor find a way to increase turnout in its base (which would require a literally unprecedented increase in the turnout rates of under-40 and Latino voters) it should expect this kind of seesawing for the indefinite future.
Demographics are destiny. And it’s a double-edged sword for the Democratic Party right now.
There’s the rub. Hillary is centrist. She likely does not care who runs congress. Ideally she wants the senate but not so much the house. The split government allows her to lay the triangulation game and never really caring about progressive ideas. I am very much interested to see if BS can extend his populism to the south.
Well, we’re in trouble now. Because Hillary Clinton is the only Democrat who can beat a Republican, and even if she isn’t, coattails, you know. People who vote for Sanders will never elect a Democratic congress. LOL
Maybe, just maybe, reality is triumphing over pundits’ sclerotic constructs.
But, but Kos said in May:
Later amended to Sanders has a ceiling of 20%, then 25%, and later still 30%, and he’s sticking with that — well, except for maybe NH, then he could win NH, but not IA. Or may he could squeak out a win in IA, but SC will be his Waterloo.
well, that’s why you actually have to vote.
We’ll see what shall be seen.
My thoughts are reflected here.
I got no problem with Bernie at all. If he can win a straight up primary fight more power to him.
I know. Seems to me I wrote a number of sarcastic comments around that time, but it didn’t go over.
Reminds me of a similarly totally confident pronouncement by Kos in the spring of 2002 (yes, 2002), that a war with Iraq was never seriously on the table and now we can stop imagining that it was or is.
People don’t take kindly to being challenged on their belief based projections. In addition to not leaving any room for doubt or subsequent events that could alter the current landscape, Kos made the error of assuming a general mood among Democratic primary voters. That overall they were satisfied with the way things are and want nothing other than more of the same. That was were such voter were in 1999, but they too generalized from themselves to a larger population that wasn’t nearly as satisfied as they were.
After Gore underperformed in 2000 despite the Clinton administration having the highest ‘how do you feel about the direction of the country’ ratings since WW2, no one should ever put all of their chips on the establishment.
You ever read an article, say to yourself “a little over the top, but I can see the R’s saying it” and then find out it’s from the Onion?
Sarcasm is dead in politics at this time. It is almost literally indistinguishable from truth.
So is satire. That’s why Stewart and Colbert left the business. Oliver has relapsed to public education about little-known things. Sort of the anti-Stoessel when Stoessel was on ABC.
Tru dat.
Another wildfire hits Lake County. Not yet as large as the Rocky fire last month, but what is being called the Valley fire developed much more quickly. In just over 24 hours it has consumed at least 1,000 homes. It’s roughly southwest of where the Rocky fire burned and in a less sparsely populated area of the county.
Firefighters are gaining some control of the Butte fire in Calaveras and Amador Counties near the Sierra Nevada.
That one I believe is closer to my friend with all the mini horses — and she’s posted on FB that there are a lot of people in that area with horses and other livestock, many of whom have had to flee with only minutes’ notice.
This is horrifying.
Yes, this one is mostly west and northwest of the last one. More people and more livestock are impacted. Still a considerable distance from your friend if iirc that she’s close to the coast.
Much cooler and overcast weather today seems to have slowed down the fire and given the firefighers a better chance to bring it under control. The first twenty-four hours were more like a firestorm (see Oakland firestorm), but the area isn’t densely populated; so, all but one resident seem to have gotten out in time.
Yes, she’s closer to the coast than the affected area, but with dozens of studs, mares, and foals, any need to evacuate would be a nightmare even with plenty of warning, let alone on sudden notice as in this latest fire.
I’m grateful that the human toll has been so light, so far,* but have no doubt that many animals have died horrible deaths, domestic and wild. From a NYTimes article:
From the Press Democrat:
Don’t know if you’ve seen it; not going to link to it or post it; in Googling for info came across a photo of a horse lying dead on a road shoulder as a fire truck passes by.
* From the Press-Democrat: