I think it’s okay to come right and say that Donald Trump is simply not supposed to be doing so well. And if that upsets Mark Halperin, well, I’m kind of with Ed on this one.

Again, if it weren’t for the real-life consequences, it would be tempting to cheer Trump on, if only for the comedic value of what he does to people like Halperin and his sources.

I’m pretty sure that Trump will not win the nomination and then lose the general election narrowly. Either he’ll dominate the whole process from beginning to end, defying every expert who thinks America is better than this, or he’ll get crushed by absolutely epic proportions and essentially end the modern conservative movement as a coherent ideology with a chokehold on the Grand Old Party.

Obviously, with the stakes so high, I’m a little tentative about rooting Donald on. But I’m also sick of gridlock and might just be ready for a really high stakes roll to see if we can break out of this jam.

In other words, I’m almost ready to make the same crazy wager that Republican voters are making when they say “Screw the party establishment, we’re voting for the outsider.”