Due to wavering policy on the Middle East, for Obama to achieve parts 2 and 4 has become more difficult as alliances change with expansion of jihadist militants fighting in the Levant: Syria and Iraq. Both Turkey and Saudi Arabia have not been helpful as trust in America under George Bush and Barack Obama has diminished. Due to sectarianism and century old grievances between Sunni and Shia, the region will not reconcile and a warfooting will cause more bloodshed and further division. The Neocon policy of creating chaos has increased suffering for the common people in the region as the Western nations and Russia reap the benefits of exploding arms sales.

Opening is a part of my diary from November 8th in 2013 …

Obama On Path Towards Grand-Slam In Diplomacy

My comment – US Confusion In Setting Policy On Syria by Oui on Sept. 13, 2013

Kerry and Lavrov have an excellent working relationship and are devoted to a political solution for the Syria crisis. Since the end of May, efforts of Kerry for diplomacy have been stymied from inside the White House. I suspect the NeoCon influence of National Security adviser Susan Rice as the culprit. Ms Rice has a close relationship with PBO and put sufficient doubt in his mind to take a tough stand on the Assad regime and threaten military action. Obama himself decided to step away from the brink of starting another prolonged war on a Muslim nation.

Kerry In Moscow – A Breath of Fresh Air   May 7, 2013
Obama ahead of G8 – Syria Crossed Red Line   June 15, 2013
John Kerry Again Rules Out Military Action in Syria   June 26, 2013
Rice and Kerry: War Inside the White House   Aug. 8, 2013
Barack Obama and an Act of War plus follow-up   Aug. 26, 2013

If John Kerry and Sergey Lavrov illustrate their determination …
STEP 1 –  Resolve CW issue on Syria
STEP 2 –  Arms embargo and a political solution for Syria
STEP 3 –  Resolve nuclear issue of Iran with president Rouhani
STEP 4 –  Finalize a peace treaty between Israel and Palestine

Obama made a courageous decision stepping away from 35 years of biased US policy on the Middle East. Angry Arab states Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar plus Turkey and Israel. Praise from Russia, Iran and Iraq (Maliki).

Present situation with Europeana getting just a small portion of the Syrians fleeing the refugee camps in neighbouring states, pressure is mounting to resolve the U.S. policy of Assad’s removal by an alternate diplomatic measure and focus on fighting Al Qaeda and the related Islamic State. I wasn’t aware Rep. Dana Rohrabacher had a much realistic view on global affairs and especially rejects the aggressive stance of Washington/NATO elites towards Russia and its leadership.

Rohrabacher in Sophie Shevardnadze interview: Many American politicians enjoy the state of Cold War | RT |

The world as we know is in trouble. The crisis in the Middle East has led to crisis in the Western world, and the threat of emerging radical Islamist groups – such as Islamic State – is now a problem that threatens the entire globe. Russia is offering help, but Washington prefers to play deaf. However, with the planet rapidly changing, maybe it’s time for the West, and especially the United States, to sit at the table with others and seek solutions. Will Washington ever agree to that? Can Russia and the West put their differences aside in the face of imminent danger? We talk to Dana Rohrabacher – US Congressman, member of the Republican party, chairman of the US House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia and Emerging Threats.

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Sophie Shevardnadze:  U.S. Congressman, member of the Republican party, chairman of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia and Emerging Threats, Dana Rohrabacher is my guest today. Congressman, it’s great to have you with us. Now, Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford has called Russia “the biggest threat to the American security” – but it’s not Russia that’s building up defenses on U.S. borders. Is this rhetoric an attempt to justify American defence and strategies in Eastern Europe?

Dana Rohrabacher: I’ll just have to say, that was an unfortunate utterance on his part. It does indicate to me how out of touch that he is with what’s going on, and certainly alerted me that there’s a huge problem with perception about Russia in the U.S. even among our military personnel.

Rep. Rohrabacher on Ukraine: No dog in this fight | USA Today – Feb. 2014 |

The United States does not need to intervene in every chaotic situation around the world, neither militarily nor politically. We can no longer police the world, nor can we act as the arbiter of every dispute.

Ukraine’s population is split on whether to bond with Russia or Europe. That decision should be left for them to decide democratically. The U.S. should not be doing the bidding of either side in the determination of Ukraine’s future.

Certainly, we must condemn human rights violations in every instance. Freedom of speech and assembly are important to the workings of a democratic society. They reflect America’s values.

Just as important should be our respect for the rule of law. Those who win elections should make the policies and laws. That’s not what happened in Ukraine, where tensions between eastern and western factions boiled over and became today’s bloody crisis.

The U.S. shouldn’t tell Ukraine what policies to follow. When the European Union’s offer of closer ties was countered by Russia, it was up to the Ukrainian government to decide what was best.

The U.S. does not have a dog in this fight. An American offer of billions of dollars to dissuade Ukrainians from accepting Moscow’s offer was doing the bidding of powerful European interests, not ours.

Why do we in the U.S. feel it necessary to thwart Russian efforts in various parts of the world? Russia rightfully looks at this as a hostile act.  

Russians Laud Rohrabacher’s Stance South-Ossetia Conflict | Dec. 2008 |

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher has returned from a trip to Moscow, where he was hailed as one of the few American politicians who supported Russia during the South Ossetia conflict.

Traveling as part of a congressional delegation, Rohrabacher, R-Huntington Beach, met with Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov and with members of Russia’s parliament.

“I think that most of the problems we have in Russia today are a result of a bad attitude among people at the Pentagon and people at the Department of State,” Rohrabacher said, adding that he hopes that with a new administration, “that attitude can be shoved aside.”

Rohrabacher, whose 46th District runs from the Palos Verdes Peninsula to Orange County, made headlines in Russia in September, when he declared during a committee hearing that Georgia was responsible for the South Ossetia war – breaking with most of the U.S. foreign policy community, which was more critical of Russia for its aggressive response.

The Georgians broke the truce, not the Russians,” he said at the time, citing unnamed intelligence sources. “The Russians are right. We’re wrong. The Georgians started it. The Russians ended it.”

The remarks got almost no notice in the United States, but they were printed in Russian newspapers and aired on Russian state television, where they were taken as vindication. The Russian foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, later cited Rohrabacher’s statement as proof of a “lack of transparency” in U.S. foreign policy.