It looks like someone needs a kick in the dick.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Oh, Bobby, why are you talking? Your brain stem isn’t capable of reason, so it would be best if you just sat down and shut your mouth.
The Republican meme that children can only grow up “normal” if they’re raised in a traditional male and female parented family has been disproved over and over. But then why let the facts get in the way of a good shaming?
Guns are not “tools”, Bobby, but you are.
Oregon shooter’s father’s reply:
Awesome – He is the guy who had the feds build sandbars to stop BP’s oil spill. He is one challenged individual.
And Ben Carson likes putting on his John Wayne hat on Fox & Friends and doing his own Monday morning quarterbacking about the shooting.
Hey, guys, everybody attack him. He may shoot me, but he can’t get us all.
And if only he had been in that movie theater in Colorado, he could have saved the day.
Fucking shithead douchebag. Just like all the rest of them. Fucking human garbage.
If only for what he did during Hurricane Katrina that got him into the governor’s mansion. Sandbagging the sitting governor with the help of the White House just so he could win the race and having his mug on the TV in the studio where emergency coverage was going on almost the whole time, just a showboating. It doesn’t get much worse than that, even in Louisiana.
Charlie Pierce suggests a punch in the dick:
Great minds and all…
Seriously, given the circumstances and the person Jindal attacks in his extraordinarily vile statements, this is the worst thing any of the candidates have said so far.
I hope it remains the worst, but I have grave doubts it will. These GOP candidates have a primary to win, for Pete’s sake!
Josh has an even harsher take:
10.06.2015 – 04:55 PM EDT
Bobby Jindal appears to be a seriously disturbed, morally degenerate individual.
— Josh Marshall
I do find it disturbing that this killer and the Sandy Hook killer were both enabled by mothers that stockpiled weapons and viewed shooting guns as family fun for their obviously disturbed sons. Both also claimed their son’s had Asperger’s because layperson’s have the notion that such a label meant that their son’s were intellectually gifted. (Good move on the part of the DSM psychologists to drop Asperger’s from the latest revision.)
I agree and have long found it disturbing that the two Mothers supported and encourage their son’s gun fetish. Adam Lanza’s Mother paid the price, wonder what will happen to Mercer’s mother? Anything?
Nothing. Parents take credit when their children succeed and do good. Otherwise, they’re not responsible for what a child does.
Not to be too critical of Nancy Lanza and the Oregon killer’s mother who had the misfortune to have extremely difficult and disturbed children for which medical science has no good answers. However, their sons had the socio-emotional development of three year olds along with cognitive deficits, and the one thing adults should keep out of the hands of such children are all guns.
As someone who felt aspie but also did not have trouble with romantic relationships I disagree that it was a good move though I get why it was done.
“felt aspie” isn’t a diagnostic criteria. People can feel all sorts of things that fall well within the range of normal emotional and cognitive functioning. And just because certain combinations of characteristics are less common than others, doesn’t make for a clinical assessment requiring some form of treatment. Had I been born a century or more earlier, my left-handedness would have been viewed as a deficit that required intervention to change or been labeled as a tool of the devil.
Asperger’s was junked because it served no purpose outside of the autism spectrum disorder. And IMHO did harm as it allowed parents and caretakers to minimize the severity of the autism in the mistaken belief that the cognitive or intelligence functioning was above average. While anecdotal, both of the subject mothers express that misunderstanding in their comments about and behavior towards their sons. While the precise nature of the cognitive and emotional deficits of these two men is unknown, we do know that Lanza’s intellectual function was tested and it was in the middle of average. Yet, his mother pushed him to attend college when he couldn’t manage high school due to his poor emotional and social functioning.
The “devaluation of human life” as a cause. Irony from a member of the party that just made voting in Alabama infinitely more difficult for thousands of black voters.
Even Edwin Edwards would be better than this guy. I think Jindal will soon be exiting the presidential race. PPP’s Oct.6 polling has him at 1%.
I assume he’s always known he had no chance. He’s “running for president” because his career in Louisiana is finished, preparing for his next career in GOP grifting and frequent appearances on Fox News.
Shorter Bobby Jindal: “HEY, SOMEONE NOTICE ME!”
Poor Bobby. What’s a guy got to do to get notice by the Tea Party crowd? Take a dump on the steps of the Capitol?
What a repulsive and despicable “human being”.
I’ve noticed it’s now becoming acceptable to talk about gun victims the same way they talk about rape victims. “They had it coming because they did or didn’t do x,y or x.” Jindal’s garbage is just a variant of that argument.
Is he even running still or has he given up and gone back to the smoking crater he made of LA?