Month: October 2015

Doctors That Don’t Know Much [Update]

What made the GOP debate last night so deadly dull was all the numerical “facts” candidates had memorized and spouted.  Those that weren’t totally false, lacked context (I know they were intended to...

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Who is REALLY running for President?

Cross posted. There are so damned many candidates, I think this is a good question.  On the Democratic side, Larry Lessig is running an issue campaign, except no one on the Democratic side really disputes his idea,...

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Why We Can’t Have Sanity

Prior to last night’s Republican debate in Boulder, Colorado, I challenged John Kasich and Jeb Bush to have the courage of their “convictions” and to call out the other candidates for their constant dependency...

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Why We’re Behind the Curve

with progressive candidates perpetually. We rediscover this fact in October before Presidential election years and forget it in off years when low turnout could work to our advantage. The filing deadlines: Here are the deadlines...

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