It looks like we have the NRA enabling ISIS/ISIL in California, and the NRA offering thoughts and Prayers to the survivors and families of the Dead at the hands of an Evangelical marksman in Colorado. The San Bernardino shooters are brown and movie villain looking. The Colorado shooter looked like everything no one wants to see in a movie, old, white, and puffy.
What no one can argue is that the NRA is eventually going to become the target at some point in time. The new terrorist paradigm being that nothing is sacred, especially ones self. It is being practiced by intellectually lacking people of any and all causes.
Until the NRA realizes that there are times when one of them (An NRA acolyte) is going to have to go into the homes of the shooters in California AND the shooter in Colorado and physically take the bullets and guns away from these people. The next step will be the need to assign a cop to watch these people, with the NRA’s blessing. And that will still not stop it all.
The NRA is going to become the target at some point.
Why not? First Grade classrooms? Movie theaters? Christmas/Holiday celebrations? Women seeing a doctor?
When their day comes, what will the NRA do? Will they mimic the California shooters, and kill semi-randomly, or target kill like the Colorado killer? Or will it finally become a reasonable voice in an unreasonable world?
I am not betting on a calm, measured response. Just more thoughts and prayers for the victims and survivors, and more bullets being sold and higher profits for those that live in gated communities.
Every dead man and woman, boy and girl that has been second amendmented by these most recent demons had a kill at will pass bestowed by the NRA.
Why do we get a list of their weapons cache AFTER they’ve ripped apart dozens of families?
Thanks guys. thanks.
The NRA is in the hands of the manufacturers. Like all the tea party enablers, it’s a business strategy.
Notice how the stock price of Sturm Ruger has gone from less than six dollars a share on October 31 2008 to $54.32 now (Friday’s close).
it hit a peak $76.93 October 31 2013 (7 months after the Boston marathon bombing). It subsequently dropped to $34.63 on December 1 2014, right after the Republicans took the Senate and has risen 57% in the last year.
Smith & Wesson shows the same pattern but has only risen 313% since Obama was elected versus 667% for Ruger. S&W has a lot of police and military contracts so their growth hasn’t been as spectacular as the mostly civilian Ruger.
Business is good if you’re a civilian Merchant of Death.