Field did a poll over the weekend of California. The numbers aren’t meaningful given the primary is in June (though Cruz does lead).
But buried in the cross-tabs were amazing numbers – ones that give support for Booman’s basic idea abut 2016.
Donald Trump Favorable/Unfavorable
Hispanics: 10/85
African Americans: 11/83
Asian American: 21/76
I suppose your could argue this isn’t a surprise. But I have to say I am stunned.
The question on the table is whether Trump can cause permanent damage to the GOP brand among Hispanics in the same way that Goldwater did among African Americans.
Cruz and Rubio are doing it. One could discount trump, but the two hispanics are following the Wall bandwagon. In the end, white Republicans will reject them because they are non-white. And Mexican-Americans will reject them because of the hateful rhetoric. Leaving them what? The batistas in Florida?
Should have added above that there aren’t enough
black Republicans to matter one way or the other.