It takes a scam-artist to know a scam-artist:

An angry Mike Huckabee lashed out at evangelical Christians who declined to back his struggling presidential campaign.

The former Arkansas governor and conservative commentator spoke with his erstwhile colleague Todd Starnes, of Fox News, about his disappointment with the Religious Right establishment, reported Right Wing Watch.

“As I’ve often said, ‘I don’t go to them, I come from them,’ but because of that I do understand them ,” Huckabee said.

Huckabee, who has been criticized for selling his mailing list to quack doctors and conspiracy-mongers, complained that conservative Christian leaders seemed more interested in raising money off anti-abortion hysteria and same-sex marriage fears than actually ending their legal acceptance.

“A lot of them, quite frankly, I think they’re scared to death that if a guy like me got elected, I would actually do what I said I would do, and that is I would focus on the personhood of every individual, we would abolish abortion based on the Fifth and 14th Amendment, we would ignore the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage decision,” Huckabee said.

Let’s face it. There is absolutely no way that a conservative evangelical Christian fruitcake from Arkansas is ever going to crack the Electoral College puzzle and get elected president. Mike Huckabee knows this. Anyone with even an iota of political savvy knows this.

So, what’s he really angry about? That he’s not getting enough love to keep his gravy train going past Iowa?

I mean, Alan Keyes was always nuts but at least he didn’t lash out at his own kind for not falling for his transparent efforts at grifting.

But Huckabee is correct to identify the plank in his own eye in the eyes of his fellow travelers. For professional victims, there’s no money to be made in actually succeeding.