What’s the matter, Bunky? You say you’re down about the extremist state of affairs in politics? Ted Cruz is pulling the Teflon Don ever more to the right? Bernie Sanders is pulling Slppery Slope…errr, ahhh, I meant Hill…ever more leftward? Good, centrist Ratpublicans and DemocRats are feeling ever so left out? Fear a U.S.S.A.? The United States of Socialist America? Or maybe a Trump redo of the White House in Mussolini’s image? The Trump Tower of his onanistic dreams?



We won’t allow any change whatsoever!!! Father Bloomberg is here to straighten this whole mess out. Watch.
Wall Street Journal:

Michael Bloomberg Mulling Run for President as an Independent

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is seriously considering a run for president, and is asking aides to explore a potential bid.

Mr. Bloomberg, 73, has long contemplated a run at the White House. But the unlikely rise and continued strength of Donald Trump, along with polls suggesting Hillary Clinton’s campaign may be flagging, have driven the billionaire businessman closer than ever before to entering the race, a close adviser said Saturday.

His potential run was reported earlier Saturday by the New York Times.
Eyeing a potential opening for the first time, Mr. Bloomberg has retained a consultant to help him run on the independent ballot in state primaries. He has commissioned polls to test his path to victory. And he has directed the close circle of advisers who worked for him as mayor and have remained by his side over the past two years since he left office to begin mapping out a blueprint for a run, one adviser said.

That adviser said the former mayor has been upset by what he sees as extremist rhetoric from Republicans in the race, as well as a leftward turn from Ms. Clinton, who is fending off an unexpectedly strong challenge in the Democratic primary from the more liberal Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.


He is likely to make a decision on the presidential bid sometime in March.




Of course!

Wall Street’s centrist Daddy makes sure that all his “Ts” are crossed, his “is” dotted and minds his ps and qs as well before he makes a move.

March. When the results of this bloody primary season are really beginning to solidify. If the DemRat candidate is too leftiness and the RatPub candidate is just too goddamned batshit nuts, Big Poppy will step in to save the (Wall Street-owned PermaGov’s) country.


Further blatherings from the centrist media about this move?


Read on.


Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg – a onetime moderate Republican who has crusaded on gun control — is considering throwing $1 billion of his vast fortune into an independent, stop-Donald Trump bid for president, according to a person familiar with his plans.

He has set March as a deadline, according to the source, and his decision will likely be contingent on the results of early primaries, and he’s more likely to take the leap if the “extremes” — meaning Trump, Ted Cruz or Democrat Bernie Sanders prevail

“If you have a Democratic frontrunner who is opposed to capitalism, and a Republican frontrunner who wants to deport 10 million immigrants, yeah, that’ll make a difference,” said the person, who has direct knowledge of his preparation, which includes polling and message-testing.

Bloomberg would be less interested in running if Hillary Clinton or a more moderate GOP candidate emerges from the early contest, two sources in Bloomberg’s circle told POLITICO.

There y’have it, in the last paragraph. Plain as day. Anyone without the imprimatur of the Permanent Government is going to have to deal with the hero of the shootout at Zuccotti Park, Sherriff Mike.




Michael Bloomberg mulls 2016 White House bid

The 2016 presidential field could get a little more crowded.

Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is considering launching a third-party bid for the White House, NBC News confirmed Saturday. Bloomberg would likely only run if either Donald Trump or Ted Cruz was the Republican nominee and Bernie Sanders the Democratic nominee, according to a source familiar with Bloomberg’s thinking.

The New York Times first reported news of Bloomberg’s potential campaign. Bloomberg, who amassed great wealth from his eponymous financial services company, is willing to spend a whopping $1 billion on a campaign, according to the report. He has reportedly set a deadline to decide on a campaign for March, making the results of the Feb. 1 Iowa caucuses important for the former mayor. A Hillary Clinton win in Iowa would stymie Sanders’ prospects for the nomination..

A run up the centrist flagpole would of course not be complete without hearing from the Good Grey Whore of Wall Street, would it? The NY Times:

Bloomberg, Sensing an Opening, Revisits a Potential White House Run

Michael R. Bloomberg has instructed advisers to draw up plans for a potential independent campaign in this year’s presidential race. His advisers and associates said he was galled by Donald J. Trump’s dominance of the Republican field, and troubled by Hillary Clinton’s stumbles and the rise of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont on the Democratic side.

Mr. Bloomberg, the billionaire former mayor of New York City, has in the past contemplated running for the White House on a third-party ticket, but always concluded he could not win. A confluence of unlikely events in the 2016 election, however, has given new impetus to his presidential aspirations.

Mr. Bloomberg, 73, has already taken concrete steps toward a possible campaign, and has indicated to friends and allies that he would be willing to spend at least $1 billion of his fortune on it, according to people briefed on his deliberations who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss his plans. He has set a deadline for making a final decision in early March, the latest point at which advisers believe Mr. Bloomberg could enter the race and still qualify to appear as an independent candidate on the ballot in all 50 states.

I could go on, but why? Do it yourself. Google will be glad for your business. More money to support Bloomberg.

