Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
…”I think it’s pretty outrageous that Planned Parenthood was investigated by some lawyer or district attorney who apparently, according to some news reports, has actually been a board member of Planned Parenthood and donated to them,” Rubio said, responding to a voter question about abortion at an Iowa town hall.
“They investigated Planned Parenthood and they said: `We found they did nothing wrong,” he added. “But we’re going to indict the people who filmed them talking about these things.’ That’s outrageous.”
Rubio’s comments referred to a Texas grand jury that concluded its investigation of Planned Parenthood by indicting not the women’s healthcare provider, but two of the anti-abortion activists who prompted the criminal inquiry. …
Marco doesn’t seem to be aware that a grand jury issued the indictments. (Or maybe he skipped out on that class in law school.) Of course it’s well known that a DA can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich if he/she wants to, but
Planned Parenthood was quick to point out on Tuesday that the district attorney in fact has no known connections to their organization.
best. sitcom. ever.
And certainly the best theme tune ever.
Ok, but that’s not saying much.
Hard to believe he outlived MCA by almost four years.
So, somebody got the reference.
The Guardian – Rubio launches dubious attack against Planned Parenthood after indictments
Marco doesn’t seem to be aware that a grand jury issued the indictments. (Or maybe he skipped out on that class in law school.) Of course it’s well known that a DA can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich if he/she wants to, but
Looks like things are changing in Oregon;
1 Killed, 6 Bundy Militia Members Arrested Near Malheur Refuge: UPDATE 1,2,3,4,5,6
UPDATED: Friend and officials confirm Oregon militant Ammon Bundy’s capture
High-profile militant Jon Ritzheimer flees home to Arizona hours before feds spring trap
LaVoy Finicum — the Oregon militant beneath the blue tarp — killed in police shootout: reports
Given this, all the cable cabal can talk about is Le’ donald ‘s fear of Megan Kelly, and his refusal to appear in the same room as her.
○ Oregon Standoff: Finicum Preferred Death Above Arrest
Still would have preferred that the FBI not grant him his wish.
That’s funny. I was just watching Barney Miller on Crackle last night.