BURNS – Oregon standoff spokesman Robert “LaVoy” Finicum was killed and other leaders of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupation were arrested Tuesday after the FBI and state police stopped vehicles about 20 miles north of Burns.
Authorities did not release the name of the person who died at the highway stop, but Finicum’s daughter confirmed it was Finicum, 55, of Cane Beds, Arizona, one of the cowboy-hat wearing faces of the takeover.
“My dad was such a good good man, through and through,” said Arianna Finicum Brown, 26, one of Finicum’s 11 children. “He would never ever want to hurt somebody, but he does believe in defending freedom and he knew the risks involved.”
At the refuge Tuesday evening, occupier Jason Patrick reported no unusual activity. “It’s pretty quiet here,” Patrick said. He said no one was leaving as of 6 p.m.Hours later, Patrick said the refuge remained quiet but “we’re all standing here ready to defend our peaceful resolution.” He wouldn’t elaborate.
In the meantime, Operation Mutual Defense, a network of militias and patriot sympathizers, issued a call on its website for help at the refuge. The post was written by Gary Hunt, a board member from California who has expressed support for Timothy McVeigh, who bombed a federal building in Oklahoma City and had ties to the patriot movement.
“You have an obligation to proceed to the Harney County Resource Center (the wildlife refuge) immediately,” Hunt wrote. “If you fail to arrive, you will demonstrate by your own actions that your previous statements to defend life, liberty, and property were false.”
In Burns, Oregon State Police also arrested Joseph D. O’Shaughnessy, 45, Cottonwood, Arizona, known in militia circles as “Captain,” and Pete Santilli, 50, of Cincinnati, an independent broadcaster known for his aggressive manner and live streaming refuge events. They face conspiracy charges of impeding federal officers.
Jon Ritzheimer, 32, a key militant leader, surrendered to police in Arizona on the conspiracy charge. He gained national fame for complaining on a video about the delivery of sex toys to the refuge in response to the occupiers’ plea for supplies.
Oh, is this going to pull the cork out of the bottle!!!
○ FBI blockades Oregon wildlife refuge, urges remaining occupiers to leave | WaPo |
Re: The Regrettable Loss of Life in Oregon
See my post with her audio … not at all too different as she too states Finicum got in the car and drove off contrary to police/fbi order to stop and disarm. They drove off for several minutes and crashed as the car approached a roadblock and gunshots were fired. By her own account she was flat on the floor, not a position to be a reliable witness of the events. She was scared, emotional, angered about the law enforcement meaning business. As armed militia you don’t mess around when confronted by law enforcement. No martyr to me, just a stupid gun toting fool seeking the limelight of a favorable press coverage. Never contemplated defeat by legitimate lethal force from the federal government.
What do you think he meant by this statement?
Call him crazy; call him misguided. Call him whatever you want. But don’t insinuate that he didn’t walk into this knowing he wasn’t going to come out alive.
These cowboys are reliving the legends of cattle drivers trampling homesteads of farmers, illegal grazing on Indian reservations. Are these comboys socialists at heart … public lands are for free?
The only law in territories not yet incorporated into statehood was lead coming from the barrel of a gun. These gun toting idiots, united as so-called militants, based on the US Constitution of the right to bear arms in opposition to King George of England. We’re not living history of the War of Independence, George Washington is remembered in our books on American history and monuments.
Legends and heroes of the West are rarely law enforcement officers, most common are the talented comboys faster on the draw of a gun than his opponent. A natural selection of sorts before Darwin’s theories. Powerful persons hired the fast guns to impose their rule of law. The West was a test in the survival of the fittest. Community spirit and formal enforcement of law came as the settlers set-up villages and towns. Than there is divine interference, the religious element of white people expanding across the Great Plains to the West. In God We Trust.
○ American Frontier:
Manifest Destiny was the belief that the United States was pre-ordained to expand from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific coast.
○ The Paiute Tribe of Utah
○ EcoWatch: Why the BLM Battle at Bundy Ranch Matters
And those villages and towns and indeed the cattle drives themselves were the product of technology, the transcontinental railroad. There were no roads in Texas so cattle were walked North to Abilene and Dodge where they were loaded onto railroad cars bound for Chicago, which otherwise would have been a small town that lived off the fur trade. That and a position on the Great Lakes central to iron ore and coal deposits were what made Chicago into a great city. Now, both the stockyards and the steel mills are gone. The brief heydays of the television industry and Silicon Prairie have vanished into Osaka and Shanghai and Seoul. Now Chicago slides slowly, like a torpedoed liner into the Deep like Detroit. And LA? Born of the movie industry and WW II aircraft factories, how long will it hold on as both slowly move to cheaper locations. Only New York, solidly in the hands of international business and Wall street bankers, really prospers. But like Old Roma, a city cannot maintain greatness and prosperity in isolation from a deteriorating empire.
Sorry, I’m in a blue mood tonight. I hate Winter. And now is the Winter of my life and, I fear, Winter for the Republic whose Constitution I swore to uphold and defend so long ago. That Constitution and those laws bent and crippled by clever lawyers, greedy billionaires and corrupt politicians.
Getting winged put some sense in his sorry ass?
JUST IN: Ammon Bundy tells Oregon
occupiers to stand down and go home!