Got Problems, Bunky? Unca Mike’s Got The Solutions!!!

Here’s a preview of the oncoming “Bloomberg Solution” to all of this shameful grandstanding and gallivanting around that we are seeing in the primaries.

From The Washingtoon Post:

Without jumping in, Bloomberg criticizes tenor of presidential race
By Paul Schwartzman February 18 at 11:19 PM

Former New York mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said Thursday that the candidates leading the 2016 presidential race are capitalizing on Americans’ outrage over a political system that is “corrupt, gridlocked and broken.”

Offering new insights into his thinking as he contemplates a third party bid for the White House, Bloomberg described the campaign as “a race to the extremes” with candidates who are exploiting voters who “have lost faith” in the country’s institutions.

“The list of supposed villains we hear about is long,” Bloomberg, a billionaire who served three terms as mayor of New York, said at a celebration for conservative author Peggy Noonan’s new book. “But the actual solutions that Americans seek have been in short supply.”

Saying that “the problems we face are very real,” Bloomberg cited “wage stagnation,” the country’s “retreat around the world,” and a “two party system that answers to lobbyists and special interests instead of the American people.”

As a result, he said, “You see the current candidates out there doing well, and not the conventional ones” — an apparent reference to the anti-establishment campaigns of Republican frontrunner Donald J. Trump and Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vt).





Read on.

The salient sentences are these:

“The list of supposed villains we hear about is long…but the actual solutions that Americans seek have been in short supply.”

Saying that “the problems we face are very real,” Bloomberg cited “wage stagnation,” the country’s “retreat around the world,” and a “two party system that answers to lobbyists and special interests instead of the American people.”

So what he is saying is that our problems have not been caused by the “supposed villains”…read “Wall Street and its bought-and-sold-politicians’…they have been caused by a two party system that is controlled by lobbyists and special interests. Doublespeak up the yin-yang!!!

His solution?

Start a third party. The Bloomberg Party, one that will eliminate the need for lobbyists because he represents the people who hire those lobbyists. Eliminate the middleman. He is casting himself as a sort of a super-lobbyist (Like a Super PAC without all of the subterfuge)…and since he knows best (As evidenced by his ability to single-handedly turn much of NYC into sort of a high-end mall. The “New York Magazine/Sex In The City” solution.), he will solve all of our problems by buying them out. Solve the problem of a “corrupt, gridlocked and broken” system by moving the very people who are doing the corrupting directly into the driver’s seat. Eliminate the very necessity for “corruption.”

But…the question that remains is this…where will those “problems” go?

Oh…away somewhere. Humph, humph, harrumph!!!

Like the problem people who were basically bought out/forced out of their own NYC neighborhoods in his three-term gentrification process and exported to be “problems” in smaller cities and towns in the NYC area. Places that of course no one who really matters…like the NY Times and Wall Street Journal…cares much about.

Eminent domain raised to a level never before seen in history.

It used to be “We need to build a highway here. You have to go away. It’s our way and the highway.” Now it’s “We have to build a fake city here. One where no one ever gets dirty. You can’t be involved. You bring down property values. Go away.”

Only…this is simply another kind of bubble. If you cannot totally eliminate those “undesirables,” you need to find a place to put them. UH oh!!! This is relatively easy to do if you are the mayor of a powerful city; you simply ship them upriver, out to the failed Long Island suburbs or New Jersey. But…if you are the president of an entire nation? As the great comic philosopher Stephen Wright once asked, “If you had everything…where would you put it?”

Wage stagnation? Print more money. Duh. It’s the banky way.

The country’s “retreat around the world?” Kill two birds with one stone. Alla them undesirables that are undercutting wages by working at whatever pay they need to be able to at least survive? Draft ’em!!! Then send them overseas to stop that awful world-wide retreat. That’lll teach ’em!!!

I’ll tell you this…if he tries to run on that bubbled-up platform he is going to crash and burn before he spends 1/3rd of that several billion dollars he threatens to use to Super PAC the actual political party system.

It won’t fly.



Author: Arthur Gilroy

Born. Still working on it.