From the NY Times:
Chris Christie Endorses Donald Trump and Calls Marco Rubio ‘Desperate’
There it is. The two most genetically nasty U.S. pols are now in an alliance. I personally think Christie earned himself a VP nod for this.
“Never happen!!!” you say. “There has never been a presidential ticket with two people from the same region!!!”
No…it’s never happened before. Trump breaks all the rules. Can you imagine the havoc these two could wreak tag-team style on HRC and say some national newbie like O’Malley or Castro?
You whack at ’em for a while, Donald. I gotta go get another Big Mac.
You want I should get you one too?
The mind boggles.
Maybe Biden could handle them. Or…maybe not. Warren could, but that’s about as outside a shot as I can imagine.
HRC: Elizabeth, I’d really like you to run with me. Imagine…two women on the ticket!!! But you have to promise…no talking bad about the big banks and financial institutions.
Warren: GET outta my office!!!
Like dat.
I fully expect to see Alice, the Mad Hatter and the whole Wonderland crew come waltzing down the internets before this is all over.
Like dat, too.
Every man has his price and I’m guessing Christie’s is lower than you might expect.
Less than a dollar?
Clinton and Gore were from opposite sides of the Mississippi River — same region. It has happened before. And it was the Democrats’ last gasp in the South.
That’s old politics, Tarheel. The internet has to a great degree finished off regional politics on a national level. These candidates…all of them…are now entirely from Digitalville, USA. They are digital constructs of human beings. Digital brands, nothing more and nothing less.
Hologram people.
The fact that HRC does not apparently understand this on any personal, visceral level…witness the recent news stories from one of her helpers that she does not know what the phrase “went viral” means (See below); witness further the inexcusable email lapses of her Sec. State days (indicative to my mind that she really had no clue about digital security whatsoever and did not truly consider emails in any way “real”)…those inescapable facts put her on the digitally-generated other side from about 9/10ths of the population. She has been so protected as First Lady, Senator and Secretary of State…so insulated from the walking-around reality of most Americans, post-digital revolution…that she appears to most people as a relic of bygone wars, an old soldier marching in an old uniform down old streets with increasingly smaller audiences.
So it goes.
As William Burroughs so eloquently prophesied 45 years ago:
A précis of both of HRC’s presidential campaigns.
She’s lost in time and falling back further every day.
Even her closest aide, Huma Abedin, realizes this.
And that was in 2013!!!
Come to think of it, maybe that’s why Abedin is her closest aide.
So it goes.
P.S. From the above NY Times link. It’s 2016 (!!!), and she does not understand the term “went viral.”
But apparently true.
She then went to a local Dunkin’ Donuts Shop and said to someone on line “I hope I can earn your vote today.”
That’s as “on line” as she is getting, really. While she is dunkin’ for votes one at a time on line at fast food joints, Trump is hologramming his brand to millions of tranced-out voters.
Guess who wins?
Arthur, you would hate for others to read the things people write about you in emails. I can assure you they’re much worse than what Abedin wrote about Hillary.
The same would be true of me, or any of us.
Your choice to use this as a rhetorical weapon here is disappointing, but, given how small you show yourself to be in many of your arguments, unsurprising.
Quote some of those emails, oh neolib god. You have no idea how thick a skin I have developed during my career as a performer.
P.S. It’s not a “rhetorical weapon;” it’s simply what I see happening. HRC is stuck in the past and that’s why Trump is going to kick her ass. You are stuck in the past, too. The now thoroughly devalued leftiness/so-called “progressive” past that has been so well
defanged…errr, ahhhh, defined…by Dkos.It would only be a “rhetorical weapon” if I was humping for Trump. I am plainly not doing so…to the point that I posted here recently about how I would be forced to hold my nose and vote for HRC if she is running against Trump. Neither one is a desirable candidate in my book, and Trump is far less desirable than is HRC. At least HRC…dotty as she is beginning to appear…would serve as something that would promote at least a sense of stasis here, provide more time for people to figure out what has gone wrong with the country and wake the fuck up about the ongoing corporate fix.
Trump would be more like the proverbial bull in a china shop, indiscriminately smashing the joint up until nothing remains in working order.
Then we’d see the real hand of corporate justice all over this country, not just in its ghettos.
This one.
Bet on it.
But by then it might be too late to do anything about it.
Bet on that as well.
Not to worry Arthur. Hillary wears a neoliberalcon cloak of invincibility. Or so I’ve told whenever I speak truths about her and am scolded as blind, stupid, etc.
We shall see about that.. Obama’s performance over the past 7 years may have torn so many holes in that cloak that it’s beginning to resemble the Emperor’s new clothes.
Well, most of the children are screaming, but so far the adults are still seeing glitter and starbursts.
I’m the world’s oldest 19 year old, myself.
Considering the plain fact that most people I meet under about the age of 42 seem to me to more resemble overage pre-schoolers than anything else….YEAH, Marie!!!
That’s about right…
I’ve always been 30. But it’s nice to learn that maybe I can up that to 45 which seems to be the new breaking point on the people not to trust. Or it could just be a short-term anomaly and we return to when “old” kicks in at 31.
“Old” kicks in the moment you surrender. Not before; not after.
Bet on it.
It has been some time since I could physically pass for 30. So, I could get fewer funny looks if I say 45.
I like the funny looks.
You’re a performer and I’m naturally a very shy introvert.
Its not impossible that Trump would pick Christie as his VP, in some megalomaniacal play for NY and NJ, but I think Trump will go in a more classical fascist route and pick a right wing general
Seems the obvious choice, but maybe too many scandals?
Trump’s bullshit-maker can apparently cover all rational objections in a sufficient amount of manure to hide all problems from a potential majority of the electorate. He’ll do whatever instinctually appeals to him because he believes…apparently quite accurately…that he could “…”stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.”
I’m not sure Donald’s teflon woud extend to his surrogates/running mates… I hope not
Donald’s teflon doesn’t even exist for Donald. He currently has far higher negatives of any of the POTUS candidates, significantly higher negatives than Hillary.
Things are breaking well for Trump right now. The general election will have a very different story.