Month: February 2016

Kissing Kissinger

I long for the day when Henry Kissinger has a worse reputation than Richard Nixon. Unfortunately, he’s the dean of our foreign policy establishment, having mentored most of the top national security thinkers of both...

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The Democratic Camps are Getting Nasty

Here is Sen. Debbie Stabenow of Michigan, a staunch supporter of Hillary Clinton who has campaigned for her extensively: “I think Bernie’s terrific as an advocate. There’s a difference between a strong community advocate...

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The Tide Has Turned Against Clinton

I’m trying to do my best to avoid spin and talking points when analyzing the battle between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, and I’m aware that a lot depends on the eyes of the beholder. Having said that, I...

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How Will the GOP Realign, If At All?

I’m a little under the weather today. If I had more energy, I’d do a deep dive into Joshua Green’s excellent piece on the Republican Party realignment we’re witnessing. I encourage you to read it and to...

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