Month: February 2016

If Sanders Loses, Honor, Rejoice and Weep For Him

Chris Bowers, speaking for much of the Netroots, has an important reminder. Win or lose tonight, Bernie Sanders and his organization and the blogosphere and other progressive organizations have already beaten expectations. And,...

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Tearing Out What Substitutes for Trump’s Soul

Greg Sargent has a piece up on how the Clintons plan on going after Donald Trump in the general. Given how close the polls are in Iowa and the fact that Nate Silver is currently giving Bernie Sanders a 91% chance of winning New...

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Money Money Money – Update #2

A fact of life in US politics that seems to have gotten worse with every election cycle since 1968. Candidates’ Receipts and Spending as of 12/31/15 (Official Campaign only) from Politico Tracker. Hillary Clinton –...

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