I remember an earlier June pie fight @dKos which led to many bloggers joining Booman Tribune.  ðŸ™‚

    Misogyny – the patriachal failure inherent to men.

See earlier fp stories:

By StevenD – Why I took my post down for now
By BooMan – Correction

[Update1:] My reply to NealB – What happened?

    ○ Looking into the rear-view mirror. Theme of story .. once online, it’s hard to erase.

From BooMan Tribune Archive: search Kathy Sierra

Markos Moulitsas, Please Do the Right Thing by StevenD
‘Je Suis’ Kathy Sierra by TerranceDC
Open Letter to A-List Bloggers Not Named Markos Moulitsas by StevenD

Death threats and blogging  [cached version as original was deleted]
by Markos Moulitsas on June 16, 2007

Limit remarks here to three posts of the 620 comments …

Oh fuck this shit. (102+ / 0-)

She was the victim of death, rape, and assault threats, which were a small part of a grotesque campaign of online harassment that should turn the stomach of any decent human being.

Hers was not a “gripe” about “tough words.”  It was a legitimate fear of violence.

The willingness of others to dismiss what happened to her – and what happens to a lot of women bloggers, apparently – is disgusting.

This isn’t about speech.  It’s about harassment.  We’re progressives – we should know the fucking difference.

I wish John Edwards were president.

by Drew on Thu Apr 12, 2007 at 12:26:39 AM PDT

yup – here we go (49+ / 0-)

Because when Kos speaks about that which he knows very little (the tech writer thing, not blogging in general) the masses just pile on.

This woman writes about UI (User Interfaces).  The most controversial thing she might possibly have said would revolve around the placement of buttons on an application, fer chrissakes.  And you know what that got her?  Elaborately photoshopped images of her severed neck, or with a noose tied  around it etc etc.  Some of the comments wrote of sexual torture and rape so vile I won’t even descend there.

She does not write about controversial topics.  She writes a fucking tech blog and you sheep are insulting her because Kos knows fuck all nothing about the tech world or the world of NON CONTROVERSIAL BLOGGING.

This woman was electronically raped and you all suggest she grow a thick skin – nice people, nice.

And for the record – the blogger code of ethics is a crock of shit – but you all have so misrepresented this woman that I had to respond to that.

Hand me my old guitar, Pass the whiskey ’round

by htat33 on Thu Apr 12, 2007 at 07:14:00 AM PDT


    Kos should stay our of gender issues (9+ / 0-)

    This is really the point. How dare Kos write about things he knows nothing of? He discredits his site and urges those of us with real interest, passion, and knowledge on this subject to move on to better communities.

    Read my mind.

    by ElaineVigneault on Thu Apr 12, 2007 at 08:53:03 AM PDT

Digging more deeply into the controversy:
Kathy Sierra incident | Geek Feminism Wiki |

The ensuing discussion prompted Chris Clarke’s post How Not To Be An Asshole: A Guide For Men

Ooops … story of weev doesn’t stop there:

weev – activities after release from prison

In October 2014, Auernheimer published an article in the neo-Nazi blog The Daily Stormer in which he revealed himself to be a white nationalist. He displayed photographs of his tattoos, one in the shape of a Swastika. He described his prison time as “thousands of hours yelling the Eddas at the top of my lungs and scrawling runes on the concrete walls.”