The Best Explanation of Trump’s Success So Far-From the Creator of DILBERT!!!

From Fox News, of all places!

Dilbert creator Scott Adams tells Fox News Trump “isn’t just changing politics, he’s changing the human condition”

“I see in him the highest level of skill in persuasive technique I’ve ever seen in any human being alive”

Go see the vid and read the article. Adams is not just a cartoonist…apparently he spent a great deal of time studying persuasion techniques and by extension, hypnosis.

It’s an interesting take. The statement “I see in him the highest level of skill in persuasive technique I’ve ever seen in any human being alive” makes me think of who is not alive who might in Scott’s opinion have surpassed Trump’s talents. They would need to have lived after the invention and proliferation of sound movies, otherwise all evidence would be totally anecdotal.

I can only think of two, myself.

Both of whom scare the shit out of me, to tell you the truth.


Any contenders?


Author: Arthur Gilroy

Born. Still working on it.