Terror is divided in four major historic outbreaks from anarchists in Russia and Eastern Europe during the reigns of Czars in Russia which ended with the outbreak of World War I. Terror by nationalists against colonial powers as example in Algeria the uprising against the French, in Palestine against the British rule and during the Japanese occupation of Indonesia against the Dutch colonial regime. All three colonial powers suffered from home-grown terror from individual groups from the territories they had colonized. The Dutch lost more citizens in the 1970s from terror (Moluccan freedom fighters) than from AQ or IS terror in the last decade.

The CIA support for jihad in Afghanistan against the Soviet invasion of 1981 and the turn of events in Persia and the Islamic Revolution of Khomeiny in 1979 set the stage for the Al Qaeda exploitation of western neo-colonialism of Muslim majority nations. The Islamic States pushed the envelop further by declaring a caliphate in the heavily disputed Middle East with artificial borders drawn by old colonial rulers with the downfall of the Ottoman empire after WWI. The establishment of a Jewish state called Israel with negligence for the fate of the Palestinian people made the region more volatile.

Only Way for Israel to Get Peace Is to Make Peace | JPost | by S. Daniel Abraham

Excellent presentation by Prof. Beatrice de Graaf …

The scourge of terror: A Historical Perspective From 19th Century to Present

“The flame of the resistance is of all times. But as a challenge to the modern State and the liberal society are terrorism and extremism since the 20th century in the focal point of attention. Terrorists are the fundamentalist scourges of modern times. How can we describe the radicalisation puzzle and perhaps even fix it? Without historical awareness and understanding of the context we will certainly get no grip on the phenomenon, “said Beatrice de Graaf.

[In above video, presentation in Dutch language, but larded with some infographics and short self-explanatory video’s]

In the next unrelated presentation in English, ms de Graaf explains counter-terrorism is stage playing as well .. the performance of actors.

New World Summit Leiden – Beatrice de Graaf